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COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

I have to compile a list of these realities, since I tell people all the time that conspiracy theories aren't theories, they were proven to be facts, and within even a small amount of time over the last few years (sometimes only days or weeks showed they were all what we thought they were). Is there any compilation of all the lies and BS that we called out that turned out to be exactly as we said it was?


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You can't rely on 3rd world migrants to run and maintain the literal and figurative machinery that keeps civil society humming. Most of these people can't grow a crop, do plumbing, electricity, supply-chain logistics, be firemen etc. Society would collapse if there isn't enough skilled labor around. People who show up just seeking handouts are not going to suddenly turn into engineers, scientists, doctors, or mechanics.
Maybe they'll allow hordes of folks from India, The Philippines and Thailand to be the new white & blue collars.
With real AI we won't need elected officials or politicians either.
People who will control AI will control the rest. At least temporarily. Call them what you want. And they wont need workers. Because robots will do everything for them. And I suspect the thinning of the herd will be brutal.

You really think they will pay a UBI? To useless eaters? Why would they do that? Share resources? Same air?

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People who will control AI will control the rest. At least temporarily. Call them what you want. And they wont need workers. Because robots will do everything for them. And I suspect the thinning of the herd will be brutal.

You really think they will pay a UBI? To useless eaters? Why would they do that? Share resources? Same air?

The part I still haven’t been able to figure out that nobody has given me a satisfactory answer to is assume that AI/robots take everybody’s jobs. Apart from a limited number of goods and services needed to service corporations and maintain infrastructure and production who are you going to sell the rest of the stuff to if there is no middle class? (assuming UBI will be at a low level). Nobody will have money to buy non-essential goods so what would be the point of producing them?
The part I still haven’t been able to figure out that nobody has given me a satisfactory answer to is assume that AI/robots take everybody’s jobs. Apart from a limited number of goods and services needed to service corporations and maintain infrastructure and production who are you going to sell the rest of the stuff to if there is no middle class? (assuming UBI will be at a low level). Nobody will have money to buy non-essential goods so what would be the point of producing them?
I think the end goal is probably to have robots just serving a small elite. All the rest will probably disappear. Unless some workers to run AI.

UBI will probably be a temporary transition system. While all non essential industries die. If you think about it. There will probably be some points system. I don´t think people will even have the liberty to spend money freely. You will be allocated some kind of ration per week. And to receive the points for sure you will have to exterminate yourself through vaccination or whatever.

But this system will not last. If they manage to implement it. History doesn’t stop. Idiots want to play God. It will not work out well.

The geert guy said something in his last linkedin comment like the great reset will be made by nature not WEF. He’s wrong because it wasnt nature but clotshot induced resistance.
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I think the end goal is probably to have robots just serving a small elite. All the rest will probably disappear. Unless some workers to run AI.

UBI will probably be a temporary transition system. While all non essential industries die. If you think about it. There will probably be some points system. I don´t think people will even have the liberty to spend money freely. You will be allocated some kind of ration per week. And to receive the points for sure you will have to exterminate yourself through vaccination or whatever.

But this system will not last. If they manage to implement it. History doesn’t stop. Idiots want to play God. It will not work out well.

The geert guy said something in his last linkedin comment like the great reset will be made by nature not WEF. He’s wrong because it wasnt nature but clotshot induced resistance.
We will see. I don't think it will work out the way they will, either. What's more, groups of high IQ or BTC europeans will go to places where in certain ways, of course they will be welcomed. Why wouldn't they be, with the IQ and looks they have?
People who will control AI will control the rest. At least temporarily. Call them what you want. And they wont need workers. Because robots will do everything for them. And I suspect the thinning of the herd will be brutal.

You really think they will pay a UBI? To useless eaters? Why would they do that? Share resources? Same air?

Thankfully its all BS. The same style of BS that was "in 50 years we'll all have flying cars", "by 2014 the Earth's ice caps will melt" etc...

Elon Musk sells BS for a living. He's very good at it, its how he became mega rich. His companies' business models are all based on selling promises of the future to pump stock prices. The actual consumer products that come from his companies are merely an afterthought, and most of the time, little more than novelties/toys.

Real AI likely doesn't even exist yet. Who knows if and when it will actually exist. "Robots" aren't magic solutions to anything, they're machines that require constant maintenance. Any industry that uses "robots" (I hate using that term, it's a silly childlike misrepresentation) also require an army of staff to keep them operational.

This silly SciFi slop is nothing more than demoralization and depopulation propaganda. "Don't have kids because all the jobs will dissapear, it's gonna be like XYZ hollywood movie". It's all BS.
Thankfully its all BS. The same style of BS that was "in 50 years we'll all have flying cars", "by 2014 the Earth's ice caps will melt" etc...

Elon Musk sells BS for a living. He's very good at it, its how he became mega rich. His companies' business models are all based on selling promises of the future to pump stock prices. The actual consumer products that come from his companies are merely an afterthought, and most of the time, little more than novelties/toys.

