2024 Election Lounge

John Cena Reaction GIF by WWE

Don't worry about the update guys! Kamala still has epic support from her roots on the subcontinent:

Amazing Season 6 GIF by Bachelor in Paradise
A Christian NBA player supporting an anti-Christian Marxist for President.

It's a common thing for African American Christians to reflexively vote for the Democrat candidate no matter what. For decades a regularly used Democrat strategy to drum up this voting base is the "souls to the polls" campaign.

The “Souls to the Polls” movement began in Florida during the 1990s. The concept was to organize caravans after church service on the Sunday prior to Election Day to transport Black congregants to early voting locations. By the early 2000s, the NAACP, Black denominations and other organizations had transformed “Souls to the Polls” into a national movement.

I attended a service last month at a church that has a congregation that is mostly black and Hispanic and it was in the parking lot there that I saw a Harris/Walz bumper sticker for the first time in my blue state.
Talk about an awkward "Walz Family Reunion".

That guy has seriously alienated his family!

You could argue that becoming a governor is a fairly big success, and you would expect the family to play down any political differences.

However, his entire family seems like they'd like to shove a stick in his eye, and wear T-shirts to celebrate the deed.
Putin supports Harris, and is disappointed that Joe is not running. LOL

This is softball reverse psychology to deny the Trump-haters their argument that Trump and Putin are colluding to win Trump the election. Alternatively, there are some voters that go on pure emotion that will not vote for Kamala, because they hate Putin (cuz the boob-tube told them to). These voters won't vote for Trump, but they'll just not vote, or they'll find another throwaway candidate from a minority party.

The Jewish obsession with Russia is a good example of the limits of assimilation. All of the Jews going bonkers over Russia trace their family tree back to the old Russian Empire, usually the area that is now Ukraine. That is where they evolved this bone deep hatred of Russians.

Garfinkle, that is the real name of Merrick Garland, is second generation. His grandparents emigrated from the Pale of Settlement. They brought with them that hatred of Russia and we see it remains in the family, like a precious heirloom.

It is not just Jews, of course, every group brings their long evolved instincts which manifest in cultural items that become part of their stereotype. In many cases, these are just spices in the stew of America, but in other cases they are a poison.

People like the neocons are a cautionary tale about the downstream consequences of immigration and the limits of assimilation.