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2024 Election Lounge

based orange man legal immigration good
illegal immigration bad

pill abortions good
doctor abortions bad

4th grade trannies good
3rd grade trannies bad

This is the purpose of democracy.
To push things like immigration, abortion, trannies.
The primary goal is pushing their evil agenda.
The secondary goal is soaking up any energies from those who would otherwise threaten the power structure by pushing them into sportsball-like red team / blue team fighting, ensuring the narrative conversation is restricted to the 2 options presented. (Notice how no one ever rebels against things, no matter how crazy they get, outside of an Uncle Ted outlier every couple of decades. Democracy works).

Only through democracy could they ever get a "conservative" man to support positions like mass immigration, trannies, or pharmaceutical abortions. That is truly the brilliance of democracy.


This is more extreme than many immigration positions the left pushes. Imagine going to university in, say, Switzerland, for a fake 2 year accounting associates program, and then thinking you can pick up Swiss citizenship just because you took classes there. No country in the world would offer such a ridiculous giveaway. Absolutely insane.

So what is your point and what are we supposed to do about it?
Politics trickles down from the culture. The majority of the American people are degenerates who approve of LGBT. The government is going to reflect that.
This theory is often repeated, but was never true historically, and there is little evidence to support it today.
Historically, in times of heirarchy and authority, the culture clearly eminated from the leadership. Indeed, even the arts and culture were typically sanctioned by the elite class or the government itself.

In a modern democracy, perhaps things have reversed. Still, I tend to the viewpoint that culture is downstream from politics.
Remember, we only got gay marriage because it was politically forced on us. Supposedly "superliberal" California rejected it. "Liberal" Barack Hussein Obama opposed it. Then it was forced politically and it has spread culturally like wildfire. Is that not culture following politics?

The same was true of course with forced integration, miscegenation, "civil rights", tranny bathrooms, etc. In fact, I struggle to see examples of the Andrew Breitbart claim of politics being downstream from the culture.

This is not the best article, but just one of the more mainstream articles google was willing to serve up on a quick search.

The majority of the American people are degenerates who approve of LGBT.

Again, this wasn't even true in "liberal" California, whose residents banned gay people from marrying until the political system reversed the will of the people.

If the majority accept LGBT today, it is precisely because of the political actions condoning such actions first.

If you still think politics trickles down from culture, look into Weimer Germany and how just a few years later, the most degenerate people in Europe did an about face and were doing this:


based orange man legal immigration good
illegal immigration bad

pill abortions good
doctor abortions bad

4th grade trannies good
3rd grade trannies bad

This is the purpose of democracy.
To push things like immigration, abortion, trannies.
The primary goal is pushing their evil agenda.
The secondary goal is soaking up any energies from those who would otherwise threaten the power structure by pushing them into sportsball-like red team / blue team fighting, ensuring the narrative conversation is restricted to the 2 options presented. (Notice how no one ever rebels against things, no matter how crazy they get, outside of an Uncle Ted outlier every couple of decades. Democracy works).

Only through democracy could they ever get a "conservative" man to support positions like mass immigration, trannies, or pharmaceutical abortions. That is truly the brilliance of democracy.


This is more extreme than many immigration positions the left pushes. Imagine going to university in, say, Switzerland, for a fake 2 year accounting associates program, and then thinking you can pick up Swiss citizenship just because you took classes there. No country in the world would offer such a ridiculous giveaway. Absolutely insane.

based orange man legal immigration good
illegal immigration bad

pill abortions good
doctor abortions bad

4th grade trannies good
3rd grade trannies bad

This is the purpose of democracy.
To push things like immigration, abortion, trannies.
The primary goal is pushing their evil agenda.
The secondary goal is soaking up any energies from those who would otherwise threaten the power structure by pushing them into sportsball-like red team / blue team fighting, ensuring the narrative conversation is restricted to the 2 options presented. (Notice how no one ever rebels against things, no matter how crazy they get, outside of an Uncle Ted outlier every couple of decades. Democracy works).

