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The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

right now, they're only talking about "regular" nuclear strikes - which would fail to achieve a strategic result. The times have changed,
Yes. The times have indeed changed.

Remember that at the time the US nuked the civilian population of Japan, the world was a place where things like this were totally acceptable:


I think any country that used a nuclear weapon today would face extremely strong international backlash. Possibly including the US, although we ostensibly still control institutions like the US, IMF, major media, etc.

In 1945 there was no internet to combat lies and propaganda, and most people saw America as the "good guys." That is not the case for Israel, (or even for the US) today. Add to that the hypersensitivity and emotionality of our society and they would really risk a global embargo (outside of their US colony) if they used a nuclear weapon. That, and, as you said, it would not be very effective tactically.
Yes. The times have indeed changed.

Remember that at the time the US nuked the civilian population of Japan, the world was a place where things like this were totally acceptable:


I think any country that used a nuclear weapon today would face extremely strong international backlash. Possibly including the US, although we ostensibly still control institutions like the US, IMF, major media, etc.

In 1945 there was no internet to combat lies and propaganda, and most people saw America as the "good guys." That is not the case for Israel, (or even for the US) today. Add to that the hypersensitivity and emotionality of our society and they would really risk a global embargo (outside of their US colony) if they used a nuclear weapon. That, and, as you said, it would not be very effective tactically.

That's exactly the kind of propaganda they are using now on Hamas and the Palestinians, 40 decapitated Israeli babies etc, lies which the MSM, Biden and many senators have repeated ad nauseum, all the while we are arming Israel with bombs that have been pulverizing Palestinian children by the tens of thousands. There is a big part of the boomercon base and a lot of establishment Dems that are a captive audience for this kind of propaganda.