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Search results

  1. C

    Are dating apps in any way good for Christians?

    I think the main point is just to use the app or apps to meet a woman and then quickly take her off the app and on to WhatsApp. Hey if I can find a devout youngish (for me) Latin American virgin so can any of you. I don't have wealth, great height or stunning looks and I was able to meet one...
  2. C

    Game-like tactics for Christian Relationships?

    Thanks for all the replies. I think I am not missing anything and am on the right path. I will continue to work on my relationship with God and emulate him in every way. I think game was for secular carnal men trying to manipulate broken women for pleasure. That is not what we are trying to...
  3. C

    Interesting recent visit to a church

    I have heard this and wish there was a global revival of low church conservative Anglicanism. I think I would really fit in well in a church like this. The deep tradition but with faithful doctrine would be perfect.
  4. C

    Game-like tactics for Christian Relationships?

    I think you are correct on this. I definitely only want to attract good quality women. And I agree that sex must wait.
  5. C

    Game-like tactics for Christian Relationships?

    Okay, I didn't realize this as I had little exposure to game. My ex-wife has many NPD symptoms so I don't want to copy that. I think the best advice seems to be increase Christ and decrease self.
  6. C

    Game-like tactics for Christian Relationships?

    I feel for you. I have prayed and God sent a young woman into my life and things seem to be going well. Sometimes though I worry that I am messing up and not putting my best foot forward. That is what prompted the question for this thread. For what it is worth I never studied "game" although I...
  7. C

    Game-like tactics for Christian Relationships?

    I agree with with you are saying. I have no intention to introduce sin into the equation and am trying to trust the Lord for my relationship (as I believe he introduced us). Up to now I haven't used any tactics or played games of any kind. My personality is very open and I am very honest with my...
  8. C

    Game-like tactics for Christian Relationships?

    One thing I have thought a lot about is whether there is a need for men to learn strategies for relationships. I don’t mean playing games or manipulating women but rather having some solid tactics and strategies. I was never into “game” or the PUA world but they taught some things that were...
  9. C

    Making friends

    Your situations also mirrors mine in that I have two kids. I am actually a single dad and my son (14) lives with me. My daughter (older) lives with her mom now. I am currently in a relationship with a woman and we are talking about marriage and kids. She is very sociable and has tons of...
  10. C

    Making friends

    This kind of mirrors my experience somewhat. Nice to know it isn't only me.
  11. C

    Making friends

    I understand that Asperger's must make your situation much more difficult but believe you are doing your best :). I think interacting with women is good although I don't believe male-female platonic relationships can work. I get along with a wide range of folks although I tend to make friends...
  12. C

    Making friends

    I need to find some more activities. I was doing Muay Tai/boxing for a while but injured myself. I should be able to go back in a couple months. I am also looking for a men's bible study and attend a men's breakfast at a church about once a month.
  13. C

    Making friends

    I think you touched on a few relevant points. Especially the wife being a gatekeeper for relationships. This is part of my problem as I won't get invites to couple functions when it is just me. I also started thinking it really was just me and I was doing something wrong. Also a good point...
  14. C

    Making friends

    I would love to live in Latin America as I saw when I was there that life doesn't have to suck. If I was there I know I would have friends, get invited to dinner or parties (even if just for the gringo factor and to practice English) and of course women are easier to meet. The food is also...
  15. C

    Making friends

    Question for the guys here. I am finding it difficult to make friends and looking for suggestions. For context I am in my 40s and currently single (though hopeful for a marriage this year or next). I know a few guys from work and they invite me to church events and stuff but I wouldn't consider...
  16. C

    Question on Tim Keller

    Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I am in Canada so that may be the problem. I will take it that quoting Keller is not necessarily a sign that the church in question is woke and part of the "Emerging Church".
  17. C

    Are dating apps in any way good for Christians?

    On a good note there were a lot of nice Brazilian ladies on Christian Cafe although they are probably a bit older than your preferred demographic. If you try it don't pay for a subscription. The trial is free and you can message ladies and then take it to WhatsApp.
  18. C

    Interesting recent visit to a church

    In Canada there are traditional Anglican churches that are not part of the larger Anglican church in Canada (theologically liberal). I did some research on them but found they are very small in general. Some are connected to African or South American Anglican churches and some have totally...
  19. C

    How to develop the fruits of the Spirit?

    Thank you to everyone who replied. I am applying the collective wisdom here.
  20. C

    Question on Tim Keller

    A question for the guys here. Can you tell me your opinion of Tim Keller. I have done preliminary research and don't like what I found. Although he is considered a mild Calvinist he also seems socially liberal and skirts around the same sex issue. The reason I ask is that I cannot remember how...