Only through democracy could they ever get a "conservative" man to support positions like mass immigration, trannies, or pharmaceutical abortions. That is truly the brilliance of democracy.


This is more extreme than many immigration positions the left pushes. Imagine going to university in, say, Switzerland, for a fake 2 year accounting associates program, and then thinking you can pick up Swiss citizenship just because you took classes there. No country in the world would offer such a ridiculous giveaway. Absolutely insane.
You make a good point.
All the (((conservative))) team do in our modern democracies is protect the degeneration and radicalism that the last Left wing party achieved last time out..

Remember how Rush Limbaugh's replacement was ex-intelligence? Alex Jones credibly tied to the CIA, Dan Bongino is 'ex Secret Service', questions around Tucker and Steve "take!down!the-CCP!" Bannon and their role as intel assets... the intel agencies are most concerned with the conservative public mind, regulating the pantomime that Boomers and the like are addicted to and making sure that they believe its all real.

I wish that 911 was still here. In the video above - aside from all the based! putdowns and comebacks that Bannon deploys the Dem interviewer absolutely missed a trick.
The most interesting tell was that Bannon is working with the Heritage Foundation, - that is a Deep State Neo Con institution almost as in love with the pointless and endless foreign wars that Bannon pretends to be campaigning about as the CEFR. It shows the reality that I perceive - business as usual with the Deep State etc entirely unaffected beneath all the grandstanding and controversy that will fill our screens for the next four years, going precisely nowhere.

It also highlights something quite schizophrenic about this campaign that I haven't seen anyone discussing: -
Trumps platform in 2016 was as the first candidate in decades to point the finger at China as the US' no. 1 rival and to say - we're in a competition and that is our enemy. People loved it. Whats interesting is that the people most upset seemed to be (((American))) Wall Street and half of the rear-echelon US military (generals et al)
Steve Bannon, credibly accused of doing mountains of coke on board a Chinese dissident billionaire's yacht, was in-like-Flynn with all the anti CCP groups especially around the CIA-2019-HongKongRiots. Bannon was taking the anti-China rhetoric way further than Trump in 2019 and 2020.
Then, in the debate, Trump said that he wanted "peace" and especially "peace with China".. that to me is a sea change in his public stance.
Bannon in the interview on the last page said the same thing, but even stronger, we want to stop all this confrontation with china in the South China Sea...
eh, what..? That is a complete volte-face from Steve Bannon 2019/2020.
Even the fact that Hunter Biden was seemingly completely turned, bribed, owned and controlled by the CCP types he dealt with in China -(remember Joe taking Hunter with him to China on Air Force Two, absolutely caving in the face of Chinese naval aggression, and then Hunter miraculously getting an over one billion dollar Chinese hedge fund to oversee about a week later?) - has been absolutely overlooked this campaign.. Ive hardly heard it mentioned.

I would at least expect the media to be all over this sea-change in Trump messaging - but it just gets politely ignored.

More evidence that these (((conservatives))) like Nigel Farage (run by Zionist Banker Bill Browder) or complete flake Giorgia Meloni or conservative-lite deceiver Marine LePen or zionist jew Geert Wilders in Holland.. or Zion Don - who was run at first by Roy Cohn that evil jewish pedophile - are just completely fake.
Their job Is to soothe the frustrations of Red NPCS and Boomer types and to ameliorate their concerns, long enough that when the Leftist radicals get back in the needle can be moved significantly again.

And when this is spelt out to Boomers - that its not just Officer Dibble, up on screen, who is a cartoon sketched by his owner (((Hanna-Barbara))) but that Zion-DOn.. cough.. sorry.. I mean Top Cat himself is ALSO a cartoon under the control of (((Hanna-Barbera)) - they immediately start whining like over entitled hotel guests who were GUARANTEED someone to root for .. "Well, Who ARE we supposed to root for?" "none of them, that's the point, its a stage show, a shadow play" "no, no, that's not what Alex Jones/Steve Bannon/Tim Pool says!" "okay enjoy your delusions.. and Just Vote Harder!"
which is what their Master tells them -
stay on the just-vote-harder plantation like a Good Goy..

