2024 Election Lounge

The "bros versus hoes" election. I guess we'll find out who has the higher body count, heh. Hint: there are more simp men than savvy men, but every woman can be a hoe. Clinton was the winner because he was likeable, and he was a form of exoneration for the boomers that had thrown away conservativism. Kamala isn't real likeable, but she has the hoe-forgiveness factor. Every woman that's done the walk of shame can relate - and that's almost every woman. Maybe the cat lady jokes will energize some male voters, but it will harden women against Trump/Vance. Vance is right, of course, but it's a pyrrhic meme war victory. At least he trolls his enemies, and not his friends, but he needs to get a better message.

As usual (unfortunately so), the election will pivot on white women. That's the only race/gender group that swings their vote. White men are well Republican, all others are well Democrat. Hard part is, I know way too many white women (even nominal Rs) that swing their vote over abortion and vapid things like "it's time for a BIPOC woman President." It really is like arguing with the TV.

Demographics count, so Dems flood the country with anyone but white men. We'll see if they've reached the tipping point.

Heartiste had a saying like "politics is downstream from culture, and culture is downstream from demography." The demography has sure changed; and accelerated in recent years. This bodes ill for Trump. I hope he can overcome it and avoids self-sabotage with his hires.
Hahaha. Still heart broken over the comment. Your logic is off. But I don't even need to explain it. Others get it. Waste of my time.
Nope not beast broken at all, merely pointing out how silly the comparison is.

One side is twerking for your vote and is childless.

The other has their 17 year old grand daughter speak along with many other family members.

But only one side seems to draw such passion from the self-imposed critics.

One side is playing to win. The other side has infighting from people who can't let the good suffice as they demand a perfect exemplar that does not exist.

Thanks for catching up mate.
The 'popularity' of Harris could mean that we have finally reached the idiocracy moment. Basically, if enough wine aunts and cat ladies vote for her, she's in. Trump calling her stupid isn't going to work because you're effectively calling all of that group stupid and the Karens won't like that.

I hope Trump does win because I'd like him to buy me some time to get more set than I actually am before we go into full on roller-coaster decline mode but another part of me wants her to win so I can sit here and watch the full car crash.

Either way, work on yourselves gentlemen, find a way to have a good outcome independent of politicians.
The "bros versus hoes" election. I guess we'll find out who has the higher body count, heh. Hint: there are more simp men than savvy men, but every woman can be a hoe. Clinton was the winner because he was likeable, and he was a form of exoneration for the boomers that had thrown away conservativism. Kamala isn't real likeable, but she has the hoe-forgiveness factor. Every woman that's done the walk of shame can relate - and that's almost every woman. Maybe the cat lady jokes will energize some male voters, but it will harden women against Trump/Vance. Vance is right, of course, but it's a pyrrhic meme war victory. At least he trolls his enemies, and not his friends, but he needs to get a better message.

As usual (unfortunately so), the election will pivot on white women. That's the only race/gender group that swings their vote. White men are well Republican, all others are well Democrat. Hard part is, I know way too many white women (even nominal Rs) that swing their vote over abortion and vapid things like "it's time for a BIPOC woman President." It really is like arguing with the TV.

Demographics count, so Dems flood the country with anyone but white men. We'll see if they've reached the tipping point.

Heartiste had a saying like "politics is downstream from culture, and culture is downstream from demography." The demography has sure changed; and accelerated in recent years. This bodes ill for Trump. I hope he can overcome it and avoids self-sabotage with his hires.
The two candidates’ platforms are effectively “I want less of you people here.” We cannot live with these people, or next to them, or in the same country with them. That is the issue being decided in a nutshell. It always has been, it has just become manifest given the wild success of the opposition in the past several decades. It is impossible for a country to exist like this.

On the one side are people who have never cheated in their life, who cover their children’s ears when they hear swearing, would open their home to a neighbor in need and lay down their life for a brother. On the other side are people who have never earned anything through merit, kill their own children, steal from their neighbors and would kill their brother for his shoes. Are we really going to leave that to a vote?

Obviously we have to work within the system as it exists, while it exists, to the extent that we are able. But let’s start thinking about how we can get rid of this abomination of a system, which only serves the interests of people who hate us, hate our families, and hate Jesus Christ and His self-evident truth. I would like to put my posterity into a position where they aren’t thinking “how do we survive this” but instead “what are we going to do to the people who did this so that it doesn’t happen again?”

We can all go out and vote and hope Hulk Hogan beats the Hindu whore, because that’s really all castrated eunuchs in America are allowed to do to “participate” in the system. But this is what I hope is on all of our minds going into the future, regardless of who wins.
The 'popularity' of Harris could mean that we have finally reached the idiocracy moment. Basically, if enough wine aunts and cat ladies vote for her, she's in. Trump calling her stupid isn't going to work because you're effectively calling all of that group stupid and the Karens won't like that.

Let's remember that many of the same wine-and-cat laddies who support Kamala Harris now, were also strong supporters of Hillary Clinton in 2016. In fact, their support for Hillary was probably even stronger.

Hillary also had broader appeal in general - she was less cringeworthy and probably had an IQ 10-15 points higher than Kamala.

I think if anything puts Harris over the line (and for the record, I think Trump will win), it'll be the flooding of illegal immigrants into swing states and vote tampering again.
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Let's remember that many of the same wine-and-cat laddies who support Kamala Harris now, were also strong supporters of Hillary Clinton in 2016. In fact, their support for Hillary was probably even stronger.

Hillary also had broader appeal in general - she was less cringeworthy and probably had an IQ 10-15 points higher than Kamala.

I think if anything puts Harris over the line (and for the record, I think Trump will win), it'll be the flooding of illegal immigrants into swing states and vote tampering again.

Don’t underestimate the machine behind the dnc.

This years election may be different than most years in that, even after the assassination attempt, the Biden dropping out, enthusiasm is relatively low overall. I don’t think there’s a huge amount of enthusiasm for Harris .

Also, what works best is attack ads, negative ads against another candidate.

Trying to convince the masses that they aren’t starving, that the hyperinflation tanking their money, making it more difficult to feed yourself and pay rent,convince everyone the economy is going great, and Kamala and Biden are the reason for this, is an almost impossible sell.

The machines best strategy should be that Orange man bad, and that you are better off with anyone else running the country . Not that “Harris is good, economy is strong now thanks to Kamala .“
The coordinated media push currently boosting Kamala Harris is the most preposterously over the top astroturfing and gaslighting exercise I've seen since the COVID mania. Far from being an demonstration of strength, such a ridiculous ploy is actually an indicator of their incredible weakness and desperation. Due to Joe Biden's unrivaled record of failure, they have literally nothing to run on. By getting rid of Biden, they think they can fool people into forgetting the fact that the Democrats have been doing their best to destroy the country for the past four years. They're essentially trying to run Kamala as a brand new candidate, using the media to gaslight the public on her abysmal record. But I really don't think it's going to work. What does worry me, however, is that the Dems may just be counting on using their total control of the media narrative to artificially boost Kamala's popularity in order to affect another blatantly fraudulent election. And if the GOP allows them to get away with that again, they'll fully deserve whatever dreadful harvest they reap due to their combination of stupidity, cowardice and complicity.
Trump went into hostile territory, masterfully held frame, and knocked it out of the park. As far as I’m concerned, I know of no other politician (or person) alive today who could do this. Would Kamala be able to face Tucker Carlson or Jared Taylor and hand them their asses?