2024 Election Lounge

Joe is doing his best to scare his fellow conservatives so they will fight hard to win this election.

It's called, "Lighting a fire under someone's ass." Joe is playing to win by saying something like this, don't be fooled.
Joe is doing his best to scare his fellow conservatives so they will fight hard to win this election.

It's called, "Lighting a fire under someone's ass." Joe is playing to win by saying something like this, don't be fooled.
I've been listening to Joe's podcast on and off since he started, way back in the day probably like 12 years ago?

Joe is never consistent on any of his positions. He's one of the biggest flip-floppers out there. He's been on every side of every issue, and changes on a dime, usually depending on who he's talking to/interviewing at any given moment. He changes with the wind, whatever is fashionable at the moment to say. I wouldn't put much stock in any of his positions.
Extreme polarization in this country beats its own record day-by-day across all dimensions.

Many including I think there is a great chance of religious voters, and Christians like most of us here could become a deciding factor in November election and could potentially sway the race.

How can voters differentiate between the two candidates especially when the presumptive “blessed” candidate has permanently positioned himself as the greatest Jewish supporter against Christian values and religion?

Harris “doesn’t like Jewish people,” Trump told a Chrisitan political conference Friday.
“I’ll tell you, the evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country,” Trump told Axios in 2021.

Trump says "I love you Christians. I’m not Christian. I love you.”

"She doesn’t like Jewish people. She doesn’t like Israel. That’s the way it is and that’s the way it’s going to be. She isn’t going to change.”

“He [Trump] also discussed their respective stances on Israel and the Middle East, calling back to his administration's support for Israel and criticizing the Biden administration’s policies as betraying America's ally.