The thing that freaks out the Neo-cons, the Feds, the influencers is the idea that the average prole will see through all of this.
there is not one candidate or mainstream influencer out there that is on our side.
their long term goal is the demoralisation and disillusion that develops amongst a population that realises that it has been wholesale tricked (see the Russians, Kerensky and the co-opted farce that was White Russian resistance to the burgeoning power of the genocidal Bolsheviks.)

trump will do nothing but advance the plans of those who are whole heartedly our enemies. Oh, and Israel will get more and more of what it wants.. under Biden, under Trump.. probably more so under Trump.
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In a modern democracy, perhaps things have reversed. Still, I tend to the viewpoint that culture is downstream from politics.
Remember, we only got gay marriage because it was politically forced on us. Supposedly "superliberal" California rejected it. "Liberal" Barack Hussein Obama opposed it. Then it was forced politically and it has spread culturally like wildfire. Is that not culture following politics?
It's both-and. The government is the way it is because it's made up of the people from the culture. In that sense, politics is downstream from culture and people get the government they deserve. But it is also true that the government is in the business of social engineering, so culture can be downstream from politics. That California ruling is a perfect example. The more corrupt a government is, the more they will engage in this social engineering. Leftism is like a virus. It infected the body politic and is now spreading the infection to ensure its survival.

Again, this wasn't even true in "liberal" California, whose residents banned gay people from marrying until the political system reversed the will of the people.
That was then, but this is now. If that vote were to be held again today, I don't think they would need a crooked judge to force the results that they want.
Teflon Don saved at the last minute as always...

Trump sentencing in hush-money case delayed until September

"A New York judge has delayed Donald Trump’s sentencing until September as his legal team seeks to challenge his conviction in the wake of a US Supreme Court ruling. Trump was initially scheduled to be sentenced on 11 July. His legal team asked for his conviction to be overturned after the nation’s highest court ruled that former presidents had partial immunity for “official” acts that took place during their presidency. Justice Juan Merchan said he would issue a decision on the motions by 6 September.

If sentencing is necessary, the judge wrote, it will take place on 18 September."

Even after witnessing the despicable authoritarian behavior displayed by leftists during COVID, it's still shocking to see them blithely and openly calling for Biden to kill his political rival and declare a de facto military dictatorship in the process.

I honestly wonder sometimes if these 'people' are even human. Their bloodlust and will to power at the expense of all reason and principle is utterly demonic.
I don't have a source but I'm hearing that Hunter Biden is now an official advisor for Joe, and is receiving security briefings.

Also heard that Obama while expressing support publicly, he spoke to Biden and his team privately and pleaded for them to step aside.
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Even after witnessing the despicable authoritarian behavior displayed by leftists during COVID, it's still shocking to see them blithely and openly calling for Biden to kill his political rival and declare a de facto military dictatorship in the process.

I honestly wonder sometimes if these 'people' are even human. Their bloodlust and will to power at the expense of all reason and principle is utterly demonic.
Remember in Sodom and Gomorrah that Angels were allowed to take shape as humans.
Even after witnessing the despicable authoritarian behavior displayed by leftists during COVID, it's still shocking to see them blithely and openly calling for Biden to kill his political rival and declare a de facto military dictatorship in the process.

I honestly wonder sometimes if these 'people' are even human. Their bloodlust and will to power at the expense of all reason and principle is utterly demonic.
I had one tell me he wanted a dictatorship back in 2015. A left-wing, Stalinist one. I told him I wanted a dictatorship too. A right-wing, fascist one.
I refuse to believe any of this is organic, the guy has been a disaster for 4 years....hell he shits himself on TV, rambles and wanders off like a vagrant alcoholic. Now all of a sudden it's a problem and not being covered up?

Does not pass the smell test (ha!), I would say the silver lining is that more people will wake up and see everything is a sham but I doubt it....people want to be fooled lately and the dem voters who don't already know it's all a sham will never change their minds anyway, they're in too deep.