2024 Election Lounge

White pill actually.

“I hope I’m wrong but if we lose in November I think the main reason why will be the number of young men of all races that are no longer Democrats. There’s been a taboo about talking about this because we understandably are hesitant to make men a main point of conversation (given we have been for thousands of years) but we have a real problem to deal with. At this point with 60 days to go there isn’t much we can do to recover it other than turning out more young woman and trying to slow the departure of young men. I think a lot of this is caused by Covid and the epidemic of male loneliness in this country and the ensuing commodification through social media of misogyny. Long-term, we have a lot of work to do to provide positive examples of what actual masculinity looks like that is not defined by putting down women or other people, but by lifting others up and being a true leader.”
White pill actually.

“I hope I’m wrong but if we lose in November I think the main reason why will be the number of young men of all races that are no longer Democrats. There’s been a taboo about talking about this because we understandably are hesitant to make men a main point of conversation (given we have been for thousands of years) but we have a real problem to deal with. At this point with 60 days to go there isn’t much we can do to recover it other than turning out more young woman and trying to slow the departure of young men. I think a lot of this is caused by Covid and the epidemic of male loneliness in this country and the ensuing commodification through social media of misogyny. Long-term, we have a lot of work to do to provide positive examples of what actual masculinity looks like that is not defined by putting down women or other people, but by lifting others up and being a true leader.”

SOOOO much soy.
White pill actually.

“I hope I’m wrong but if we lose in November I think the main reason why will be the number of young men of all races that are no longer Democrats. There’s been a taboo about talking about this because we understandably are hesitant to make men a main point of conversation (given we have been for thousands of years) but we have a real problem to deal with. At this point with 60 days to go there isn’t much we can do to recover it other than turning out more young woman and trying to slow the departure of young men. I think a lot of this is caused by Covid and the epidemic of male loneliness in this country and the ensuing commodification through social media of misogyny. Long-term, we have a lot of work to do to provide positive examples of what actual masculinity looks like that is not defined by putting down women or other people, but by lifting others up and being a true leader.”

Roosh said in his 2015 speech, that the first problem with the world:

“Women are gays are now superior to straight men.” And he said in another interview it’s especially “straight WHITE men.”

can’t think of anything dems have done for straight men.
Does Trump have a plan in place to stop potential cheating, like in 2020? I haven't heard him talk about it yet, and it feels like it should be a top priority.
I would hope so. All these polls and excitement mean nothing if you don’t deal with the cheating. I knew they would cheat incredibly after seeing that sham campaign Biden ran in 2020, just knew it. I’m sure that if there is a plan, GOP would be smart about keeping very quiet about it because OPSEC.
This is the main reason to avoid watching mainstream sports. Many of the players hate regular Americans, but the cucks (fans) will still give them their money.
I've had the "pleasure" of meeting a lot of these top tier athletes. I was in a working capacity, so they were mostly respectful, kind and polite to me. I also didn't want anything from them, other than to treat them like any other customer. I get a sense they are sort of "coached" into how to behave in public. In that they are nice and respectful back to me in a way that was probably told to them "you get this large sum of money but in exchange you have to behave nice to others in public to keep up your reputation". Some seem genuine, others are in passing, I don't mind at all.

But, if the average sports fan realized how much they are loathed by their "hero's". How much these "hero's" want to be left alone and away from them. And more so, just how vapid, empty, young and immature these athletes are, they might look at them much differently. These are "men" who have never worked an honest day in their lives, never faced real struggle (the likes average men face), who were born winning the genetic lottery to make millions playing a meaningless game, and the result is they are really unimpressive people.

I talked to a security guy who does very high end detail for celebrities and he had much the same thoughts on them. His quote, which I now tell others, is "never met your hero's". I think that sums it all up perfectly, or more so, I wish these fans had to meet their hero's and get a much needed reality check.
Does Trump have a plan in place to stop potential cheating, like in 2020? I haven't heard him talk about it yet, and it feels like it should be a top priority.
He posted this a few days ago where he called out a very specific agency, "Depravity of Justice".


This guy has got to know better than this. He must know that it is the jews that took out his father and his uncle. How JQ cucked can one nepo-baby be? The democrat and republican parties are two sides of the same JQ coin. They are simply playing the old "good cop, bad cop" switcheroo-uniparty -games to keep normies heads spinning long enough to finish getting their white, heterosexual, Christian-male depopulation agenda accomplished. Neither party is for the common man, and both parties are for endless war and unfettered non-white immigration.
Trump versus Harris presidential debate tonight !

Even though I favor Trump, and think he will do better than Kamala, I expect the debate will be extremely cringe, and I dislike watching or reading cringy stuff.

I am anxious to see how the debate turns out, but I will be looking for reaction posts, tweets, articles, polls, etc. I won't be watching it live.

I hope she is torpedoed as bad or worse than Biden was in June.
Even though I favor Trump, and think he will do better than Kamala, I expect the debate will be extremely cringe, and I dislike watching or reading cringy stuff.

I am anxious to see how the debate turns out, but I will be looking for reaction posts, tweets, articles, polls, etc. I won't be watching it live.

I hope she is torpedoed as bad or worse than Biden was in June.
I think she'll be ok and I think the media will hype it up as her doing well.