2024 Election Lounge

I was watching a sportsball game at a bar last night, and ended up seeing a lot of political commercials. I rarely watch any TV so these were the first I've seen.

I was fairly happy with what I saw. This is in Colorado. The current congress woman for one of the local districts is a Dem, but she is campaigning on how she's going to be tough on border protection, stop fentanyl addiction and other good things. Of course she's lying, but what's good is that she knows how strongly the public wants these things.

Her opponent is a strong conservative. He actually wants to close the border, and of course he slams her for doing nothing to close the border during her past term. Also, she slams him for being opposed to all abortions, even those in the case of rape or incest, so that reflects well on him.

The point is that public sentiment must be heavily against the illegal aliens flooding this area, to the point that both parties claim they will fight to stop it. I doubt anything will change, but it's good to see that public sentiment is turning hard in the right direction.
I was watching a sportsball game at a bar last night, and ended up seeing a lot of political commercials. I rarely watch any TV so these were the first I've seen.

I was fairly happy with what I saw. This is in Colorado. The current congress woman for one of the local districts is a Dem, but she is campaigning on how she's going to be tough on border protection, stop fentanyl addiction and other good things. Of course she's lying, but what's good is that she knows how strongly the public wants these things.

Her opponent is a strong conservative. He actually wants to close the border, and of course he slams her for doing nothing to close the border during her past term. Also, she slams him for being opposed to all abortions, even those in the case of rape or incest, so that reflects well on him.

The point is that public sentiment must be heavily against the illegal aliens flooding this area, to the point that both parties claim they will fight to stop it. I doubt anything will change, but it's good to see that public sentiment is turning hard in the right direction.

They just flat out lie now in the ads, it's not like it used to be because they know nobody is going to check them on it anymore. Also the amount of dem vs rep ads front what I have seen here in Michigan must be at least 10 to 1. I would like to think that nobody is stupid enough to believe the lies but the way things are now......

When you insinuate someone is making troll accounts, you will of course put that person in a defensive position.

Nope sorry bro. Get a life.
Do I even write like that degenerate? Look at all of my posts. Do I curse like a clown?
Seems so obvious to you, but it's also a pretty weak assertion. Butt hurt to an extent.

If we are going to play this game, then maybe it's you? Just as reasonable.

This is rude, but to be expected when you back them into a corner. Regardless this isn't a place to settle beefs.

Both of you get a warning for different reasons.