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Search results

  1. C

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

  2. C

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    In order for Ukraine to become a big Israel, you have to depopulate the natives, and they're doing a great job at this. Ukraine is down to less than 20 million people, nearly half of what they had a couple of decades ago.
  3. C

    French Politics Thread

    Indian blogger gets it right. If this was the British parliamentary system, the RN would have gotten an absolute majority, but with the 2-round runoffs expect Macron to ally with the left and stand down in ridings where the left is ahead, and vice versa. The center-right will cuck for Macron.
  4. C

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    (((They))) have kind of set it up this way, building up an element of fanatical islamists across western Europe in order to keep the local nationalists in their pocket. That's the whole gameplan of the Tommy Robinsons, Gert Wilders etc.
  5. C

    EURO 2024 Championship

    Should be an interesting QF for England with Switzerland, who are no pushovers and are well-organized.
  6. C

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    The problem with that is that Israel is a very small country, 2-3 nukes would finish it. The Samson option was formulated at a time when Israel's enemies didn't have nukes, wouldn't be surprised if Iran already has a few. As mentioned, they only need a couple. If things flare up with Hezbollah...
  7. C

    The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)

    ^If it's a strategic logistical hub, it will get bombed again. FAB bombs are very cheap to produce.
  8. C

    French Politics Thread

    Macron was told to hold elections by his handlers, his strategy is to position himself as a paragon of order and stability, as they push for riots and political instability with the upcoming RN win. We'll see how it plays out...
  9. C

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    The Russians are not going to stop until the Ukraine issue is solved permanently - no frozen borders without Ukraine demilitarizing.
  10. C

    Latest Canadian Lunacy

    More importantly, why are inuit students getting $160k scholarships in Canada? It's not like tuition is like in the US...
  11. C

    South America Thread

    That's a partial list, I believe Bolivia has already been couped in the 1980s. The coups lately haven't had a high success rate: Guaido in Venezuela, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkey, and now Bolivia - all US neocon-backed that have failed.
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    EURO 2024 Championship

  13. C

    South America Thread

  14. C

    EURO 2024 Championship

    That is actually true for the great majority of players in this tournament, they care more about winning the world cup or Euro than about winning with their clubs.
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    EURO 2024 Championship

    ^All the top teams ended up in the same bracket on the left, England has a relatively easy path to the final. Austria is my dark horse, won the toughest group in the tourney, good team to root for, the round of 16 game against Turkey is an old classic going back 500+ years! Georgia had their...
  16. C

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    China's fleet is geared towards bossing Taiwan and the South China Sea, not to patrol the oceans. Russia can sink any ship with its hypersonics, its adversaries are already thinking twice. They have a decent submarine fleet, that's where things are headed, as large surface ships are now too...
  17. C

    Candace Owens
