2024 Election Lounge

I have seen both Democrats and Republicans being mad at Kennedy with the accusation that he's going to take more votes from their party than from the other one.
My initial assumption was also that he would take more from Trump. It's painfully obvious that his headline positions hold no resonance with the modern Democratic conglomerate
The reality is running as an independent means you get a tiny single digit fraction of the time even nobodies like Literally Who Republican Tim Scott gets (he will get several hours of exposure on national tv during the Republican debates) and therefore running as an independent has effectively quashed RFK's campaign. Yeah, if I bother voting at all, it will definitely be for him, but I honestly had forgotten about him recently, after getting really excited about him months ago. The general public will vote for whatever they are told to (ie choice A or choice B, which is the entire point of the system of democracy: Manufacturing consent.)

The reality is the single reason Trump was elected was massive media coverage. And now RFK won't have that. You give massive media coverage to people like, say, Ron Paul, and they would win in a landslide. You ignore them or lie about their performance (as famously reported in the Jon Stewart clip about Ron Paul) and they sink to single digits.

As for who a candidate takes votes away from, I couldn't care less. A smart, competent leader like RFK will be earning the votes of good people from across the country. If he earns a vote that would otherwise go to Candidate X, then Candidate X needs to step up his game and offer us something. Third parties force candidates to be more populist. But RFK would earn a lot of the negative votes--the people who are just voting for someone because they don't like Trump, or think Biden is too senile, so vote for the alternate. But I've always found that "taking votes" reasoning absurd and it is only ever applied to elections. No one says "Oh why are you joining the Methodist church? You know if Methodists didn't exist you'd probably prefer being Baptist" HUH?

I did listen to a 2 minute summary of the Republican debate and it was of course a shit show, with no one offering a single good idea for America, but lots of criticism of each other with Vivek going hard (and getting no applause, which I found suspicious--won't the Idiocracy Worldstar audiences of today applaud any pithy attack? Was the audio deleted?). Nimrata Randhawa looked like she was about to cry. She chose to remain silent when given a chance to defend herself against corruption and greedy kickbacks being a defense contractor and she chose to remain silent, which is really dumb because no one really knows anything about her and now all they will remember is Viveks "Corruption" points.

Maybe it would be fun as a drinking game, but I would rather be tortured than watch the full debate. I did see Chris Christie embarrass Ron DeSantis for being wishy washy on Trump. Christie is terrible and a mainstream neocon but at least he has balls unlike most of the rest. When your best hope is outsourcing to an Indian to run your country for you, you are doing something wrong. (Of course I mean Vivek not Nimrata).
I don't think anyone here believes they can vote their way out of anything or pray their way out which has been said here. But that doesn't mean you don't vote and don't pray. It's going to take an all of the above strategy to restore the West.

God won't do it for us but he will lead US and give US the means to further His Kingdom. Pray, vote, network, tell the truth as we know and understand it and be involved locally with Churches and our communities. At the very least, the effort will yield It's own rewards.
When the system is corrupt, no one that appears on a stage is going to be very good, even if they mean well - they will be controlled eventually or are now, unknowingly. What they can do, however, is bring up points and make everyone aware (or more people) of the most obvious scammy elements of the society. Trump did this in 2016 with the media, among other things, and it has been hugely beneficial, even if it hastens the demise of the US, or causes the idiots to lash out. At least, then, we can plan for what is the only thing that matters as a remnant of the US at this point - traversing the economic madness, since we are used to so many conveniences and material comforts. In that process, God will show us what is most important, and also what we must suffer. These things tend to take a longer time than we think, though, we should be aware. When you look at what happened to Russia or Cuba, and see how long they were under some of the most evil, vile leadership, you can only scratch your head. No one thinks about North Korea but if you really wanna be depressed about what is allowed or goes on in the world, think about that country for a second. Then go on with your life, because that's basically as bad as it can get. Man.
^^ Who is that with Kissinger?
I forgot to mention, the main point from the debate that I wanted to mention was Nimrata "Nicky" Randhawa said WE SHOULD END NORMAL TRADE RELATIONS WITH CHINA!

