2024 Election Lounge

DNC's lawyer...

Looll. Obama just threw a candidate with 14M votes under the bus. What legitimacy he is actually concerned with? That greedy moron.

Barrack his a law graduate so he knows words have a specific meaning. He wants his man to run for President. But Mike might not want all the spotlight and they will check his skills with donors and voters with his husband helping. I think he will be the nominee.

They could have put Jill Biden instead. She at least has a nice looking face. Imagine having to be 4 years looking into Obama and Kamala speaking? Even the curry girl looks nicer and that´s saying something. Trump at least is a fun guy. Even though he doesn´t have the same energy. And he backtabbed people with the vaxx.

Jesus Christ. Look at this face. This is a nightmare. it´s not because she is black. She is just really ugly.


People are not taking account the power and influence of Barrack Obama in the process of nomination. He is good. And will put his machine helping Mike.
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He was "guaranteed to win" in 2020 as well, and we all witnessed how that turned out.
It seemed alot more in question in 2020 than today. An extremely weak president period from Biden plus an actual clown probably being nominated gives me a bit more confidence this go around. And that is not even mentioning the "assassination" attempt having boosted his polls to larger level.
He was "guaranteed to win" in 2020 as well, and we all witnessed how that turned out.
The energy is very different this time around. People are not happy. They want a "change". The covid distraction is a distant memory for normies, now all they care about is their bills which they are struggling to pay.

I live in a deep blue area and I hear whispers all over the place...

The Dems were already bent over a barrel before the disastrous debate performance from Joe, before Trump came out looking like a gangster with the assassination attempt. The momentum has shifted so far in the other direction now.

This is taking fraud and cheating into account. Even if you think the election is completely fake, which I can totally understand, I believe the people who may be controlling it have a sensitive foot on the "gas pedal" and know when to pull back a bit. They know there's a limit somewhere, and they know faking this one would be pushing it.

All signs point to Trump being the next president, no matter how you view the legitimacy of the electoral process.

Whoever the Dems put up will be there just to fall on the sword.
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It's almost painful to see how much the left is losing their minds over this. The amount of denial, projection, gaslighting, and cognitive dissonance never fails to bewilder me, it's truly pathological to the core. I literally just saw an article a few days ago that Trump was behind Biden in the polls, everyone was convinced Biden is going to be re-elected, then this happens, and they immediately change their talking points and manage to double down on the TDS to levels I thought impossible They constantly adjust their beliefs, rhetoric, and talking points, and never once admit they were wrong. Now that Biden is out I can imagine the whole discussion about his dementia will go away which is awfully convenient for them, these are the same people who still claim Biden is "just old" or has a "speech impediment", then go on to talk about how senile and old Trump is ad nauseam.

I'm just sitting here enjoying the clown show. I really do hope RFK Jr or DeSantis (or an independant) comes into the picture because I still don't like Trump, though I do have some newfound respect for him. It seems unlikely they'll find a replacement, as if Whitmore or Harris are better? They're even more incompetent and malicious, which is saying something.
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Whoever the Dems put up will be there just to fall on the sword.
I think these are the two most possible scenarios after November.
1. Trump wins. After the elections, he softens and goes mostly mainstream as in the previous term. He is a businessman first and understands the need for compromise for the sake of continuity of the show. Nothing changes substantially just downfall slows a little.
Conservatives would be satisfied and leftists would spend another four years bitterly blaming him for everything.

2. Democrat candidade wins. Drunken by victory goes even more zealous towards building homo-communism. Brings agendas like CBDC, digital ID, and other "improvements" of human life.
The push toward totality would be massive. Conservatives fall into despair finally understanding this was the last round of the battle for the normality fought on their behalf by some politician, and if they don't find the balls to do something on their own, nothing ever changes. But nothing will happen except online frustration because mortgages need to be paid and the vaxed docile population is not capable of resistance anyway.
Leftists unchecked will try to bring hell to earth by going into full perversion mode.
I think these are the two most possible scenarios after November.
1. Trump wins. After the elections, he softens and goes mostly mainstream as in the previous term. He is a businessman first and understands the need for compromise for the sake of continuity of the show. Nothing changes substantially just downfall slows a little.
Conservatives would be satisfied and leftists would spend another four years bitterly blaming him for everything.

2. Democrat candidade wins. Drunken by victory goes even more zealous towards building homo-communism. Brings agendas like CBDC, digital ID, and other "improvements" of human life.
The push toward totality would be massive. Conservatives fall into despair finally understanding this was the last round of the battle for the normality fought on their behalf by some politician, and if they don't find the balls to do something on their own, nothing ever changes. But nothing will happen except online frustration because mortgages need to be paid and the vaxed docile population is not capable of resistance anyway.
Leftists unchecked will try to bring hell to earth by going into full perversion mode.
Option 3:
Trump wins. Having learned his lesson during the first term, Trump is armed with knowledge and understanding on how to defeat the enemy. Awoken with a newfound fear of God after being inches away from death, Trump harnesses the full power of the presidency to dismantle the authoritarian leftist, globalist regime. The bureaucracy is completely reshuffled, with entrenched deep state actors removed and true conservatives replacing them. The border is sealed, the wokery stops, a man is a man and a woman is a woman, Ukraine funds dry up, the economy once again is strong and dynamic. Trump calls out the enemy, the leftists, the neocons, the Zio-... Well maybe not that part. But one can always hope.
I think these are the two most possible scenarios after November.
1. Trump wins. After the elections, he softens and goes mostly mainstream as in the previous term. He is a businessman first and understands the need for compromise for the sake of continuity of the show. Nothing changes substantially just downfall slows a little.
Conservatives would be satisfied and leftists would spend another four years bitterly blaming him for everything.

2. Democrat candidade wins. Drunken by victory goes even more zealous towards building homo-communism. Brings agendas like CBDC, digital ID, and other "improvements" of human life.
The push toward totality would be massive. Conservatives fall into despair finally understanding this was the last round of the battle for the normality fought on their behalf by some politician, and if they don't find the balls to do something on their own, nothing ever changes. But nothing will happen except online frustration because mortgages need to be paid and the vaxed docile population is not capable of resistance anyway.
Leftists unchecked will try to bring hell to earth by going into full perversion mode.

I think you have it backwards. During trumos 4 years in office, the globo homo agenda was accelerated like mad by ((( globalists ))) . Expect them to try something similar if Trump wins.

Trump won’t be able to do any major changes (like draining the swamp) without risking impeachment and conviction . Taxes will be lower, fewer wars, hopefully we exit Ukraine and stop giving them guns and money and soldiers . But stopping or slowing down globo homo? I mean that’s an almost impossible task