2024 Election Lounge

Stuff like this is why I think some sort of national divorce is going to be the only option. There's no reasoning with people like this. They view any sort of pushback on their policies as aggression ("inflaming tensions") which is why you see this sort of stop making me hit you logic from the Left.
Why aren’t we exploring this? I mean really? And we form some sort of economic and defense agreement. Free to do our thing and Washington is free to do theirs and we’ll even help each other out when stuff gets rough. It’s why I think there’s something more sinister afoot. Washington won’t let us go.
Imagine being that insecure that you’d imagine people you don’t like, running off to do their own thing, but they crank out a higher standard of living than you. Can’t have that can we?

I'm pretty sure the eiltes want total control over a permanent serf class with no agency, no ability to form a resistance, are totally dependent, and have no expectation of rights, liberties, first world living standards, etc.

Hard to imagine any scenario where they'd willingly allow folks an opportunity to get out from under their boot. Not saying it won't ever happen, only that if it does, it won't be with their blessing or consent, to put it politely.
I'm pretty sure the eiltes want total control over a permanent serf class with no agency, no ability to form a resistance, are totally dependent, and have no expectation of rights, liberties, first world living standards, etc.

Hard to imagine any scenario where they'd willingly allow folks an opportunity to get out from under their boot. Not saying it won't ever happen, only that if it does, it won't be with their blessing or consent, to put it politely.
Thats been the case of every ruler or ruling class in history ever.
Thats been the case of every ruler or ruling class in history ever.

I suppose. Something seems different with these people, though. Why dumb down your own populace, promote destructive lifestyles, flood nations with people who don't belong, don't contribute, don't make anything better, are liabilities rather than assets?

I get wanting control, but who would want to rule over an open sewer? At the end of the day they still have to live in the world, and they're making it worse.
I suppose. Something seems different with these people, though. Why dumb down your own populace, promote destructive lifestyles, flood nations with people who don't belong, don't contribute, don't make anything better, are liabilities rather than assets?

I get wanting control, but who would want to rule over an open sewer? At the end of the day they still have to live in the world, and they're making it worse.
I am guessing you've never met a super rich person. Think folks with 50 million in investable capital...

They don't care how dumb the hoi polloi are or how much their struggles are impacted by cheap labor and the effects of their greed.

Listening to “Catholics for Kamala” here are the points made so far, this is insane, I wish I can make these up:

Spokesperson is a literal Jewish senator

Biden is “Catholic”

Catholicism = Don’t be mean :(

“Democracy is more important than abortion.”

Kamala is a great protestant (she loves minorities!)

Trump is a bad protestant (and he's mean)

Abortion is ok under Catholicism, don't worry about it, let immigrants in the country.

“Guys look! The majority of Americans think abortion is ok, why can't Catholics believe the same!”

Trump wants Project 2025!

*Pope Francis's homily out of context*

“Catholics should care about the earth more than a clump of cells.”

“Catholics need to be more open to abortion.”

“All good-standing Catholics should vote to save democracy!”

*African Theology Study Professor begins speaking*

“Catholics have always been against monarchy and nationalism!”

“Christian Nationalism is evil!”

“Kamala Harris is a black Baptist with Hindu family members.”

Haitians totally aren't eating Cats and Dogs!

“Being Catholic means being economically social democrats.”

Authoritarianism is mean :(

“Don’t think about what the Pope said, ignore him, follow your heart instead.”

*Purple haired vegan begins speaking*

“Being Catholic means just loving others.”

“I’m an Italian!”

“My parents were political Catholics, they went when they had to go.”

“People shouldn't use the Bible when it's offensive.”

“There is no shortage of food, the economy is fine, but Trump will destroy it if he wins!”

“Under Trump, nobody could afford groceries.”

“Republicans call themselves Christian but don't want to let more immigrants in?”

“Think about the women of color!”

“Where does it say in the Bible to be against food stamps?”

“Kamala will end child poverty.”

Above summary is likely from tonight's "Catholics for Harris-Walz National Organizing Call".
I am guessing you've never met a super rich person. Think folks with 50 million in investable capital...

They don't care how dumb the hoi polloi are or how much their struggles are impacted by cheap labor and the effects of their greed.
I think there was a time in the early to mid 20th century when the top elite believed that a middle class, Christian, protestant work ethic population made the strongest nation militarily, culturally, and economically.

I think most of us, even the zoomers, grew up with the echoes of that mindset. I think the powers-that-be only went all in on the multi-culti tranny military and electorate barely 10 years ago.
I think there was a time in the early to mid 20th century when the top elite believed that a middle class, Christian, protestant work ethic population made the strongest nation militarily, culturally, and economically.

I think most of us, even the zoomers, grew up with the echoes of that mindset. I think the powers-that-be only went all in on the multi-culti tranny military and electorate barely 10 years ago.
That is fair. I think the rapid growth of the Clinton and Bush era with NAFTA and the trade paradigm shift with China exacerbated and made this scenario possible.
I'm pretty sure the eiltes want total control over a permanent serf class with no agency, no ability to form a resistance, are totally dependent, and have no expectation of rights, liberties, first world living standards, etc.

