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Signs of Escalation Into A World War

Worse economy and living conditions, Immigration, Leftism / atheism, Wars

All of these things are bad for whites, maybe its just that simple and there is no need to try and spin it as if they are playing 4d chess for some other benefits. It is destruction for whites thats the benefit its the simplest answer.
Sure, maybe. Who knows. I'm aware that my theory implies an outrageous level of cooperation and alignment. This is very tough to imagine, given that just introducing a new process in a mid-sized company is already very difficult.
This outcome is MUCH more likely than them fighting in a war against Russia.
They will be given weapons and run wild all over western Europe maybe even as enforcers for conscription of whites into the military.

I think this would backfire. The host population is more likely to kill migrants trying to force someone into the draft than they would their fellow White soldiers.

I believe the elites will go with the safest option, which is using Whites to send brown fodder to the front. However, it will be the left-wing, pro-vax, brainwashed Whites who do this, with some brown support, and right-wing Whites will be rounded up for labor or cannon fodder as well.
I think this would backfire. The host population is more likely to kill migrants trying to force someone into the draft than they would their fellow White soldiers.

I believe the elites will go with the safest option, which is using Whites to send brown fodder to the front. However, it will be the left-wing, pro-vax, brainwashed Whites who do this, with some brown support, and right-wing Whites will be rounded up for labor or cannon fodder as well.
The country I live in already has padded the ranks of its police forces and security personnel with Muslim men. I'm of two minds on this though:
1. Muslim men don't take crap from anyone, especially if you give them a badge, and will even beat down other Muslim men, whereas the native cops won't, for fear of being filmed or called wacists.
2. Muslim men might not be conscripted into war against Russia, but they could be the shock troops to beat down any local uprisings against government abuses. Same situation in the USA, but with Hispanic thugs or various other nationalities that have invaded.
2. Muslim men might not be conscripted into war against Russia, but they could be the shock troops to beat down any local uprisings against government abuses. Same situation in the USA, but with Hispanic thugs or various other nationalities that have invaded.

They're going to be conscripted or else the (((West))) will lose.
The war is going to be fought mostly with various forms of small, flying explosives guided by ICs & powered by lithium. I doubt any side is going to be able to consistently deliver large payloads far, meaning it'll be mostly frontline war determined by jamming, FPV & satellite based EW ranges.

If you want work in IT, you need to be hardware, electrical engineering, signals/radio, electrochemistry (lithiums), crypto (applied cryptography, not bitcoin). These are the only IT companies banks in the US are funding anymore, don't expect much IT work outside of this.

Migrants are cannon fodder, they have 0 technical capacity to excersize violence. Our diversity is our strength.

"The elites" are going to change & in my industry (that has taken a clear wartime shift) they're doing everything they can to stop this. Guys like Gates, Musk, youtubers, etc know that in wartime they will be useless. Wartime "elites" are guys like Motorola & Givi in '15 Donetsk, Wendell Fertig in 1940's Philippines, Abu... something (the iraqi rambo) in Iraq, etc. Society will look very different.

I don't expect any markets to crash, but I do expect that money in general, fiat, bitcoin, whatever, will not have anywhere near the value it has had for decades past. Money may be able to buy food but not any type of comfort.

There's been some type of shift in technology & the value of violence as a commodity that arguably hasn't occurred since the invention of the machine gun or even gunpowder. There's going to be a lot of players in the conflict. It's not going to be "axis vs allied".

Colonialism is going to make a comeback. Expect Latin America, Africa, East Europe/Balkans, places that are historically not capable of self government & have limited military technical capacity to become various forms of new age colonies.

Men will be of use again, I'm not sure why you all are talking like this is a bad thing. It's what will bring back good times.

Germany reveals wartime plan for citizens if Russia attacks​

Germany reveals wartime plan for citizens if Russia attacks©AP
Germany has updated its strict wartime measures for the first time since the Cold War as the country's leaders prepare for the possibility of conflict by the end of the decade. The Federal Government has presented shocking new changes that could see Germany return to compulsory conscription, the evacuation of citizens and food rationing if war breaks out on the continent.

State response and citizen preparedness

  • The state cannot be everywhere at once. In the case of simultaneous attacks, people cannot expect immediate state assistance everywhere. They must be prepared to help themselves initially.
  • The federal government will use the Modular Warning System (MoWaS) to rapidly disseminate warnings via radio, internet, and apps.
  • Basements with solid construction, underground garages, and subway stations will be used as makeshift bunkers due to the short warning times of attacks.
  • The German parliament aka the Bundestag will not dissolve during defense efforts.
  • Media outlets are required to promptly broadcast important announcements, such as new laws or information.
  • The state relies on secure communication systems for classified information to counter espionage attacks.
  • Authorities can order evacuations in contested areas, ensuring families are not separated.
  • Hospitals must prepare for a sudden, large influx of patients over an extended period.
  • Veterinary offices should plan to prevent animal disease outbreaks.

