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The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)

Only a small number of Ukrainians surrender because the Ukrainians attack and kill their own soldiers who try to surrender with FPV drones.

It's the same for retreating. They have "blocking units" like Azov and other "ideologically motivated units" reminiscent of Stalin's NKVD standing behind the line with machineguns. If you retreat you will get gunned down, and if you try to surrender you will be blown up by a FPV drone.
An American ATACMS cluster missile, if that is a thing, has allegedly hit a beach at Sevastopol, Crimea. Up to 100 civilians reported wounded, 3 dead, including 2 children.

Razvozhaev about the situation in Sevastopol:

The death toll has risen to 3 people: we have lost two children and 1 adult.

The criminal Kiev regime, which has renounced its faith, launched a ballistic missile attack on Sevastopol with cluster munitions in broad daylight.

The number of wounded increased to almost 100 people. The entire healthcare system has been mobilized, and doctors and medical staff are at work. The operating rooms are deployed. The victims are provided with all necessary medical care.

Today, on the bright holiday of Trinity, we have great grief. The enemy struck on the sly, at a time when civilians, some were returning from service, some had already gone to the sea with their children.

I understand that no words can now reassure people who have lost loved ones. Know that now every Sevastopol resident is with you in spirit. We will definitely help the families of the victims.

To all the wounded - sincere words of support and a speedy recovery.

I went to the injured in the hospital. The prosecutor of the city of Sevastopol, Andrei Shevtsov, is at the scene of the incident on the North Side.

Crimea - 23.06.2024

"Ukrainian Armed Forces missile strike on Crimea. June 23, 2024

▪️ Two days after a massive drone raid on Crimea, the enemy expectedly attacked the peninsula with ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles with cluster warheads.
▪️ Five missiles were fired from the Nikolaev region in the direction of Sevastopol, and all of them were shot down in different parts of the coastal strip, starting from Kozacha Bay and ending with Lyubimovka.
▪️ But this time the successful work of the air defense was overshadowed by losses among civilians due to the fall of submunitions from missiles. According to official data, the number of victims on the Uchkuevka beach reached 124 people. Of these, 27 victims were children relaxing on the beach with their parents. Three people died due to falling rocket debris, including two minor children. Unfortunately, the enemy has used similar tactics more than once, launching missiles directly over areas crowded with ordinary people. This was already observed in Belgorod, Donetsk, and other Russian cities.
▪️ Moreover, once again symbolism can be seen in the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their curators. Today, June 23, marks one of the most important Orthodox holidays - Holy Trinity Day.
▪️ The night before the attack, according to reports, up to 15 drones were observed in the western part of Crimea, some of which were shot down.
▪️ Once again, during the attack, an American RQ-4B drone was in the air, which again raises the question of the advisability of destroying Western aircraft that are targeting Russian territories and residents."
Toretsk - 23.06.2024

"The situation in the Oleksandro-Kalynove direction as of 10:00 /Moscow time/ June 23, 2024

