2024 Election Lounge

On display here is the logical conclusion of the women's suffrage movement. Say goodbye to '24 if abortion remains a hot issue. The abortion issue killed the 'red wave' in '22 and was a major contributor to Republican losses in yesterdays 'off year'. Ohio is a red state.

Nah, I blame the Republican party. They run candidates who insist on zero exceptions for abortion, which sends the whamens into a tizzy. If they simply allowed abortions for emergencies Republicans would win.

But it is disgusting that the most important issue for women, even if it means WW3, is abortion.
It's not as if a Republican candidate lost to a Democratic candidate and it is being blamed on abortion though. The initiative used the following language (link here):


Proposed Constitutional Amendment

A Self-Executing Amendment
Relating to Abortion and Other
Reproductive Decisions

Proposed by Initiative Petition

To enact Section 22 of Article I of
the Constitution of the State of Ohio

A majority yes vote is necessary
for the amendment to pass.

The proposed amendment would:

• Establish in the Constitution of the State of Ohio
an individual right to one’s own reproductive
medical treatment, including but not limited
to abortion;

• Create legal protections for any person or entity
that assists a person with receiving reproductive
medical treatment, including but not limited
to abortion;

• Prohibit the State from directly or indirectly
burdening, penalizing, or prohibiting abortion
before an unborn child is determined to be
viable, unless the State demonstrates that it is
using the least restrictive means;

• Grant a pregnant woman’s treating physician the
authority to determine, on a case-by-case basis,
whether an unborn child is viable;

• Only allow the State to prohibit an abortion after
an unborn child is determined by a pregnant
woman’s treating physician to be viable and only
if the physician does not consider the abortion
necessary to protect the pregnant woman’s life or
health; and

• Always allow an unborn child to be aborted at
any stage of pregnancy, regardless of viability
if, in the treating physician’s determination, the
abortion is necessary to protect the pregnant
woman’s life or health.

If passed, the amendment will become effective 30 days
after the election.



There is nothing about rape or incest in the amendment, or other extenuating circumstances that abortion advocates will usually argue in order to obfuscate the issue and make it seem like abortion is at times a necessity. And the reality is that every initiative like this in recent years, even in red states, seems to have to same result with the pro-abortion side winning. I don't really have a solution for this either, since I believe this is an issue that as Christians we cannot afford to concede. The best idea I have is for Republicans to try and avoid the issue as much as possible, and sneak through pro-life legislation whenever the conditions are favorable. That seems to be the way Democrats operate when it comes to doing things that are unpopular at the general population level like with transgender issues. But when the media is in cahoots with the Democrats will that really be possible, or will they shine the spotlight on any pro-life legislation that is trying to be passed?
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Talk about a massive homicide scene on the GOP Debate stage tonight. Vivek really went after them.
"You go girl" neo-con feminist Nikki Haley has never seen a foreign war that doesn't get her estrogen flowing. Of course she isn't offering up her own children for front line cannon fodder, and instead wants us unknown men (whom she hates) to do the real world dying for her seriously flawed, overly feminized, think tank "ideas."
It's not as if a Republican candidate lost to a Democratic candidate and it is being blamed on abortion though. The initiative used the following language (link here):

There is nothing about rape or incest in the amendment, or other extenuating circumstances that abortion advocates will usually argue in order to obfuscate the issue and make it seem like abortion is at times a necessity. And the reality is that every initiative like this in recent years, even in red states, seems to have to same result with the pro-abortion side winning. I don't really have a solution for this either, since I believe this is an issue that as Christians we cannot afford to concede. The best idea I have is for Republicans to try and avoid the issue as much as possible, and sneak through pro-life legislation whenever the conditions are favorable. That seems to be the way Democrats operate when it comes to doing things that are unpopular at the general population level like with transgender issues. But when the media is in cahoots with the Democrats will that really be possible, or will they shine the spotlight on any pro-life legislation that is trying to be passed?
I think anti-abortion people should stand as strongly as possible against it. If the pro-baby killers win elections, then pray for God to strike them down. Pray that he will soften the hearts of the baby killers and save as many of them as possible, but for the hard core baby murdering majority that won't turn away from their evil, may they be struck down and driven from power.
I think anti-abortion people should stand as strongly as possible against it. If the pro-baby killers win elections, then pray for God to strike them down. Pray that he will soften the hearts of the baby killers and save as many of them as possible, but for the hard core baby murdering majority that won't turn away from their evil, may they be struck down and driven from power.
It is interesting how Rinos are called out for compromising to the left in order to remain electable and yet, those same people calling out now think Republicans should compromise on abortion in order to remain electable. The irony is lost on them.
On display here is the logical conclusion of the women's suffrage movement. Say goodbye to '24 if abortion remains a hot issue. The abortion issue killed the 'red wave' in '22 and was a major contributor to Republican losses in yesterdays 'off year'. Ohio is a red state.

It really is. Women were not built to work, to stress, and to fight in wars. God designed them to raise the young, to take care of the family, to make all our struggle and toil a worthwhile effort. And we are at the end of this journey, where it ends, and we can see what it is in front of us.

