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2024 Election Lounge

Yeah that would be my guess.

At this point I don't think it matters.

Cooking the books aside, and they will try bigly, its impossible for me to see how the Dems don't get schwached.
I would not underestimate Gavin. If they're able to successfully slot him in at the 11th hour, that alone will generate an unprecedented groundswell of enthusiasm and excitement for the Dems. It will also spare Newsom much of the scrutiny and damage he would normally receive over the course of a long Presidential campaign. He's also a very talented politician - in the sense that he is at once incredibly charming and utterly sociopathic. He is by far the best option the Democrats could field at this point, and with the entire media machine, Big Tech and Deep State united behind him, he would be an extremely formidable opponent for Trump.

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BREAKING: Mediaite, a Left-Wing News Outlet, Urges Joe Biden to "Drop Out"

"I have long opposed calls for President Joe Biden to drop out. I no longer do. His performance at Thursday night’s debate proved he is not fit to be president, let alone finish an arduous campaign.

"Within the first 15 minutes of the CNN debate, it was abundantly clear that Biden was not up to the task. His raspy voice, perhaps from too much debate prep, was disastrous for viewers who tuned in with an open mind about the state of the 81-year-old commander-in-chief. He lost his train of thought in the 14th minute of the debate, before feebly declaring, “We defeated Medicare.”

"Democratic officials and progressive pundits have sounded the alarm about the future of the United States should Trump win the 2024 race. Democracy itself is on the line. If the circumstances are so dire, how did the power brokers within the DNC let us get to the end of June before the nation could fully see how much Biden has aged in just the last three-and-a-half years?"

Dems shocked - absolutely shocked, I tell you! - that Joe Biden is a shambling, incoherent corpse of a man. Where the hell have these people been for the past several years? It's honestly impossible to tell sometimes if they are pathologically dishonest or simply delusional.
I’d go with a bit of both. By pretty much any objective standard-the economy, national security, the border etc Biden has either been an outright failure or severely lacking at best. These people WILL support him no matter what because there’s a D next to his name.
The real problem I see here is that people have been covering for Biden knowing full well that he is incapable of the complex, multi-layered thought required to effectively govern and manage the US. People like Jill Biden and Karine Jean-Pierre in particular may be committing crimes against the state by effectively running the country for Biden. It must be fun to have presidential powers (control and or undue influence over Biden) without ever having been elected. But is it legal?

*NOTE: The above is for normies. Everyone here knows that the JQ deep state has been running this sh*t show the entire time.
I have long been skeptical of the notion that Dems were plotting to replace Biden (it seemed too risky the longer they waited, plus they still have a very effective voter fraud operation at their disposal), but there's no way they can continue with him after tonight. Not only on account of his awful performance, but due to the reactions we're seeing from these Democrat operatives/pundits, who are all clearly on the same page being highly critical of Biden. This was an orchestrated hit by the DNC to take Biden out. It's that simple and it's very obvious. This was their play, their one shot to remove him from the ticket, and they went all-in. If Biden somehow miraculously survives this disaster, he will be utterly routed come election day, a Trump landslide with only the most hardcore blue states going to Biden.
I have long been skeptical of the notion that Dems were plotting to replace Biden (it seemed too risky the longer they waited, plus they still have a very effective voter fraud operation at their disposal), but there's no way they can continue with him after tonight. Not only on account of his awful performance, but due to the reactions we're seeing from these Democrat operatives/pundits, who are all clearly on the same page being highly critical of Biden. This was an orchestrated hit by the DNC to take Biden out. It's that simple and it's very obvious. This was their play, their one shot to remove him from the ticket, and they went all-in. If Biden somehow miraculously survives this disaster, he will be utterly routed come election day, a Trump landslide with only the most hardcore blue states going to Biden.
As soon as they repeated "this is the earliest a presidential debate has ever taken place" I smelled a rat. They're not subtle at all in their world building and narrative crafting.
Hilarious that the "democracy" lovers now want to pull him off the ticket and replace him with someone else. We have to protect democracy! By installing someone who nobody voted for in a primary election?
No, no, no don’t you understand!? It’s because racism (or whatever the buzzword is this week).
Biden was more alert and articulate than I expected him to be. He still wasn't coherent the entire time, but the fact that he stood the entire time and spoke without pooping his pants is already enough to amaze me. A buddy speculated that he was on Adderall and liquid cocaine. How long can Biden even handle this before his heart just gives out?
Biden was more alert and articulate than I expected him to be. He still wasn't coherent the entire time, but the fact that he stood the entire time and spoke without pooping his pants is already enough to amaze me. A buddy speculated that he was on Adderall and liquid cocaine. How long can Biden even handle this before his heart just gives out?
They have to use this cocktail sparingly...

