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South America Thread


Recently Ecuador had a round of elections where they again rejected a socialist candidate and instead choose a conservative one. A lot of people there seem to have high hopes for him, due to him being young and from an obscure party, but others are skeptical. He's the son of one of the richest men in the country (Alvaro Noboa) which has been, in the past, accused of evading taxes and using child labor. Hopefully he won't follow in his father's shoes.
The biggest issues, as far as I know, that are plaguing Ecuador at the moment are crime (due to Mexican cartels meddling in local affairs, plus gang wars over drug routes) and energy issues. God willing he will address them, but as a rule of thumb Latam politicians aren't the best people to confide in, outside of exceptional cases like Bukele in El Salvador. Time will tell if he'll be good for Ecuador (and a good example in the region as a whole) or not.
Recently Ecuador had a round of elections where they again rejected a socialist candidate and instead choose a conservative one. A lot of people there seem to have high hopes for him, due to him being young and from an obscure party, but others are skeptical. He's the son of one of the richest men in the country (Alvaro Noboa) which has been, in the past, accused of evading taxes and using child labor. Hopefully he won't follow in his father's shoes.
The biggest issues, as far as I know, that are plaguing Ecuador at the moment are crime (due to Mexican cartels meddling in local affairs, plus gang wars over drug routes) and energy issues. God willing he will address them, but as a rule of thumb Latam politicians aren't the best people to confide in, outside of exceptional cases like Bukele in El Salvador. Time will tell if he'll be good for Ecuador (and a good example in the region as a whole) or not.
I just returned from Ecuador and I am glad someone mentioned this. You could see the massive support for Noboa and I even went to the polling station with some friends who were voting for him. The lifesize cardboard cutouts that people put in their shops and balconies are a very neat campaign tool.

Ecuadorians are really freaked out by the crime upsurge indicating to me that is not a normal thing for them. It is a beautiful country with very friendly people and low costs. I really hope they get the crime under control because if things go well I may want to spend a lot of time there in the future.
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Literally one day after Noboa's declaration criminal gangs have attacked a television station and university, taking people hostage and executing ~50 of them.

Imo it has false flag vibes. Or maybe the gangs are just really dumb and they think they can take on the State. Either way the gangs will get crushed. Noboa has mobilized the Army

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We are praying he becomes the Bukele of Ecuador and cracks down with an iron fist. Some of my ladies family and friends have been directly affected by this today. I think the population is behind him and he needs to stay the course and destroy the narco terrorists.

Ecuador is a beautiful country and many of the folks down there are very kind and devout. Also found many Ecuadorians love Bukele so it only helps if he emulates him.
We are praying he becomes the Bukele of Ecuador and cracks down with an iron fist. Some of my ladies family and friends have been directly affected by this today. I think the population is behind him and he needs to stay the course and destroy the narco terrorists.

Ecuador is a beautiful country and many of the folks down there are very kind and devout. Also found many Ecuadorians love Bukele so it only helps if he emulates him.

The narcos say they want Noboa to back off.

Literally one day after Noboa's declaration criminal gangs have attacked a television station and university, taking people hostage and executing ~50 of them.

Imo it has false flag vibes. Or maybe the gangs are just really dumb and they think they can take on the State. Either way the gangs will get crushed. Noboa has mobilized the Army

The issue with the TV station raid ended up resolved recently by the army. They stormed the place and captured all the dudes featured in that video, a lot of who turned out to be teenagers.

In my opinion, knowing how people are here, the gangs are really that stupid. They've been given all this funding and weaponry by Mexican cartels and have for the last couple of months done whatever they wanted. Luckily, they don't have the sophistication of the Mexicans whatsoever, so it seems like they've been taken by surprise (hence all the calls for the President to knock it off. If they really were in a good position, this wouldn't even be necessary).

Also FYI for everyone, a lot of the videos circulating of with captured prison guards do not, my opinion, warrant much pity. Because of them (via corruption), these delinquents within the prisons have been able to do whatever and were freely given access to all the weapons you see them with in these videos. They have reaped what they have sowed.
Bolsonaro claims he is about to be arrested.

This what Boomercons don't understand. You can play nice with communists, but they won't play nice with you.

Last time people went out for Bolsonaro (January 8) he left them hanging out to dry.

Not quite in South America, but in Latin America - the meme writes itself in Mexico: ;)

What is going on in Brazil is almost identical to what has transpired/is transpiring in the US. Globalist playbook works where they want/need it to. I’ve heard that Dominion voting systems were also used in the recent Brazil elections.
That's a partial list, I believe Bolivia has already been couped in the 1980s.

The coups lately haven't had a high success rate: Guaido in Venezuela, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkey, and now Bolivia - all US neocon-backed that have failed.
That's a partial list, I believe Bolivia has already been couped in the 1980s.

The coups lately haven't had a high success rate: Guaido in Venezuela, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkey, and now Bolivia - all US neocon-backed that have failed.
good riddance. Looks like many regimes have figured out how to prevent or counter it.