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2024 Election Lounge

Anyone surprised at Biden's condition has not been paying attention for the last 5 years. He was worse than 2020, sure, but that much worse? Did the dems/media decide to let it show this time, or was it just beyond denial for low info voters? The noticing phenomena is expanding.

Imagine Biden somehow survives, "wins," and serves another 4 yrs. What an (appropriate) mockery that would be of our idiot body politic. I was sure he would've been Article 25d by now, but I was wrong. They kept him around for useful idiocy. He still delivers that in spades. The primary reason to replace him is that, if he wins, everyone will know the vote is rigged. They don't want to let the mask slip on our "sacred democracy," or do they?

@Cynllo, I agree this is some sort of humiliation ritual, but the last 4 yrs have been a humiliation ritual for Republicans. Trump supporters have been forced to eat crap for a while. Now it's the Democrats turn. If they are looking for a way to mock the entire electorate, including Democrats, then Biden is their man.
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I'll do my tinfoil now.

ZOG wants a completely controlled right wing leadership now. In Europe, in Canada, in USA. A toothless right wing that only serves ZOG goals, where Israel and global corporatism are the highest ideals. They're quite happy with 4 years of Trump who is completely beholden to them now. Plus it will excite the American public just enough to be a proper sleight of hand, because he is the only politician that a decent chunk of people really like.

The ZOG agenda will march ahead unchallenged (war in the Middle East, send those browns to all the middle class flyover neighborhoods in Europe, Canada, USA to completely destroy families of European descent and forever change the culture of the places where real right wing leaders could be born). Maybe they even allow Trump a border victory of dashing "illegals", to contrast all the amazing and special "legal" "refugees" the West will be taking in instead.

Then, when things are far worse in 4 years, shift again to blame "the right wing", and do 8 glorious years of Gavin Newsom.

The 33% of people who will always vote Democrat will always side with Biden and avoid the elephant in the room. This humiliation ritual has legs.
I'll do my tinfoil now.

ZOG wants a completely controlled right wing leadership now. In Europe, in Canada, in USA. A toothless right wing that only serves ZOG goals, where Israel and global corporatism are the highest ideals. They're quite happy with 4 years of Trump who is completely beholden to them now. Plus it will excite the American public just enough to be a proper sleight of hand, because he is the only politician that a decent chunk of people really like.

The ZOG agenda will march ahead unchallenged (war in the Middle East, send those browns to all the middle class flyover neighborhoods in Europe, Canada, USA to completely destroy families of European descent and forever change the culture of the places where real right wing leaders could be born). Maybe they even allow Trump a border victory of dashing "illegals", to contrast all the amazing and special "legal" "refugees" the West will be taking in instead.

Then, when things are far worse in 4 years, shift again to blame "the right wing", and do 8 glorious years of Gavin Newsom.
Trump banned Muslims last time, can ZOG push Muslims in USA? The geographical situation makes it far more difficult to infest the USA with Muslims.

The 33% of people who will always vote Democrat will always side with Biden and avoid the elephant in the room. This humiliation ritual has legs.

So, Biden has lost all the independents. No amount of vote rigging can save this. Or maybe it can? I doubt they'll go all in on vote rigging for something this obvious, it's too dangerous, even for (((them))).

This entire debacle with Biden is a great example of how Talmuds lose power. The parasite's chosen puppet is dying, and they do not have a suitable replacement. Thus some of the Jews want Biden to stay in, and they strongarm the Democrat party to keep him in, but they forgot that God is real and none of us are immortal. Now their puppet is dying and they are in panic mode.

Trump is still very much in the pocket of Talmuds, but it's not enough for (((them))). They want 100% obedience, and, for example, Trump's aversion to war with Russia is a huge no-no for most world Jewry. They will accept Trump begrudgingly but it's far from their first choice.

The only way they can get rid of Biden right now is if they use the 25th amendment. Then they can nominate Gavin at the Dem convention. It would be their best move so it is likely.
Humiliation ritual.

Is this his wife?

If so, it's pretty obvious she enjoys being first lady so much she would be willing to kill her husband over it. Poor guy, he has no idea what's going on around him.

