2024 Election Lounge

I hadn’t considered that angle. There is definitely a never Trump faction on the right.

If Trump did get assassinated at this point (after the convention), then I imagine jd Vance would be the nominee? I forget what happens honestly
Post convention that is correct, or at least it would be unlikely that the delegates would be able to not have his name on the ballot.
Post convention that is correct, or at least it would be unlikely that the delegates would be able to not have his name on the ballot.

I think you’re right. The ballots will all say “Trump/ Vance” but because they cannot change the ballots after the convention then it would be Vance and whoever he picks as a running mate .

I could have swore this has come up in the past, not from assassin but a candidate dying from heart attack or whatnot
Trump is not the RNC chairman. He doesn't plan all the me speakers and attendees of the convention.
Sure, but that's not really what I asked you. Are you saying that Trump played no role in making the party platform LGBT-friendly and that the Log Cabin President is just making stuff up and thanking Trump for no reason?
Sure, but that's not really what I asked you. Are you saying that Trump played no role in making the party platform LGBT-friendly and that the Log Cabin President is just making stuff up and thanking Trump for no reason?
Are you saying that Donald Trump personally wants homosexuals to be the center point of the Republican platform? Or that he won't take their vote?

Again this is the GOP who sets this platform.

I don't like the homos or multikulti garbage either.

But I'm not going to look for every single reason to push it all back on trump because that's not really accurate.

The GOP is cucked...for sure.
Guys who want it all to burn down ASAP and guys who want more time to enjoy life with and prepare for the ones they love.

Keep in mind we all ultimately want the same thing, an end to all the degeneracy.
I want to be the first one but I am the second one.

You can't be both