Hard to imagine any scenario where they'd willingly allow folks an opportunity to get out from under their boot. Not saying it won't ever happen, only that if it does, it won't be with their blessing or consent, to put it politely.
Which is why they want your guns
I am guessing you've never met a super rich person. Think folks with 50 million in investable capital...

They don't care how dumb the hoi polloi are or how much their struggles are impacted by cheap labor and the effects of their greed.
Rich people don´t actually feel anything. Until maybe it´s too late. There´s always conclaves of rich where poor people don´t go/enter. There´s the rich people beach. Normally it´s the one more far from public transportation. Because poor people are lazy and don´t like to walk. Or if you go to regular beaches you need to go in the morning because thugs are still sleeping.

If problems reach rich people. The country is gone.

I don´t know that many people with own 50M investable capital. Normally to reach those numbers of liquidity it´s a pool of money from other people. Rich people have easy access to capital. And creating pools of capital for investments.

I know people with trusts of 80 millions. But they are not really rich. They have wealth but not liquidity. A lot of land and estate. But little liquidity. Because of taxes they can´t even touch it.

There´s probably 3 classes of people with money:

1. Newly rich
2. People transitioning from newly rich to wealth (the worse).
3. Wealthy people.

I think Trump is the image of what a poor person thinks a rich people is. I meet a lot of poor or even middle class people who think rich people behave like gossip magazines. Wealthy people avoid publicity like the plague.

Trump represents a poor man image of what a rich person is. How many illegals work in Trump hotels???? And he is supposed to be against them? what a joke. Rich people love illegals. Because they get more service for cheaper prices. Middle class is the one who gets f.

The problem with wealthy people it´s they are fucking boring. You die of boredom near them. That´s why maybe many of them are into drugs.
Aristoteles said the health of a society is the middle class.

The middle class is least likely to shrink from rule, or to be over-ambitious for it;

Fees of private schools are increasing. Since many parents are waking up to the communist agenda. And trying to get they´re children in private.

@budoslavic You seem to have a grind to axe with catholics. Dont waste your time. Forum Catholic subsection is dead.

The pope already said it´s for catholics to decide. So catholics are not supporting Harris or Trump. Even though all researches and polls show theres a majority supporting Trump. The real question is which Trump? the candidate or the president? The candidate is great. The president is shit. With Biden gone. Kamala is really bad. So Trump is at least in theory the lesser evil.

I think if Trump fails the election he will go to jail. He better start working overtime. And filling the voting booths with his people and filling legal actions to allow it with injunctions if people fail to let them in.
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Why did the democrats vote against it?? What exactly was in this bill?
On the one hand the bill supposedly limited voting to US citizens only, which sounds like an obvious Republican issue. On the other hand, I believe Republican Speaker Mike Johnson loaded it with so much pork, it's a democrat's wet dream.

When it comes to spending, Johnson is horrible, so some Democrat voted for it because they love the spending more than they hate blocking illegal immigrants from voting. Likewise, some Republicans voted against it to block the spending.

It's a typical hot button issue bill loaded down with every other pork spending project they can think of.
@budoslavic You seem to have a grind to axe with catholics.
Magoo, what does "have an axe to grind" have to do with the "Catholics for Kamala" tweet I posted in an election thread? Did you not read the tweet?

Dont waste your time. Forum Catholic subsection is dead..
Again, what does this have to do with the "Catholics for Kamala" tweet? Do better.

The pope already said it´s for catholics to decide.
Which Catholics? The real Catholics who are against abortion, LGBQT, etc.? Or the fake Catholics such as "Catholics for Kamala" group who supports abortion, gay marriage, etc.? It is not hard to see a fake Catholics group that supports Harris-Walz; they are not exactly Catholics.
Read Matthew 7:15.

So catholics are not supporting Harris or Trump.
Not sure what you are talking about here.

The real question is which Trump? the candidate or the president?
The real question is, which person is more evil: an anti-White anti-Christian Establishment Candidate puppet - with the full backing of the Deep State alphabet agencies - who bypassed the entire DNC nomination process without participating in any debates against other Democratic presidential candidates and is rarely seen out on the campaign trails?

Or an ex-President who has survived two assassination attempts yet he's still campaigning non-stop?
I am guessing you've never met a super rich person. Think folks with 50 million in investable capital...

They don't care how dumb the hoi polloi are or how much their struggles are impacted by cheap labor and the effects of their greed.

Henry Ford was worth about 200 billion in today's money. He was extremely wealthy yet also benevolent. He paid his workers very well, and lifted many families out of poverty. His work also went to the advancement of society. Many people credit him for the creation of the American middle class.

I'm not seeing many guys like Henry Ford out there today. We need more of them.
Henry Ford was worth about 200 billion in today's money. He was extremely wealthy yet also benevolent. He paid his workers very well, and lifted many families out of poverty. His work also went to the advancement of society. Many people credit him for the creation of the American middle class.

I'm not seeing many guys like Henry Ford out there today. We need more of them.
He hated jews.