Food and resource management

  • In wartime, Germany could face a supply crisis, especially for fruits and vegetables. The Ministry of Food can ration food distribution.
  • The federal government stores wheat, rye, and oats at secret locations, along with emergency reserves of rice, legumes, and condensed milk, to provide one hot meal per day for the population, especially in urban areas.
  • Deliveries of spare parts for military vehicles will have priority over other goods. Authorities may require companies to produce only goods for defense purposes.
  • In case of a shortage, the Ministry of Economics can set prices and issue ration cards.
  • Private companies must make their trucks and IT infrastructure available to the military in an emergency.

Public services and infrastructure

  • Garbage collection will continue during the war to prevent disease outbreaks.
  • Emergency reserves of drinking water and firefighting water will be maintained.
  • Tanks and troop vehicles have priority on roads and railways, potentially restricting normal traffic. Buses, subways, and trains can be stopped, and air traffic suspended.
  • Railway bridges will receive special protection, with equipment ready to build temporary bridges over rivers.
  • Weather services may be restricted from reporting weather conditions for security reasons.
  • Conscription duties will be reinstated in wartime, allowing citizens to be drafted at any time.

Labor and communication

  • The Federal Employment Agency can require citizens aged 18 and older to work in certain jobs (e.g., healthcare, postal services, bakeries) and prohibit resignations in these areas. Working on Sundays and holidays may be mandatory.
  • Doctors, psychologists, nurses, and veterinarians will be assigned to military and civilian roles as needed.
  • Telephone lines may be restricted if required by the Bundeswehr.
German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius emphasized the need for Germany to be war-ready by 2029, highlighting the country’s renewed commitment to military preparedness.

By Newsroom•

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For those paying attention to Ukraine's ongoing massive success fending off the new Russian front in the north, they're doing it without western help using exclusively low quality FPV drones. Ukrainians are publicly saying in so many words "American drones are crap" and are telling companies like Skydio to keep their drones.

The following is happening to at least 5 companies I'm aware of in the past week or two alone, some in the US, this is the only one that is so transparent about it.

They're lying about the reason though, Russia uses the pirana for FPV which is very unlikely to use these boards. The powers that be are angry that precision munitions are so cheap now & scared how easy it is to wage war on a low budget.

Wait until they see what RC jet engines can do (think cheap, FPV cruise missiles) The fun is only getting started.
Migrants are soldiers who will be activated against host populations when time comes.
Yes but unless they have some kind of structured military training, they will just descend on White people like hungry, horny, pissed-off orcs. If most of them haven't taken the jew jabs then I don't know how they could be activated with a frequency, the "activation" will most likely just be a series of riots and shootings, intended to be a complete overwhelming of law enforcement and military (which is teetering on non-White majorities in many areas) will not defend the White heritage populations. The migrants will be given weapons, but then again it comes down to training and who is fighting for what. Some 60 IQ cretin with a rifle shooting Whites in America or Europe has nothing to lose so his fight will be as worthless as the cause that brought him there.

One well-armed and well-trained White could take out hundreds of invading scum, the more crazy and elite survivalist types could no doubt take out thousands. Whatever casualties there are in the beginning, once the match is truly lit (as the jews can't play this stalemate slow-paced attrition warfare game forever) will be offset by White retaliation against both the system that has designed their destruction and the biological weapons brought in to implement that design. It will be a horrible place to be for any naive soul who doesn't like violence, especially the majority of brainwashed Whites who would rather lay down and die than be seen as "racist" (huge propaganda win for satan and the jews). The good thing is that with each passing day there are less Whites who care about being seen as racist, and this trend is only going to keep climbing upwards.

Notice the logic used by (((Biden))). On one hand, Russia is weak and is getting slaughtered in Ukraine by the hundreds of thousands, 350k!! Yet on the other hand, we need keep supporting the war to end this super dangerous tyrant who will conquer Europe like Hitler.

How can a weak, incompetent military conquer Europe? Contradictions don't matter in wartime propaganda, the point is, the war must continue no matter what. If Russia is winning, we must continue war, if Russia is losing, we must continue war. The point is war.

Hence, the war never ends without the total defeat or unconditional surrender of Russia - we are in WW3.

Notice the logic used by (((Biden))). On one hand, Russia is weak and is getting slaughtered in Ukraine by the hundreds of thousands, 350k!! Yet on the other hand, we need keep supporting the war to end this super dangerous tyrant who will conquer Europe like Hitler.

How can a weak, incompetent military conquer Europe? Contradictions don't matter in wartime propaganda, the point is, the war must continue no matter what. If Russia is winning, we must continue war, if Russia is losing, we must continue war. The point is war.

Hence, the war never ends without the total defeat or unconditional surrender of Russia - we are in WW3.

The rhetorical reports from innocent, well-meaning journalists on social media aimed at the rest, in an evil way, is taking the p*** all the time.
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