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2024 Election Lounge

DeSantis literally has no concern about the communist weaponization of three letter agencies against political opposition. Because he is one of them.
If he was "one of them" the GOP establishment would have united behind him from day one and forced the other lesser candidates out of the race in an effort to beat Trump. But this didn't happen, instead, and the GOP establishment is now shifting their support to Nikki Haley (who most definitely IS one of them).

DeSantis is many things (a poor campaigner with zero charisma, a borderline autist, a manlet in denial) but he is not and never has been Deep State. That has always just been a baseless talking point from the fringes of the Trump campaign. The discussion is quickly becoming academic, though, because Trump continues to be a political juggernaut and DeSantis just isn't a skilled enough campaigner to compete with him. DeSantis had a good opening to beat Trump in early 2023, but it's been rapidly closing since the indictments and at this point seems like an extremely remote possibility. It's unfortunate, because I still think he's an exceptionally intelligent and capable executive and would make a great President. But that simply doesn't matter if you can't win the primary. Barring some unforeseen calamity, Trump will win the GOP nomination (and then probably have the election stolen from him again and be thrown in prison afterward).
It doesn't really matter much who is president as we saw with Trump 2016-2020 where he wasn't able to enact anything he wanted to do. Indeed, the national debt increases parabolically no matter who is president:


Now, I prefer that Blormf wins because he's great at pissing off globohomo and speaking some measure of truth to power to them -- I'll always be grateful that he forced globohomo to reveal itself to the world, when it was previously hidden -- but due to ballot harvesting, Dominion voting machines, Democrat ballot stuffing, institutionalized vote by mail, and endless illegal immigration, as well as tremendous amounts of lawfare against both Blormf and against the voting process, Blormf has basically no chance of winning unless globohomo decides to let him win (maybe to take the blame for a massive economic crash leading to the implementation of CBDCs or something).

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Want to hear how unsustainable US foreign aid is?

We are $33,000,000,000,000 in debt, but in 2022 we gave the following dollar amounts to select countries in foreign aid.

Mind you, this list is not exhaustive or comprehensive, just a select few:

Afghanistan - $1,866,031,165
Albania - $52,304,343
Angola - $82,342,011
Argentina - $6,413,160
Azerbaijan - $15,803,160
Bangladesh - $467,069,284
Belarus - $34,855,792
Brazil - $57,340,492
Burkina Faso - $225,331,289
Cambodia - $129,641,701
Central African Republic - $129,641,701
Ecuador - $160,393,214
Egypt - $204,155,390
Ethiopia - $2,190,256,514
France - $510,157
Ghana - $211,002,008
Guatemala - $268,418,494
India - $250,718,443
Indonesia - $176,356,055
Iraq - $625,687,159
Israel - $3,311,114,063
Italy - $4,958,406
Jordan - $1,095,699,503
Kenya - $774,598,307
Lebanon - $495,742,808
Liberia - $146,992,813
Mexico - $172,929,938
Montenegro - $32,142,182
Morocco - $205,608,080
Nigeria - $973,201,216
Pakistan - $230,655,166
Philippines - $220,342,777
Rwanda - $168,595,713
Serbia - $46,172,431
Somalia - $1,111,962,741
Sudan - $651,961,098
Spain - $334,016
Turkey - $107,015,594
Uganda - $790,252,008
Ukraine - God Only Knows
Zimbabwe - $400,191,963

Meanwhile, we still have homeless in the streets of the USA who can’t afford to eat.

Doesn’t this just p*ss you off?
Dems are panicking over this poll

Moar indictments!!!

The problem as I see it is the establishment GOP including the DeSantis types are in bed with the Dems and are part of the cartel.

As we saw in 2020, election fraud was rampant. As we have seen with the GOP debates, that is of little concern to the establishment. Ballot harvesting, ballot stuffing, mid night drops, followed by indictments, J6 arrests and imprisonments, the Bolshevik style attacks against the opposition.

Trump is an outsider to the DNC/GOP power brokers.



Just two examples but what is blatantly obvious now to everyone is the money at stake. Hundreds of billions in money laundering. This is the machine. This is why people go missing. This is why people get suicided.

So when it comes to the 2024 election I see the GOP allowing the fraud to continue. The X factor is, would/will Trump win by such a landslide that the 2020 tactics would/will still fail. How brazen will they get with whatever tricks they are pursuing.

Will the election even happen.

An interesting 12 months ahead.
The problem as I see it is the establishment GOP including the DeSantis types are in bed with the Dems and are part of the cartel.

As we saw in 2020, election fraud was rampant. As we have seen with the GOP debates, that is of little concern to the establishment. Ballot harvesting, ballot stuffing, mid night drops, followed by indictments, J6 arrests and imprisonments, the Bolshevik style attacks against the opposition.

Trump is an outsider to the DNC/GOP power brokers.


Trump is Israel’s best friend. He is the most pro Israel president of the last 100 years(his words)
Trump is Israel’s best friend. He is the most pro Israel president of the last 100 years(his words)
Trump's love for Israel is so great, it is bigger than his famous egotistical love for himself.
If he came out opposing Israelis murdering babies and bombing hospitals (which no other major candidate is doing), he could easily pick up enough points from independents (who decide every election) to turn this into a landslide.

