2024 Election Lounge

NEW: CNN reporter suggests to a Trump supporter that he shouldn't be concerned about the cost of living under the Biden/Harris adm. because he owns a boat

CNN: “if you can afford a boat, you’re not hurting so bad, right? Because a boat costs a lot of money and it’s a lot of upkeep.”

Trump Supporter: “Listen, nobody gave me sh*t!”

“I earned everything that I’ve got. I’m retired military, retired power plant, and I am successful and retired with boats, jet skis because I get it right, and everybody has that chance. Whether they choose or not, that’s up to them.”

“...because I want my money to go further. I want inflation to go down, I want interest rates to go back down, I want all that, but that covers everybody in the economy. Not just me, not just the poor, not just the rich, it covers everybody.”


I don't disagree with her wondering why he cares so much about food costs etc personally when he has a boat. I mean it does seem corny. Upper middle class just normally don't care about that. Nor do they care about interest rates. If anything you want high rates to make more money on your cash. Their biggest expenses aren't food and gas. If he's still borrowing money and owns a boat well he's a fool.
All probably while he buys his cheap China crap on Amazon to save a few bucks versus the made in America local stuff. Everyone talks the talk. Lame.
I don't disagree with her wondering why he cares so much about food costs etc personally when he has a boat. I mean it does seem corny. Upper middle class just normally don't care about that. Nor do they care about interest rates. If anything you want high rates to make more money on your cash. Their biggest expenses aren't food and gas. If he's still borrowing money and owns a boat well he's a fool.
All probably while he buys his cheap China crap on Amazon to save a few bucks versus the made in America local stuff. Everyone talks the talk. Lame.

It seems like he is generalizing society as a whole. Maybe he would like everyone to have a fair chance at the life he is living. Maybe he would like people to buy quality foods at affordable prices. However at the same time most people will not put the effort in to do anything more than live paycheck to paycheck and living on a knifes edge. The drive has been taken out of their minds for comfort and cozy bubble boy lifestyles.

You're last statement is confusing to me. In my line of work the best automotive tools money can buy is usually Snap-on. They are allegedly usa made and they usually cost over 300-500% what most people are willing to buy. Should I keep buying their tools because they are usa made? Or should I buy a Harbor Freight Icon wrench set that comes with 10 different wrenches for around 150 usd and the warranty is literally if I scratch a wrench I can turn the whole set in for a new set no questions asked or should I pay 600-800 usd for a snap on set made in usa that I have to hope and dream the snap on truck will come maybe 2 times a month just to only get that wrench replaced? And frankly I own the icon set and my coworker has the snap on set and he wishes stuff like this was around when he was coming up buying his tool kits. And it's not hard to see why financially.

The point I am trying to make is the standards across the board have dropped to negative levels and it has affected the last one standing to earmark their prices to obscene levels. But you can buy dirt cheap and you return or warranty it because in the long term even if you have to buy the product 10 times in your lifetime, you still go net positive instead of buying high end USA made products.

And no, I do not have a solution to this phenomenon.

Apologies for my extended rant that is slightly off topic.
I don't disagree with her wondering why he cares so much about food costs etc personally when he has a boat. I mean it does seem corny. Upper middle class just normally don't care about that. Nor do they care about interest rates. If anything you want high rates to make more money on your cash. Their biggest expenses aren't food and gas. If he's still borrowing money and owns a boat well he's a fool.
All probably while he buys his cheap China crap on Amazon to save a few bucks versus the made in America local stuff. Everyone talks the talk. Lame.

CNN loves to send these "journalists" out to events with the intention of making your average Trump supporter look stupid. Their audience is a small group of liberal arts majors who fancy themselves as smarter than the average working man. This segment was probably made in an attempt to satisfy that "need". Just walk up to Boomer Billy Bass Boat and shove a camera in his face and be ready with your prepared list of talking points. They look for soft targets for these segments.
I don't disagree with her wondering why he cares so much about food costs etc personally when he has a boat. I mean it does seem corny. Upper middle class just normally don't care about that. Nor do they care about interest rates. If anything you want high rates to make more money on your cash. Their biggest expenses aren't food and gas. If he's still borrowing money and owns a boat well he's a fool.
All probably while he buys his cheap China crap on Amazon to save a few bucks versus the made in America local stuff. Everyone talks the talk. Lame.
Totally disagree.

Low interest rates means lower cost of capital and deals are easier to do because you can have more flexibility in your IRR.

Inflation actually erodes buying power of those with savings.

So In this case if you have a nest egg of 5 million, but your purchasing power is reduced by 20 percent due to inflation, your 10 percent rate of return on investments in high yield savings accounts or your 401k is still insufficient to keep up.

Inflation is a wealth and savings destroyer.