If he dies and Kamala get in charge we are proper fucked and they know it too.
My best guess is what @Papaya used to say - Biden is a humiliation ritual. Biden has been a potato for some time. It only really seems to have escalated (his potato-level) in the past few months. He gave a 45 minute UN speech a while back and there was a 2 minute reel of him messing things up. Another one of the worst ones was after than Afghanistan withdrawal, when he put his head in his hands and stopped speaking. Every MSM outlet ignored that and even cut it out of their videos of the speaker. They've ran cover for him for 5 years and I don't think they've once mentioned it. There has been the very occasional mention of him being a bit old. Even in those above videos, they don't want to say the obvious - Biden is in a state of significant cognitive decline. Every one of these hacks has spent the last five years being humiliated in having to cover up for Biden, pretend he's fine, even finish his lines - while the whole world knows he has dementia or Alzheimer's. The media has no credibility. Their ratings are negative and they've shot that even more negative with this unwillingness to mention this. They are cucks. They can keep their cushy jobs, but as long as they make themselves look like fools that no one at all finds credible.

Cernovic had a good line on this some time ago. He said his wife still had liberal friends, but they don't want to talk politics any more. It's too embarrassing for them. Libs have been through a five year cuckoldry-humiliation ritual of having to paper over Biden's decline and awful record.

Conversely, if you are on the right, you live in a wall-to-wall leftist country. Everything is left wing. Your military is laughed at around the world due to the Afghanistan exit, the trooning and other woke nonsense. The Democrats have destroyed the places you live. If you lived in LA, you left for the counties, then you left the state. All the time you wanted to point out how they are destroying the place you want to live in. But you probably couldn't, because you didn't want to be called a Nazi every time you opened your mouth. Now California is awash with crime, vagrants, illegal immigrants, welfare queens, unaffordable housing, skyrocketing prices, rapists and thieves. Libs are humiliated in having to hold the door open as future lawyers make out with goods. They have excrement thrown over their heads by the mentally deranged as they dodge human faeces on the sidewalk. Their children are indoctrinated into transgenderism from an early age by men who have a fetish for transitioning minors. So, they move out to the state capitol in your red state. And they start calling you a Nazi when you speak out against them turning your new home into the same cesspit they left.

America is a humiliation ritual. You are humiliated into a cuck who must keep silent as everything you want is destroyed. Idiot libs (which is all of them) must keep silent on the degradation they've supported all their lives and support an increasingly decrepit elderly man into wave after wave of humiliating defeats.

So, I think the most likely case is Biden dodders and stumbles all the way to the finish line. That Biden is being run at all shows that whoever controls him is not serious. No one believes Biden has one ounce of power. If his handlers wanted to win they'd choose Newsome. Why exactly - I don't know. But having Biden run again is the most humiliating route for libs. It's the most humiliating thing for the country. Then they will have four years of agony under the masterful troll act Trump will unleash; grinding their already limp-wrist testosterone levels into that of a eunuch. It doesn't matter if he may make their lives better. Trump is the anathema of their biting, hen-pecking, soft decline bureaucracy, which is safe for them, and which bars any real opposition. Their soft ridiculous and terminal system is brittle and can only be held up by a vast bureaucracy of pathetic mother hens. They sense the rot of the society they have sculpted, but avoid peering into the terminal corpse of their own dead making. And they too sense that they or their partner's children will one day live in a brutal inversion to the masculine, where their status plummets and everything is laid out in a way that does not suit them.

What's going on? Who knows. But if Biden continues to run, I sense that the script has been pre-written. That Trump will win. Biden continuing to run is an indication that their are Epstein tapes hanging over heads. The Democratic mafia are just going to have to stand aside, as Trump returns to the Presidency and enacts a full-on Zionist package for Israel, at the behest of the Epstein tape owners.