2024 Election Lounge

Kamala Harris was losing on election night in 2010, but after 4 weeks of vote counting she pulled ahead:

Lawrence O'Donnell (2010): "4 weeks after the November 2nd election, California has finally has declared in the Attorney General race. Harris finished so close to her Republican opponent [Steve Cooley] that it took a month to finish counting every vote. She won by less than 1 percentage point."

Steve Cooley (2024): "State law mandated that every ballot had to be counted. All the provisional votes, those that are harvested and dropped off at polling locations were counted. She beat me by .3 of 1%."

A Democrat tradition, losing on election day but 'winning' days, weeks, or months later:

LBJ in 1941 won on election day, but his opponent 'found votes' days later and won.

LBJ in 1948 lost on election day, but 'found votes' (an election official admitted to manufacturing votes for LBJ) and won days later.

Norm Coleman in 2008 won on election day, but after months of counting, Al Franken 'won'.

And of course Trump won in 2020 on election day, but after a week of unsupervised counting, Biden 'won'.

Republicans win the game in regulation. After everyone has gone home, Democrats 'win' in overtime when no one knows the game is still being played.


Cuban: "No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no..."

NEW: Mark Cuban gets flustered & says "no" 16 times after CNBC host Rebecca Quick said Kamala is just telling people what they want to hear.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," Cuban said.

The "no" comment came after Cuban said Harris' plan to tax unrealized gains would crash the stock market.

Cuban then assured the hosts that the Harris campaign told him "they realize" that taxing unrealized gains is an issue.

This is completely different than what the Harris campaign is saying publicly which is that they plan on taxing rich people on their unrealized gains.

Quick then called out the Harris campaign for telling voters something much different than what she is saying behind the scenes.

Cuban said it's not a big deal because they "gotta get the details right."

Quick: "But the election is in 60 days."
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This part in the article is funny.

This little clip is only confirming what I’m starting to believe. “The Cathedral” is real. It’s the intersection of academia, big corp, and media. They follow an atheistic, materialist, marxist ideology, yet are not communist. “Post communist?” Is that a thing? I’ve taken it from Mencius Moldbug from another era. Problem is the Cathedral has conqured for itself a democratic government.

Alexa is an Amazon product. If the American leftist narrative was true, shouldn’t Alexa be shilling for Trump because “muh capitalism?” The American lefts actual endgame is essentially the “Latin American-ization” of the US. I’ve done a deep dive into Spanish Colonial history and English Colonial history. The reason we see all the race crap in America and not in say Colombia or Mexico is that those societies elites already have what the Cathedral wants wants in the US. A society where those on top can basically do whatever they want with zero accountability and have impoverished masses to cater to their whims. Research the Spanish “Casta” system and you’ll see that’s how their society worked. Amazon wants to be Peninsulares and we need to shut up and be Criollos and serfs. Even though they’re a company and should like capitalism, they’d rather back the politics that bring about the world they want. Unfortunately the US has a history of citizenship instead of subject-ship. These are two different things. We have a history of self government and a landed middle class. Latin America does not. A lot of the lefts looniness is an attempt to change that. And if the US born population fights, they’ll just replace us.
He's a tryhard. Nothing natural about him, forcing himself to act excited and animated with prescripted mannerisms. He's incapable of feeling the energy of the crowd. He has no innate leadership qualities.
Plus those shoes.. Awful.

The right to bear arms is there to protect free speech and stop a tyrannical government from taking your rights away!That’s why the first thing that all tyrants do is disarm the people, just like Chavez did when he was first elected. After that, no more real elections in Venezuela

Edit. Warning: Language.

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