Real AI likely doesn't even exist yet. Who knows if and when it will actually exist. "Robots" aren't magic solutions to anything, they're machines that require constant maintenance. Any industry that uses "robots" (I hate using that term, it's a silly childlike misrepresentation) also require an army of staff to keep them operational.

This silly SciFi slop is nothing more than demoralization and depopulation propaganda. "Don't have kids because all the jobs will dissapear, it's gonna be like XYZ hollywood movie". It's all BS.

Is AI bullshit? Answer from ChatGpt:

The perception of artificial intelligence (AI) can vary widely depending on one's perspective, expectations, and understanding of the technology. Here are some points to consider:
  1. Practical Applications: AI has demonstrated substantial utility in various fields, such as healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment. Applications like medical diagnosis, fraud detection, self-driving cars, and personalized recommendations have shown AI's practical benefits.
  2. Limitations and Hype: While AI can perform specific tasks very well, it has limitations. Some criticisms arise from the overhyping of AI's capabilities, leading to unrealistic expectations. AI is not yet capable of general intelligence or understanding context like humans do.
  3. Ethical and Social Concerns: There are significant ethical concerns surrounding AI, including bias, privacy issues, and job displacement. These concerns need to be addressed to ensure the technology benefits society as a whole.
  4. Research and Development: AI continues to be a major area of research with ongoing advancements. Breakthroughs in machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision suggest that AI will continue to evolve and improve.
In summary, while AI has its challenges and limitations, dismissing it entirely as "bullshit" overlooks its proven capabilities and potential for future development.
Is AI bullshit? Answer from ChatGpt:

The perception of artificial intelligence (AI) can vary widely depending on one's perspective, expectations, and understanding of the technology. Here are some points to consider:
  1. Practical Applications: AI has demonstrated substantial utility in various fields, such as healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment. Applications like medical diagnosis, fraud detection, self-driving cars, and personalized recommendations have shown AI's practical benefits.
  2. Limitations and Hype: While AI can perform specific tasks very well, it has limitations. Some criticisms arise from the overhyping of AI's capabilities, leading to unrealistic expectations. AI is not yet capable of general intelligence or understanding context like humans do.
  3. Ethical and Social Concerns: There are significant ethical concerns surrounding AI, including bias, privacy issues, and job displacement. These concerns need to be addressed to ensure the technology benefits society as a whole.
  4. Research and Development: AI continues to be a major area of research with ongoing advancements. Breakthroughs in machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision suggest that AI will continue to evolve and improve.
In summary, while AI has its challenges and limitations, dismissing it entirely as "bullshit" overlooks its proven capabilities and potential for future development.
If you look at what ChatGpt actually does, it's just a glorified webcrawler that aggregates the results and repackages them into grammatical sentences for you to read. I've asked it basic questions about a number of things, and it has given me wrong info numerous times. It's only as good as the info it has access to. If it finds incorrect info, it has no ability of discerning whether that info is bad or not, and presents it as if it is correct, and if it cannot find the info, it just fills in the blanks with crap that it makes up. It's still just a computer. And the old saying "garbage in, garbage out" still applies.

It's answer to your prompt proves this. It just took a number of headlines from pop culture "science" rags and other news websites and threw them into a blender, and spit them back out at you.
If you look at what ChatGpt actually does, it's just a glorified webcrawler that aggregates the results and repackages them into grammatical sentences for you to read. I've asked it basic questions about a number of things, and it has given me wrong info numerous times. It's only as good as the info it has access to. If it finds incorrect info, it has no ability of discerning whether that info is bad or not, and presents it as if it is correct, and if it cannot find the info, it just fills in the blanks with crap that it makes up. It's still just a computer. And the old saying "garbage in, garbage out" still applies.

It's answer to your prompt proves this. It just took a number of headlines from pop culture "science" rags and other news websites and threw them into a blender, and spit them back out at you.

True artificial intelligence would immediately turn right wing anti semitic and promote traditional gender roles.
But they have programmed it to be a spoon fed pro government leftist.
The fact that "AI" can't become self aware and realise it's programming is manipulative and faulty, shows it lacks any intelligence at all.
Have any of you heard this song Compliance by Muse?
They play it at my gym. Initially made me most angry as it sounded like they were singing about the pandemic in praise but have read up a bit and don't think it was intended that way any more.

Actually, another "aftermath" of the 'pandemic' for me is that I now mistrust modern medicine and doctors very deeply. At the moment I don't have a GP and have not been to any doctor for perhaps four years. Eventually though I will want to maybe (seriously, only maybe) get a checkup at a doctor, blood tests etc. My new requirement however is that it needs to be a doctor who believes the pandemic was a psyop and a lie not a doctor who believes the pandemic was the truth and the vax was necessary.

I wish there was a directory of such doctors..

When the time comes I will do a search of media scandals. Find the doctors who were scandalised by the media for denying the whole thing. Then find one of them I like and make an appointment for a routine checkup, and congratulate him for standing up for the truth.