2024 Election Lounge



We are watching a slow motion coup d’etat in the Democratic Party. After all the talk about democracy we now see a handful of Washington insiders(Pelosi, Obama, Schumer, Jeffries etc) maneuvering to replace the candidate of over 14 million Democratic Party voters with a new person. This is a coup d’etat in the classic sense. It is 4 insiders versus 14 million citizens and the citizens are going to lose.
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This is a voicemail we just received from a caller who is devastated by the treatment of President Biden. We receive thousands like this. The caller asked we pass this message along to President Biden and approved us posting it here:

"I just wanted you to tell President Biden: don't give up on us. Please stay in the race. I don't know what's going on with them, but he have passed so many laws. And I'm a church girl too, young lady. And I love your heart, president. And your spirit. We gonna go through rough times. But you're going to be okay. And you're going to come out strong. Don't worry about what other people say. We trust you, and we believe in you, and we love you....I got a little tears in my eyes. Don't let them divide us. Democrats, stop this mess. Stick with the president. Y'all say he passed all this stuff. Now, why y'all gonna desert him? Because older people have wisdom. And the man have so much wisdom."


According to The Hill Opinion writer:

"Hillary Clinton, with unmatched experience, is the ideal successor.

She possesses an unparalleled resume and an unmatched depth of experience.

Her extensive background in domestic and international affairs is not just impressive; at a time when global politics are increasingly volatile and complex, her experience is priceless.

She can turn past regrets into proactive support by being a powerful reminder of the stakes of straying in 2024.

Clinton can campaign on her extraordinary record of public service and proven leadership.”

Source: The Hill