▪️ Russian troops continue offensive actions in the Oleksandro-Kalynove direction.
▪️ In the Druzhba sector, according to reports, Russian troops began to dislodge the enemy from their positions on the eastern bank of the Seversky-Donets-Donbass canal, where the enemy occupied several forest belts about a year ago.
▪️ There is also progress along the railway and the T-05-18 road, from the Mayorsk checkpoint and the Mayorsk railway station in the direction of Druzhba. According to preliminary information, forward detachments of the Russian Armed Forces reached Kuibysheva/Polevaya and Zheleznodorozhnaya/Zaliznichnaya streets in Druzhba, as well as Kalinova and Individual streets in Pivnichne. However, there is no objective footage yet, although the progress looks quite logical.
▪️ To the south, the village of Shumy came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, but the status of several forest belts to the north of the settlement remains unclear. To the west of Shumy there are two artificial heights - the waste heap of the Vostochnaya Mine and the dump of the Severnaya Mine. Yesterday, information appeared on the Internet about the capture of these fortified areas by the Russian Army, however, even here, there is still no objective footage to confirm.
▪️ At the same time, there are also battles in Pivdenne, but so far the information coming from there is contradictory. According to some sources, about half of the settlement has come under the control of Russian forces, and according to others, fighting is already taking place on the outskirts of the adjacent Zalizne.
▪️ There are also battles between Shyroka Balka and New York, however, the scale of the advance of the Russian Armed Forces is not yet clear here, and there have been no reports of advances towards New York from Novoselivka.
▪️ To the west, in the area between Novobakhmutivka and Novokalynove, some sources reported advances of the Russian Armed Forces, but so far this does not correspond to reality. Along the H-20 highway there are several large enemy fortified areas with heavily mined forefields, and assault operations here would require serious preparation to begin.
▪️ Fighting continues to the north of Arkhanhelske and Novokalynove. Assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces are advancing through forest belts in the area of the administrative borders of the Grodovskaya and Ilyinovskaya territorial communities, penetrating the enemy’s defenses in the Kalynove direction."
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Donetsk-Avdiivka - 24.06.2024

"The situation in the Avdiivka direction as of 18:00 /Moscow time/ June 24, 2024

▪️ Recently, the front in the Avdiivka direction has significantly intensified. Russian troops are advancing northwest towards the road to Myrnohrad and Pokrovsk, the key logistics centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
▪️ In Novooleksandrivka, the Russian Armed Forces control most of the territory of the village, moving along the C050906 road. According to the most optimistic, but unconfirmed statements, the forward detachments of the Russian Armed Forces have already approached the outskirts of Vozdvyzhenka, taking which, will allow Russian fighters to break through to the N-32 highway and cut off the supply route to Kostyantynivka from the west.
▪️ To the south, units of the Russian Armed Forces are fighting for a large fortified area near Sokil, while at the same time, sources also report advances in the center of the settlement and on the outskirts of the closely adjacent Yevhenivka. It is noteworthy that it is from this area that quite a lot of footage appears with destroyed Ukrainian equipment; Russian drones especially often strike American-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles.

▪️ At the line Novopokrovske-Novoselivka Persha, Russian troops are also successfully conducting an offensive along the Ocheretyne Gully.
▪️ Against the backdrop of the transfer of part of the reserve units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to Toretsk, the enemy’s defenses has thinned out somewhat, which could lead to the advancement of the Russian Armed Forces in this area."
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Siversk - 24.06.2024

"The situation in the Siversk direction as of 19:00 /Moscow time/ June 24, 2024

▪️ Yesterday, footage appeared on the Internet showing assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces hoisting the Russian flag on the southeastern outskirts of Rozdolivka, for which fighting began about a week ago. This allows us to talk about at least a partial control of the Russian Armed Forces over the southeastern outskirts of the settlement.
▪️ According to available information, Russian troops are attacking along Grushchinsky, Mira and Tolochkov streets, moving towards the center of the village from the southeast. Many buildings in the village have been destroyed, and the enemy is actively using FPV drones to attack forward positions of the Russian Forces, trying to slow down the pace of advance.
▪️ To the west, the Russian Armed Forces are carrying out attacks along the railway tracks in order to take control of the entrance to the village in the area of the Rozdolivka railway station. Previously, assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces had already knocked out the Armed Forces of Ukraine from their positions in the area of the railway crossing, however they were unable to hold out there. At the moment, it is not possible to clarify the exact zone of control at the site due to the lack of objective footage.
▪️ After the Russian Armed Forces approach the railway station, the only relatively safe route for the enemy will be the road from Pereizne, which is used to deliver reinforcements and ammunition. In the event of an offensive to the north of Rozdolivka, the Russian Armed Forces will have the opportunity to cut off this supply route, significantly simplifying the further liberation of the settlement."
Vremivka - 25.06.2024