Recently, everytime some liberal type has brought up 'trump' (in that kind of conspirital way they do where they expect you to start agreeing that orange man bad), I immediately start talking about how it's pretty obvious that Joe is in a really bad way and that we are presented with two such old boomers. They know, these liberal types. They all look away and down and mumble then about the lack of choices. They know the lie, they know they're being lied to. Their programming won't let them admit it.
As others have said this is a total set up, Biden being a disaster isn't new why would they let him debate at all and debate this early? Why all of a sudden did all the puppets covering it up decide it's a problem now? I would say I would be shocked if people fall for this but who knows anymore....people want to be fooled now it seems.
So, Biden has lost all the independents. No amount of vote rigging can save this. Or maybe it can? I doubt they'll go all in on vote rigging for something this obvious, it's too dangerous, even for (((them))).

This entire debacle with Biden is a great example of how Talmuds lose power. The parasite's chosen puppet is dying, and they do not have a suitable replacement. Thus some of the Jews want Biden to stay in, and they strongarm the Democrat party to keep him in, but they forgot that God is real and none of us are immortal. Now their puppet is dying and they are in panic mode.

Trump is still very much in the pocket of Talmuds, but it's not enough for (((them))). They want 100% obedience, and, for example, Trump's aversion to war with Russia is a huge no-no for most world Jewry. They will accept Trump begrudgingly but it's far from their first choice.

The only way they can get rid of Biden right now is if they use the 25th amendment. Then they can nominate Gavin at the Dem convention. It would be their best move so it is likely.

I think Biden’s handlers will replace him. Ask him to step aside and if he refuses they kill him and make it look like natural causes
So, Biden has lost all the independents. No amount of vote rigging can save this. Or maybe it can? I doubt they'll go all in on vote rigging for something this obvious, it's too dangerous, even for (((them))).

This entire debacle with Biden is a great example of how Talmuds lose power. The parasite's chosen puppet is dying, and they do not have a suitable replacement. Thus some of the Jews want Biden to stay in, and they strongarm the Democrat party to keep him in, but they forgot that God is real and none of us are immortal. Now their puppet is dying and they are in panic mode.

Trump is still very much in the pocket of Talmuds, but it's not enough for (((them))). They want 100% obedience, and, for example, Trump's aversion to war with Russia is a huge no-no for most world Jewry. They will accept Trump begrudgingly but it's far from their first choice.

The only way they can get rid of Biden right now is if they use the 25th amendment. Then they can nominate Gavin at the Dem convention. It would be their best move so it is likely.

I think there are two different Jewish mafias. A liberal one and a Zionist one.

Two differences you will get between a Boden and Trump presidency:


1) more like a two state solution for Israel-Palestine
2) deals with Iran
3) mass illegal immigration
4) attempting to deconstruct Russia, Ukraine war (replacing Chabad mafia in Russia with liberal Jewish mafia)


1) more like complete annexation of Palestine to Israel, ethnic cleansing
2) isolation of Iran
3) much reduced illegal immigration
4) leaving Russia alone, ending the Ukraine war (leaving Chabad mafia in control of Russia)

And I think that if Biden runs it's because the Zionist mafia has this cooked. Not hard to imagine they have tapes of Joe and/or Hunter. That video of Jill Biden above is bizarre. She will know more than anyone that he is a potato. Strikes me as the action of someone who is blackmailed. Could be something else. But anyone who cared for Boden would have pulled him out.
The sudden tone shift is very suspicious, no doubt. However I do think that some of the reactions are genuine. Everyone here has been following the story of Joe wandering aimlessly, soiling his pants in different countries for the last few months, so this debate was no surprise, we expected it.

But the average democrat voter? They probably haven't been paying close attention since the last election. They still obsess about Trump 24/7 even after he's been out of office. Fast forward to last night, you get large numbers of people tuning in and they are presented with 2024 crypt keeper Joe, whose condition is so bad that it's impossible to deny.

I think it's possible that Joe's handlers and all of the democrat pundits hoped they could squeak Joe through another election cycle, but their plans blew up in their face with last night's debate.

If they wanted Joe out before this, why didn't they simply primary him? They let him run basically unopposed in the primaries. Now they're going to scramble around at the last minute and stick someone in there who the democrat base didn't even vote for as their nominee? That's not a good look, either.
Across the pond the news stations are all over this. Absolute cringe, elder abuse, etc. That video above of Jill Biden congratulating him on answering questions reminds me of my wife when our youngest successfully used the potty for the first time. This is embarrassing, just imagine how hard Putin, Xi and co are laughing. I can't even laugh, I'm completely against what the Dems are doing to your country, but watching an old man ready to die like that is like watching an old dog whose legs no longer work try to crawl towards it's food. Just pull out the shotgun already.