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2024 Election Lounge

Vivek has carefully been side stepping the “would your run for VP” question. He keeps answering “I don’t have a plan B” which skirts around it. I think he’s going to ride this out best he can then if he doesn’t get the nomination partner up with Trump. He continues to support and praise Trump in debates. Seems pretty obvious to me.
Vivek has carefully been side stepping the “would your run for VP” question. He keeps answering “I don’t have a plan B” which skirts around it. I think he’s going to ride this out best he can then if he doesn’t get the nomination partner up with Trump. He continues to support and praise Trump in debates. Seems pretty obvious to me.

And agree with Tucker, Kennedy as an independent is stealing Republican votes, or at minimum the anti-authority candidates of either Trump or Vivek.
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This is one of he biggest issues for 2024. All the corruption at the ballots and the GOP just sits there allowing it.

Yeah but at one point total in person votes went down for both. Dramatic 'adjustment' though. I'd like to do some digging on this.
What's the general take around here on Trump's chances and does he go to jail, run, win, then pardon himself?

I'm hoping so. :p
It’s too early to say. I think he will almost certainly be convicted/ jailed on Trumped up charges and perhaps run from prison , or be out of prison while appealing some of the cases but not able to travel? It’s possible the RNC tries to force him out of the party if he’s in jail?

The general election is less than 12 months away.

We saw how toothless and limited he was in his first term, if I had to guess I’d say the deep state tries to cheat as per usual, but put in more of a similar effort to 2016, if they don’t win they still move forward with globo homo agendas with Trump in office. In fact we probably see more globo homo
It’s too early to say. I think he will almost certainly be convicted/ jailed on Trumped up charges and perhaps run from prison , or be out of prison while appealing some of the cases but not able to travel? It’s possible the RNC tries to force him out of the party if he’s in jail?

The general election is less than 12 months away.

We saw how toothless and limited he was in his first term, if I had to guess I’d say the deep state tries to cheat as per usual, but put in more of a similar effort to 2016, if they don’t win they still move forward with globo homo agendas with Trump in office. In fact we probably see more globo homo

Look brothers, we’re not going to be able to vote our way out of a highly corrupt and deeply subverted system. It will have to fall apart under its on weight and it will. And I’m not stating anything extraordinary here, I’m seeing open calls to suit up and arm up all across literally the entire Internet. The pressure cooker is bursting at the bolts and it’s bound to explode sometime next year.
Look brothers, we’re not going to be able to vote our way out of a highly corrupt and deeply subverted system. It will have to fall apart under its on weight and it will. And I’m not stating anything extraordinary here, I’m seeing open calls to suit up and arm up all across literally the entire Internet. The pressure cooker is bursting at the bolts and it’s bound to explode sometime next year.

I don't disagree. But in the meantime some heavy lifting needs to be done to secure elections in swing states in America. There are plenty of solid red states that know exactly what they are up against with regards to underhanded elections. Prayer and hard work...
"Every single Republican presidential candidate is a zionist shill"

But those of us who cannot, will not, and refuse to accept this truth, are the problem. We cannot vote our way out of this problem. You must stop consenting to their bs. Don't vote any more period, refuse to encourage or support criminals by voting in this sham.

The two political parties are two cheeks of the same ass that have been crapping on all of us since before we were born.
"Every single Republican presidential candidate is a zionist shill.

But those of us who cannot, will not, and refuse to accept this truth, are the problem. We cannot vote our way out of this problem. You must stop consenting to their bs. Don't vote any more period, refuse to encourage or support criminals by voting in this sham.

The two political parties are two cheeks of the same ass that have been crapping on all of us since before we were born.
Yup, all true.

I certainly want to at least end up with whichever one is less bad. There are definitely some that are extra bad, and I'd sure hate to end up with them.