Trump is firmly in the Israeli camp of course, but it was funny when he said "there are lot of really smart people in Hamas. It's really terrible how Netanyahoo let his country down." Trump is disengenous enough that he wouldn't even have to do anything to support the cause of Palestine, but he could do the lip service. He could say the word "white." He could speak out in favor of Assange and Snowden. He could have ended the war in Afghanistan, which was a foregone conclusion. He could have done any number of simple things to signal to voters that he's a populist, but I guess he's too dumb to even be self serving.

Of course, don't misinterpret any of the above to mean that I believe elections are "real" competitions in any form. The points above are more evidence that elections are always fake and gay theater.
If he was "one of them" the GOP establishment would have united behind him from day one and forced the other lesser candidates out of the race in an effort to beat Trump. But this didn't happen, instead, and the GOP establishment is now shifting their support to Nikki Haley (who most definitely IS one of them).

DeSantis is many things (a poor campaigner with zero charisma, a borderline autist, a manlet in denial) but he is not and never has been Deep State. That has always just been a baseless talking point from the fringes of the Trump campaign. The discussion is quickly becoming academic, though, because Trump continues to be a political juggernaut and DeSantis just isn't a skilled enough campaigner to compete with him. DeSantis had a good opening to beat Trump in early 2023, but it's been rapidly closing since the indictments and at this point seems like an extremely remote possibility. It's unfortunate, because I still think he's an exceptionally intelligent and capable executive and would make a great President. But that simply doesn't matter if you can't win the primary. Barring some unforeseen calamity, Trump will win the GOP nomination (and then probably have the election stolen from him again and be thrown in prison afterward).

It's not that DeSantis is part of the big club, it's that DeSantis wants to be part of the Big Club. That's why he kisses Israeli butt to hard, he's trying to show the big money chews that he can be trusted.

He's not part of the club, but parts to be part of it, and that effectively makes him untrustworthy controlled opposition.

Of course, Trump is part of the club, but as rogue wildcard, so there is some kind of chance different outcomes will occur under Trump vs. Generic Globohomo candidate.

And of course, the story of Trump losing in 2020 was the story of Trump losing a lot of Talmudic support, which is why they were able to buyout the election and rig it entirely.
Trump's love for Israel is so great, it is bigger than his famous egotistical love for himself.
If he came out opposing Israelis murdering babies and bombing hospitals (which no other major candidate is doing), he could easily pick up enough points from independents (who decide every election) to turn this into a landslide.

Trump is firmly in the Israeli camp of course, but it was funny when he said "there are lot of really smart people in Hamas. It's really terrible how Netanyahoo let his country down." Trump is disengenous enough that he wouldn't even have to do anything to support the cause of Palestine, but he could do the lip service. He could say the word "white." He could speak out in favor of Assange and Snowden. He could have ended the war in Afghanistan, which was a foregone conclusion. He could have done any number of simple things to signal to voters that he's a populist, but I guess he's too dumb to even be self serving.

Of course, don't misinterpret any of the above to mean that I believe elections are "real" competitions in any form. The points above are more evidence that elections are always fake and gay theater.
I think despite seeing significant numbers of protestors against the Israeli attacks on Gaza, the US electorate is still overwhelmingly pro-Israeli, and failure to support Israeli is still the third rail of American politics. Regardless of the true electorate, the elite is 100% on the Israeli side. If Trump failed to be fully in favor of Israeli, it would be like stepping on that third railed. He's be instantly fried.

It's unfortunately, but I think it is true.
Trump is firmly in the Israeli camp of course, but it was funny when he said "there are lot of really smart people in Hamas. It's really terrible how Netanyahoo let his country down." Trump is disengenous enough that he wouldn't even have to do anything to support the cause of Palestine, but he could do the lip service. He could say the word "white." He could speak out in favor of Assange and Snowden. He could have ended the war in Afghanistan, which was a foregone conclusion. He could have done any number of simple things to signal to voters that he's a populist, but I guess he's too dumb to even be self serving.

Of course, don't misinterpret any of the above to mean that I believe elections are "real" competitions in any form. The points above are more evidence that elections are always fake and gay theater.

Trump became the reason for the failures of many men, failures which preceded Trump and now proceed his tenure.

The funny thing is that blaming failures on him has empowered these men to feel less like failures despite continually failing.

If anything, this hidden problem Trump created is worse than any others.
the US electorate is still overwhelmingly pro-Israeli, and failure to support Israeli is still the third rail of American politics.
Wow, 76% of Americans think supporting Israel is in the national interest of the United States.
Even if I were a radical Zionist American Jew I wouldn't believe that.
The Americans are really brainwashed.

Of course, polls are easily manipulated. You could also ask people "Is protecting the Holy Land of Palestine, home to many Orthodox Christians and Muslims, an important national interest to you as a voter" and a bunch would agree. Merely framing a question in the affirmative, asking the public to agree with your statement, is a trick pollsters can use to skew answers, but I think it's safe to say a majority of Fatmericans support Israel.
Warning: Unhinged barrage of F-bombs language.


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The Bill Maher mystery is finally explained here to my satisfaction.

Mystery: How could a guy as smart as Maher have such bad TDS?

Answer: Evidently, Maher's news sources are insanely limited.

Bill believes a Russian budget of $100K and some highschool quality memes that no one saw can sway an election. (The memes included anti-Trump and anti-Hillary memes.)

Bill believes that Paul Manafort sharing some stale internal polling data with a Russian Billionaire (while scamming him) swayed an election.

Bill was not aware that Hillary REPEATEDLY claimed the 2016 election was rigged. As did many in the Democrat party.

Summary: It's an information problem. Bill's brain appears to be fully functional, but criminally misinformed.
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