"The situation in the Vremivka sector as of 16:00 /Moscow time/ June 25, 2024

▪️ In the Vremivka sector, Russian Forces are leveling the front line to the west of Staromaiorske, and in the neighboring Urozhaine they are gradually squeezing the enemy out of positions, moving towards the center of the village.
▪️ After the Russian Armed Forces liberated most of the territory of Staromaiorske, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are regularly launching counterattacks with the support of armored vehicles, trying to regain control over the northern outskirts of the settlement. The enemy is advancing both through the open area north of the village and across the Mokrye Yaly River from the northeast.
▪️ There is a significant decrease in the intensity of fire from Ukrainian formations, which creates conditions for offensive actions of the Russian Armed Forces to the west of Staromaiorske.
▪️ The situation is tense in the neighboring Urozhaine. The village is located on a hill relative to the surrounding area, which allows the Armed Forces of Ukraine to more effectively adjust artillery and mortar fire. Despite this, assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces are gradually pushing the enemy out of positions in the ruins of houses, moving along Naberezhnaya and Tsentralnaya streets.
▪️ The situation at the site remains quite difficult for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. To stabilize the situation, the enemy transferred units of the 57th Motorized Brigade from the Kherson direction."
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Russia drops a FAB3000 on New York. :) The first use away from the Kharkov area.

The assault on the citadel in Vovchansk has reported begun.

A train load of equipment taken out by an Iskander strike.

I can see how that would blow up a few cars, damage the tracks, and stop the rest of the train behind the impact point. However, wouldn't the contents of all but a few train cars remain intact? Once they move the damaged material out of the way and repair the tracks, the rest of the train is still good to go, I would think.
The train was stationary when it was struck by an Iskander missile. That strike would have been centred on the carriages carrying the armored vehicles.
The FAB3000 hit a building in Niu York. Nothing to do with the train.
Donetsk - 28.06.2024

"The situation in the Donetsk direction as of 20:00 /Moscow time/ June 28, 2024

▪️ After some calm in the Donetsk direction, Russian troops carried out a series of successful attacks. Advances were recorded from Heorhiivka and Pobjeda, where for a long time there was no information about the front line, as well as in Paraskoviivka and Krasnohorivka.
▪️ Paraskoviivka came under full control of the Russian Armed Forces. The assault detachments of the Russian Army crossed the Kutsa Gully, which opens to the Sukhe Yaly River, and secured a foothold in the forest belt to the west of the village. Now the path to Kostyantynivka from the north has opened for the Russian troops, but before that they have to occupy several more strongholds east of the settlement.
▪️ In the sector from Paraskoviivka to Pobjeda, several forest belts north of the Sviniachya Gully came under the control of Russian troops. At the same time, an offensive is developing in the direction of the highway.
▪️ In the Pobjeda area, Russian troops occupied a forest belt to the west of the village, and also expanded the zone of control in the area of the highway leading to Vuhledar. The Armed Forces of Ukraine remain highly active in this area: the enemy counterattacks from time to time, trying to regain lost positions.
▪️ From Heorhiivka, assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces advanced several hundred meters to the west and gained a foothold on the outskirts of Tsentralnaya and Oktyabrskaya streets in Maksymilyanivka. At the same time, Russian troops partially occupied several forest belts south of the village. According to preliminary reports, assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces also managed to cling to the ruins of farms located south of Maksymilyanivka.
▪️ In Krasnohorivka, Russian troops expanded the zone of control east of the Shevchenko Park, moving along Skovoroda, Lomonosov, Tolstoy and Khmelnitsky streets. Detachments of the Armed Forces of Ukraine still remain to the north of the Park, but their supply situation is difficult, since in order to transfer reinforcements, Ukrainian formations have to move through open terrain in the park area.
▪️ According to reports, in the north of the city, Russian troops advanced in the area of Belinsky and Ostrovsky streets, and also reached the intersection of Nakhimov and Syedova streets. However, due to the lack of objective footage, it is not yet possible to reliably establish the exact zone of control."
Siversk - 29.06.2024

