Question on Tim Keller


A question for the guys here.

Can you tell me your opinion of Tim Keller. I have done preliminary research and don't like what I found. Although he is considered a mild Calvinist he also seems socially liberal and skirts around the same sex issue.

The reason I ask is that I cannot remember how many times I have heard him quoted in the pulpit by pastors from seemingly conservative denominations. I attended a large Baptist church at one time and both pastors loved quoting him regularly. I then moved to an Alliance church where again he was mentioned on several occasions. Well on Sunday at a small Baptist church I have been trying the pastor quoted him for the first time. Is this a big red flag or should I ignore it? I am really getting tired of trying to find a suitable church 😂
I've never attended a church that cited from him once. He seemed to have good influences but his stance on certain issues looked a little watery.
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I am in Canada so that may be the problem. I will take it that quoting Keller is not necessarily a sign that the church in question is woke and part of the "Emerging Church".