2024 Election Lounge

GOP debate is live for anyone interested:

It will be more of the same crap but we'll probably get some entertaining clips of Shawarma Shalamiamy dunking on Nikki Haley...
If you missed Vivek dunking on Haley to the point she was about to cry, then dunked on worthless Christie and told him to just walk off the stage and how neither could name the three provinces they claim Russia stole from Ukraine and want your kids to die fighting for, I highly recommend you watch it.

Haley was so shaken up, she couldn't respond, she looked on the verge of tears and Christie jumped in to defend her and looked awful in doing so. Vivek also called them "neo-cons" and "Dick Cheney's".
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Ramaswamy won't win but he has done a very good job blasting the neocons, especially Nikki Haley (the neocon of all neocons, close to being on par with Lindsey Graham). Before Fox News fired Tucker Carlson, Carlson was effectively the only major public voice against interventionism in the Ukraine and so forth. But now we at least get Ramaswamy speaking without reservation in the debates. It's important for normal media consumers to see at least one major dissident voice so that they are aware of the existence of an opposing side.
Do anybody have any thoughts on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? His polling is still strong; I'm surprised nobody has mentioned him. He also gets routinely accused of antisemitism, for what it's worth.
Do anybody have any thoughts on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? His polling is still strong; I'm surprised nobody has mentioned him. He also gets routinely accused of antisemitism, for what it's worth.
He’s a good guy and a worthy president, however his running as an independent wont win him the vote for presidency and just siphons any votes for any antiestablishment people who would probably vote for most any of the Republican candidates over Biden (or any other controlled puppet the Dems roll out). So it’s just helping the Dems.
He’s a good guy and a worthy president, however his running as an independent wont win him the vote for presidency and just siphons any votes for any antiestablishment people who would probably vote for most any of the Republican candidates over Biden (or any other controlled puppet the Dems roll out). So it’s just helping the Dems.
I have seen both Democrats and Republicans being mad at Kennedy with the accusation that he's going to take more votes from their party than from the other one.
My initial assumption was also that he would take more from Trump. It's painfully obvious that his headline positions hold no resonance with the modern Democratic conglomerate of media/corporations/finance, Expert Believers and Our Democracy enthusiasts. Democratic voters who are engaged with politics will definitely dislike him, and some Trump voters on the other hand do definitely like him.
However, even though media propaganda has succeeded in getting a larger and larger share of the American public engaged with Democratic politics, there are still today large numbers of voters who are not attuned to the media and not highly informed – low-information voters, as they say. There are both Democratic and Republican voters in those camps. And I think Kennedy could take a decent number of Democrats in that category. Here is my profile of a Democratic Kennedy voter: a person who is not terribly engaged with politics but has had a lifelong habit of voting Democrat, but has no enthusiasm for Biden (as Biden generates historically low amounts of enthusiasm) and will take an opportunity to vote for somebody else who is still not a Republican and who has a good name, and you can't get a better name than Kennedy for a lot of people. I think there could be a lot of voters like what I just described.
In any event, polls do show Trump still leading Biden even with Kennedy taking 15-20% of the vote.
He'll need as big of a margin as possible to overcome any fraudulent action. That 15-20% might be needed when the mail votes come in.
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Haley was so shaken up, she couldn't respond, she looked on the verge of tears and Christie jumped in to defend her