"The situation in the Siversk direction as of 09:00 /Moscow time/ June 29, 2024

▪️ Yesterday units from the 106th Airborne Division of the Russian Armed Forces have established complete and confident control over the village of Rozdolivka, and are currently consolidating on its territory.
▪️ After taking the village, Russian troops also expanded the zone of control to the northwest of the settlement in the direction of Pereizne, moving along the railway embankment, and also occupied several positions near the Bakhmutka River west of the railway crossing.
▪️ This became possible after assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces entered Rozdolivka from the south and southeast, clearing the way for advancement along the railway, which was under fire from both sides and the fighting in the area has been going on for the past few days.
▪️ In addition, according to roports, assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces advancing from the side of Vesele have crossed the Sukhaya Plotva River and are preparing to attack in the direction of the outskirts of Pereizne, from where the path to the Siversk fortified area opens.
▪️ The Armed Forces of Ukraine actively use drones of various types to attack forward positions of the Russian Armed Forces, without having significant resources to carry out counterattacks due to heavy losses incurred in battles."
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Toretsk - 29.06.2024

"The situation in the Oleksandro-Kalynove direction as of 19:00 /Moscow time/ June 29, 2024

▪️ In the Oleksandro-Kalynove direction, the exact area of advancement of the Russian Armed Forces is gradually beginning to become clearer.
▪️ In the Druzhba sector, Russian troops occupied several dry reservoirs on the eastern bank of the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal.
▪️ At the same time, at the pumping station of the 3rd lift of the canal, several kilometers west of the Maiorsk checkpoint, Russian troops hold forward positions under artillery and FPV drone attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
▪️ After the capture of the village of Shumy last week, Russian troops advanced to the outskirts of Pivnichne/Kirove. The territory of the former reservoir, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine had previously equipped a stronghold, came under the control of the RF Armed Forces. At the moment, fighting is taking place in the cemetery area.
▪️ West of Shumy, Russian troops knocked out the Armed Forces of Ukraine from a stronghold equipped on the waste heap of the Vostochnaya mine. The Severnaya mine dump is a fairly fortified position, and battles for control over it continue.
▪️ There is no information yet about the consolidation of the Russian Armed Forces on the outskirts of New York.
▪️ At the Novobakhmutivka-Novokalynove-Arkhanhelske line, clashes and mutual shelling continue without significant changes in the front configuration.
▪️ Considering that there are very few shots of objective footage from the field, and the small amount of materials appearing on the Internet cover events that happened at least a week ago, the scale of the Russian advancement could be much greater."
Poltava - 12.06.2024

"Strikes on SAMs and aircraft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Poltava region. June 12, 2024

▪️ In the morning, footage of effective strikes of the Russian Armed Forces against air defense missile systems and aircraft appeared on the Internet.
▪️ Control footage was provided by reconnaissance UAVs. One could already get used to videos with such content, but there is one nuance: this time the targets were in the Poltava region, a record 140 km from the front line for such cases.
▪️ Russian Forces hit a battery of S-300 air defense system in the village of Polyvyane, east of Myrhorod. As a result of two hits, two launchers were destroyed, with the detonation of ammunition, and also, at a minimum, the illumination and low-altitude detection stations along with the control center were disabled.

▪️ In another attack, Russian Forces attacked the Myrhorod airfield, where they destroyed a Su-27UB fighter. Nearby were MiG-29s, recently relocated from the Dnepropetrovsk airfield after recent successful attacks. Most likely, the other planes were not “covered” with shrapnel and did not receive any damage. However, at one of the parking lots one can see the collected remains of, about five other, previously shot or destroyed Ukrainian Air Force aircraft.

