2024 Election Lounge

Extreme polarization in this country beats its own record day-by-day across all dimensions.

Many including I think there is a great chance of religious voters, and Christians like most of us here could become a deciding factor in November election and could potentially sway the race.

How can voters differentiate between the two candidates especially when the presumptive “blessed” candidate has permanently positioned himself as the greatest Jewish supporter against Christian values and religion?

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Harris “doesn’t like Jewish people,” Trump told a Chrisitan political conference Friday.
“I’ll tell you, the evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country,” Trump told Axios in 2021.

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Trump says "I love you Christians. I’m not Christian. I love you.”

"She doesn’t like Jewish people. She doesn’t like Israel. That’s the way it is and that’s the way it’s going to be. She isn’t going to change.”

“He [Trump] also discussed their respective stances on Israel and the Middle East, calling back to his administration's support for Israel and criticizing the Biden administration’s policies as betraying America's ally.
She's married to a Jew and is a Hindu pagan.

What are you talking about

Why do you lie?

He never said I am not Christian. He said "Im a Christian"
This is the sort of disingenuous, let me find a way to trust my dislike for someone into a narrative that fits.

It's pretty clear he's saying he's a Christian, he's part of the group.

On a side note, I did watch The Omen III last night.

Trump has none of the qualities of Young Damien.

Mayor of Philadelphia:


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Definitely surprising to me if she goes with Shapiro for a few reasons:

1) Putting a Jew on the ticket while the Dem base is currently very divided on Israel/Palestine seems needlessly provocative.
2) Shapiro himself seems very sharp and politically savvy. He would be very well-positioned for a Presidential run of his own in 2028, and volunteering as Kamala's short-notice VP is a big risk for him (unless he knows something we don't?).
3) American Jews have historically preferred to hover around the throne of power, not sit on it themselves.

Given that Pennsylvania is a must-win state for her, she must view taking on Shaprio as significantly boosting her chances there. And Shapiro - and the tribe - must be very confident that he stands a good chance of winning and becoming highly influential in the administration (not hard to imagine given Kamala's incompetence).
Definitely surprising to me if she goes with Shapiro for a few reasons:

1) Putting a Jew on the ticket while the Dem base is currently very divided on Israel/Palestine seems needlessly provocative.
2) Shapiro himself seems very sharp and politically savvy. He would be very well-positioned for a Presidential run of his own in 2028, and volunteering as Kamala's short-notice VP is a big risk for him (unless he knows something we don't?).
3) American Jews have historically preferred to hover around the throne of power, not sit on it themselves.

Given that Pennsylvania is a must-win state for her, she must view taking on Shaprio as significantly boosting her chances there. And Shapiro - and the tribe - must be very confident that he stands a good chance of winning and becoming highly influential in the administration (not hard to imagine given Kamala's incompetence).
Shapiro's machine is incredibly strong in PA. I think you're right that she knows he is a requirement for the state as a must win battle for her campaign.

He's got a lot that can be attacked however... It's probably the best case for Kamala.... This may give her a short time bump but the American Public has a short memory.