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2024 Election Lounge

CNN post debate analysis , saying Dems are panicking. Very senior Democrats trying to figure out how to get Biden off the ticket.

Will it be Gavin, Hillary, or Big Mike?
It's gotta be Gavin to create buzz, excitement and maximum contrast with Trump. Big Mike is on the record as not being interested. Hillary would obviously be salivating for the opportunity, but she's still the same unlikeable Hillary who lost to Trump in 2016. Gavin is young, sharp and very polished. He's the furthest thing from Biden, which is what they need.
It's gotta be Gavin to create buzz, excitement and maximum contrast with Trump. Big Mike is on the record as not being interested. Hillary would obviously be salivating for the opportunity, but she's still the same unlikeable Hillary who lost to Trump in 2016. Gavin is young, sharp and very polished. He's the furthest thing from Biden, which is what they need.
Yeah that would be my guess.

At this point I don't think it matters.

Cooking the books aside, and they will try bigly, its impossible for me to see how the Dems don't get schwached.
Will it be Gavin, Hillary, or Big Mike?
Given-and yes I spelled that incorrectly on purpose-is the most “conventional” candidate. They could probably spin him as a kind of modern JFK.

I’ve heard that the leftists still consider 2016 to be a miscarriage of justice. They’d love nothing more than to “right a wrong” and see her back in the White House.

I’m 50/50 on the Obama’s. They could try and run on nostalgia, but I’m skeptical if people will buy what they’re selling.
Anybody got Trump's closing? I didn't catch it.

Full text
Trump Delivers Crushing Final Blow to Joe Biden

“All he does is make our country unsafe by allowing millions and millions of people to pour in. Our military doesn't respect him. We look like fools in Afghanistan. We didn't stop Israel. It was such a horrible thing. That would have never happened. It should have never happened.”

“We're living in hell. We have the Palestinians and we have everybody else rioting all over the place. You talk about Charlottesville. This is 100 times Charlottesville, a thousand times. The whole country is exploding because of you because they don’t respect you, and they have to respect their president. And they don’t respect you throughout the world.”