▪️ The destruction of targets deep behind enemy lines, along with control footage from reconnaissance UAVs speaks of the growth of the reconnaissance-strike capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces.
▪️ Successful actions in the Poltava region were also facilitated by the hard work to destroy Ukrainian air defense systems in the front-line regions. It is unnecessary to talk about the importance of destroying enemy air defenses from the point of view of the impact on its combat capabilities. The enemy is also fully aware of this, as can be seen from the example of regular salvoes of ATACMS ballistic missiles on Crimea."

July 2, 2024 - Another Iskander strike on the Myrhorod airfield.
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Crimea missile attack was June 23, 2024. On June 25, 2024 Sec Def Lloyd Austin had a phone call with Russian Minister of Defense Andrey Belousov.

Is there OSINT evidence of US drones over the Black Sea since the call?
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 02.07.2024

"The situation in the Avdiivka direction: advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the June 25 - July 2 week.

▪️ The Russian Armed Forces continue to conduct assault operations in the Avdiivka direction, maintaining the initiative in the area. Despite the slowdown in the pace of the offensive after the liberation of Ocheretyne in the spring, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing.
▪️ During the latest battles, Russian troops completely liberated the settlement of Novooleksandrivka, knocking out the Armed Forces of Ukraine from their last positions in the area of the pond on the western outskirts of the village. Less than seven kilometers remain to the enemy’s important supply route - the Pokrovsk-Konstyantynivka highway, only the village of Vozdvyzhenka is still to be liberated along the way.
▪️ In Sokil, assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces have gained a foothold in the central part of the village; the advance is complicated by constant FPV drone attacks from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In addition, a large stronghold north of the settlement has partially come under the control of the Russian Armed Forces - its southern part is held by Russian fighters, and the enemy’s presence remains in the northern trenches.
▪️ To the south, assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces are advancing in the fields northwest of Novopokrovske, having traveled more than one and a half kilometers to the west; here, as a result of FPV drone strikes, another M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA infantry fighting vehicle was destroyed.
Footage of the immobilization and subsequent finishing off of another M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA infantry fighting vehicle from several angles at once. Only the driver managed to jump out of the crippled vehicle, and in addition to the burning Bradley, in the frame you can see another similarly crippled and abandoned infantry fighting vehicle, which are gradually replacing their Soviet counterparts in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In total, over the past week, at least six armored vehicles of this type, as well as several mobile electronic warfare systems, were hit in the area."
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Vremivka - 03.07.2024

"The situation in the Vremivka sector as of 10:00 /Moscow time/ July 3, 2024

▪️ After difficult battles, Russian units of the Vostok group of troops, completed the liberation of Staromaiorske in the Vremivka sector. At the moment, only height 171 remains under enemy control.
▪️ The use of motorcycles by the assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces played an important role in the success of assault operations, which significantly increased the mobility of military personnel on the battlefield and the chances of survival. They are used both for delivering fighters to positions and for rotation and supply of ammunition. During one of these operations, Russian stormtroopers landed at positions north of the abandoned farms, gaining a foothold in a forest belt, advancing more than 700 meters in the direction of Makarivka. Success became possible, among other things, due to the fact that motocross groups prepared in advance for the assault on these positions, practicing raids on motorcycles at the training ground.
Active hostilities in the Velyka Novosilka area. Attack of the motorized rifle units of the Russian Armed Forces north of Staromaiorske.
Assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces are advancing on motorcycles and occupying new positions in the area of height 171.6.
Expansion of the zone of control of the Russian Armed Forces more than 1 km to the north

▪️ However, as the fighters note, the main problem for motorcycles is still enemy FPV drones flying at speeds of over 100 kilometers per hour. This is also the reason for the lack of advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the Urozhaine area. Despite the fact that both settlements are separated only by the small river Mokrye Yaly and a distance of several hundred meters, there is a completely different group of enemy UAV operators in Urozhaine, whose level of training is higher than neighboring formations."
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