That is perhaps the most insane statement I've heard a political leader make since W's "We murdered Osama in the middle of the night and then lovingly placed his body into the sea in a traditional Islamic ritual that we found an Imam to perform at 2AM, right after his rapid desert DNA test came back".

America would totally and utterly collapse within a month if we ended trade with China. We literally would not have toilet paper to wipe our own asses with.

And her super cringe reasoning is because chemical precursors used to make Fentanyl are produced (like everything else) in China.
Makes you want to bash your head against the Wailing Wall!!!

What is China supposed to do, look at every order of materials we send and monitor whether we can be trusted to use it responsibly like a bunch of mommies? "No more iphones for you, Murica, you're already wasting too much time online. No, America, I don't think you should get this shipment of Uranium from our African colonies. You behaved pretty irresponsibly in that last big war and you really can't be trusted with it. Fentalyl? Nah, I know it can help with pain but you drugged out weirdos can't control yourself so you can't have any more"
When I saw that tweet by Ramaswamy here, my initial reaction was that that had to be fake; there's no way a politician would openly describe his view as the Great Replacement Theory. But it's real. This alone increases my respect for Ramaswamy. This example along with a couple others I can think of is showing that topics that the absolute most courageous public figures could previously only indirectly reference, they are now developing the courage to talk about directly and openly.
I honestly think Ramaswamy might be an avid Daily Stormer reader, possibly even a Groyper. Everything he does is almost perfect, and it looks as if he's legitimately just trying to have Trump's back from the right on the Republican platform.
He's seriously mopping the floor with the ZOG candidates. Makes the debates almost watchable.
I recall a tweet from a Jewess in the US celebrating the latest census that pointed to the likelihood of a white minority.

She added that work needed to begin to stop a white minority government from clinging to power (deliberately echoing Rhodesian and South African attempts to preserve civilisation).

Does anyone here happen to have a screenshot of this tweet?
I recall a tweet from a Jewess in the US celebrating the latest census that pointed to the likelihood of a white minority.

She added that work needed to begin to stop a white minority government from clinging to power (deliberately echoing Rhodesian and South African attempts to preserve civilisation).

Does anyone here happen to have a screenshot of this tweet?
I don't have a screenshot, but I'm fairly certain the tweet you are referring to was from Jennifer Rubin.
I recall a tweet from a Jewess in the US celebrating the latest census that pointed to the likelihood of a white minority.
Mark Potok of the SPLC was caught with a post-it note right by his desk where he gleefully tracks the declining white population.

Rumor I read about the film industry:

Here's is what many people are talking quietly around the industry but no one is going to say it out loud and no one is going to cover it in the mainstream media. The last four months of 2024 are expected to marred with widespread violence. No one is going to want to go to the movies when there is looting, burning and rioting around them. Not in the larger cities. The film industry is quietly shuffling things to 2025 because the idea of a 2024 Xmas day release isn't so appetizing from a risk vs reward analysis. Depending on the dynamics in play, the violence could extend into the first six months of 2025 as well.
Rumor I read about the film industry:

Here's is what many people are talking quietly around the industry but no one is going to say it out loud and no one is going to cover it in the mainstream media. The last four months of 2024 are expected to marred with widespread violence. No one is going to want to go to the movies when there is looting, burning and rioting around them. Not in the larger cities. The film industry is quietly shuffling things to 2025 because the idea of a 2024 Xmas day release isn't so appetizing from a risk vs reward analysis. Depending on the dynamics in play, the violence could extend into the first six months of 2025 as well.

Where are you getting this?
Agree with this. I don't see why anyone would even consider yet another Indian guy as a leader of a western country. He's just reading of the; what people wanna hear script.
Because he is actually willing to read the script, rather than reading the George Bush anti-White/anti-Christian/pro-Israel script.

Then either he comes through, which is unlikely, or he doesn't and he gets booed off stage.