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Search results

  1. M.Balakirev

    Signs of Escalation Into A World War

    The rhetorical reports from innocent, well-meaning journalists on social media aimed at the rest, in an evil way, is taking the p*** all the time.
  2. M.Balakirev

    Are dating apps in any way good for Christians?

    I think the amount of interest you get from them depends on how "alpha" you look and status: more alpha/more status will keep them at bay because I think they probably know their own limitations with regards to upward mobility and escaping the hood/township. Over the course of two weeks, I got...
  3. M.Balakirev

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    Maybe they'll allow hordes of folks from India, The Philippines and Thailand to be the new white & blue collars.
  4. M.Balakirev

    Weird Things You've Noticed Recently

    Despite Mili Balakirev having a beard back in the day when men of distinction grew beards, I think if you're a Protestant, clean shaven or close to it is probably best as it exudes godliness (think of the dreaded hippies of the 60s who rebelled against all things that were righteous)...
  5. M.Balakirev

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    I know many Christians, that would be horrified by this forum took the vax because they are basically decent people who refuse to be cynical and truth-seeking. The really lovely wife of a friend took three of the damn things (and possibly more), and another man I know who took four, lost his...
  6. M.Balakirev

    Rise of the DINKs (Final Civ Death Stage)

    These career women are in the words of Caesar Augustus when he was addressing some of Rome's bachelors in the BBC drama series I Claudius: "You are murderers of posterity, that's what you are".
  7. M.Balakirev

    Protestantism: Critique and Debate Thread

    I understand that the Orthodox Church is at odds with this teaching, in that to quote from one of Fr. Seraphim Rose's books "Protestants believe they are infallibly saved". I can understand this concern, as I just feel there is often far too much 'celebration' in the liberal Protestant...
  8. M.Balakirev

    Sunscreen: Good or Bad?

    On a lighter note, it always used to amuse me when some older guys I sort of knew (at the time) who would have sported those cool 80s mustaches in their 20s would then shave 'em off 20+ years later. It always left a nice slightly little white mustache, but I didn't know them well enough to...
  9. M.Balakirev

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    I'm guilty of this!! I've done, and still do from time to time the dating sites. I make no apology, I'm late forties, in good shape, ideally looking for 30-35 and could do it if there were simply more good, attractive, uncomplicated women around. Men I work with always suggest and make comments...
  10. M.Balakirev

    Whore addiction

    If it's any consolation, having sexual relations with others and going with prostitutes doesn't lead to anything. Having genuine mutual love and affection for one another is infinitely better, and it's best people meet when they're young before they are corrupted and set in their ways. Yourself...
  11. M.Balakirev

    Whore addiction

    I feel your pain. I've learned to go without, not because I'm not an incel, but because there are no suitable women out there for me personally at my age, so I go without. I'm simply not compatible with the vast majority of Protestant women because we are poles apart day-to-day and I couldn't...
  12. M.Balakirev

    Christianity and Race, by St. Nephon

    As I live in the UK, most people on both the mainland and Ireland have no time for Christianity having had it presented to them on a plate. Young people, particularly those in the 50s and 60s chose to not believe and instead opted for the good life. Christianity was preached to them and was...
  13. M.Balakirev

    Christianity and Race, by St. Nephon

    I spoke to a fundamentalist work friend about this only weeks ago who is very sensitive to the things of God, and he summarised the whole scenario very quickly as: "God brings judgment upon the land".
  14. M.Balakirev

    The Evangelical Faith

    I'm friendly with a couple of guys I work with who are fundamentalist, and they believe that the average person needs to be told why they need to be saved (which is uncomfortable), rather than telling them that you can leave all your problems with Jesus because you're in a dark place.
  15. M.Balakirev

    The Evangelical Faith

    Many thanks for your response. I had a Baptist church in mind which I used to attend years ago before I came to faith, but that church has sadly seen a decline in numbers and has an ageing congregation now. I'm by default traditional, and whilst maintaining the sacraments as you mentioned are...
  16. M.Balakirev

    The Evangelical Faith

    Guys, I'd like to know what type of Protestant Church would be best to attend longer term. The church I'm a member of is a Presbyterian church and is very much progressing in the direction that suits young people with all the celebration, come as you are clothes, guitars, Bethal/Cody Carnes...
  17. M.Balakirev

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    That was the only thing I had against them. They were high IQ, so would have come to the realisation early that they were going to make fun of Christianity in that academic environment. Maybe with ageing and reality, they will come to know that there is a Saviour and that Heaven and Hell are real.
  18. M.Balakirev

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    Monty Python was unwittingly well ahead of its time, and was so funny because......it made fun of things that were totally mad, albeit in an innocent way. Who would have known 50 years later that lies and madness would become reality, and more worryingly, taken very seriously. I know the Clown...
  19. M.Balakirev

    Cars You Guys Are Into

    Here's a Mk1 Escort customised by ex-F1 car designer Gordon Murray who has very good taste. With all the fine details, this car is superb.
  20. M.Balakirev

    Irish Politics Thread

    The attitude is the same of most post-war RCs I've come across and particularly millennials, North & South and even in England. My Aunt's husband who is of Irish descent and was raised RC in England is pro-everything. What's interesting to me (probably because they tend to have larger families...