Women, when given equal rights, use it to work jobs they absolutely hate, in a deluded effort to increase their social status, all so they can land a top 10% man, so that they then don't have to work at all, and have everything they had before their worked. They will admit this in pieces, but when you put it together and solve this puzzle for them, they go into demonic mode, and yell and curse at you for it.

So, now their lives are so miserable, so stressful, that their biggest fear is getting pregnant. What used to be women's greatest dream, to have a family, is now a nightmare for them. This is how far we have fallen as a society. Just a big picture thing most people don't even consider.

Anyway, if the GOP is to survive, they will have to bend the knee on abortion, and it might already be too late to win the female voters back, as they may never trust them.
I think the situation warrants a more radical solution than bending the knee, yet again, to liberal policy. The problem with Republicans is that they don’t have what it takes to engage in that kind of politics. Scorched earth, no-holds-barred. Red state legislatures should be impeaching and removing democrat governors and bureaucrats. Pass whatever is possible without a referendum, etc. At least here in my tilts-blue state, these liberal referenda are only getting through because of low voter intelligence (literally an inability to comprehend the questions) and how far gone the cities are even in “red” states. But the rural areas that provide their (super)majorities are still with them. The time is growing short, though. As I say, they don’t have what it takes. Something cataclysmic will have to occur, I fear, to reset this failed enterprise.
It really is. Women were not built to work, to stress, and to fight in wars. God designed them to raise the young, to take care of the family, to make all our struggle and toil a worthwhile effort. And we are at the end of this journey, where it ends, and we can see what it is in front of us.

Women, when given equal rights, use it to work jobs they absolutely hate, in a deluded effort to increase their social status, all so they can land a top 10% man, so that they then don't have to work at all, and have everything they had before their worked. They will admit this in pieces, but when you put it together and solve this puzzle for them, they go into demonic mode, and yell and curse at you for it.

So, now their lives are so miserable, so stressful, that their biggest fear is getting pregnant. What used to be women's greatest dream, to have a family, is now a nightmare for them. This is how far we have fallen as a society. Just a big picture thing most people don't even consider.
Agree with all of this.

Anyway, if the GOP is to survive, they will have to bend the knee on abortion, and it might already be too late to win the female voters back, as they may never trust them.
Cannot endorse this. It eliminates the point of having an opposition party in the first place. Not that the two-party system is legitimate. It also assumes that all the Christians who vote Republican are going to go along and not check out of the fake theater altogether. The idea that Republicans need to bend the knee to the left is what got us here in the first place. The only way I can see someone making this kind of argument is from a purely accelerationist perspective.
Agree with all of this.

Cannot endorse this. It eliminates the point of having an opposition party in the first place. Not that the two-party system is legitimate. It also assumes that all the Christians who vote Republican are going to go along and not check out of the fake theater altogether. The idea that Republicans need to bend the knee to the left is what got us here in the first place. The only way I can see someone making this kind of argument is from a purely accelerationist perspective.

Bending the knee was giving women the right to vote, so they could vote in a giant police/welfare state to replace the need for a man, or even the desire to respect men, while taxing men's income to pay for it all. That was done generations ago, and until we change that, nothing is going to stop the collapse.

If the GOP wants to survive, they have to allow for some abortion rights. If the GOP wants to become a fringe party, that only hold seats in a decreasing portion of the nation, then they can keep fighting with the growing abortion rights only voters.

And the elites want the GOP to survive, because they need to give the illusion of choice to obfuscate what they are doing behind the scenes. So, this is what the GOP will do.
If the GOP wants to survive, they have to allow for some abortion rights. If the GOP wants to become a fringe party, that only hold seats in a decreasing portion of the nation, then they can keep fighting with the growing abortion rights only voters.

And the elites want the GOP to survive, because they need to give the illusion of choice to obfuscate what they are doing behind the scenes. So, this is what the GOP will do.
There are Christian groups on the ground who get the votes to not only ban abortion, but to charge anyone who gets one with murder. The biggest opposition that these groups have faced is not the leftists but sitting Republicans such as the new house speaker who shoot the ballots down. As always, the GOP will continue to serve as gatekeepers.
Bending the knee was giving women the right to vote, so they could vote in a giant police/welfare state to replace the need for a man, or even the desire to respect men, while taxing men's income to pay for it all. That was done generations ago, and until we change that, nothing is going to stop the collapse.

If the GOP wants to survive, they have to allow for some abortion rights. If the GOP wants to become a fringe party, that only hold seats in a decreasing portion of the nation, then they can keep fighting with the growing abortion rights only voters.

And the elites want the GOP to survive, because they need to give the illusion of choice to obfuscate what they are doing behind the scenes. So, this is what the GOP will do.
The problem with a large percentage of the GOP is that they don’t even want to give rape exceptions in abortion. It’s very, for lack of a better word, autistic, in terms of strategy. They don’t understand how the politics of abortion is a tug and war and refusing to give exceptions for rape is giving the democrats easy ammo to make news articles that whip people into an emotional frenzy. Trump is someone who understands this strategy very well but people get too distracted by his drama in his personal life and overlook the big picture.