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Search results

  1. Batman

    2024 Election Lounge

    Whenever I make a temporary reddit account to ask a question somewhere, I inevitably end up seeing the default feed. I poked at the /r/news feed and saw this comment and sighed at the reminder that there's entire communities of leftists who say and think things like this. It reminds me of a time...
  2. Batman

    The Climate Change Delusion Thread

    Psuedointellectual reddit-types will say something like "but this is averages, even 1' a century can be significant because it refers to the average global sea level, in some localized areas this can be devastating! Even if it rose 1' a year in any local area, that would be more than ample time...
  3. Batman

    Video Gaming Critical Discussion

    That's a fair point on that analogy I made...but remember how everyone was so certain NK was going to start WWIII too? Never happened. Remember how everyone was utterly convinced the Cold War was going to end the human race as well? (and yes, I know it came close a couple times) Not saying...
  4. Batman

    The Climate Change Delusion Thread

    There's some quote I saw recently about propaganda. Basically said the propaganda can make you think the sky is green even though you can see that it's blue. It's really amusing to see that literally nothing has changed in the past 40 years since this fear mongering started. Venice was predicted...
  5. Batman

    Video Gaming Critical Discussion

    I'm a late millenial and I can somewhat relate, but I think zoomers catastrophize things and worry too much about the external. Especially about "climate change" and WW3. People have been acting like WW3 is going to happen for most of my life, and that's just it, it hasn't happened. It's really...
  6. Batman

    Video Games and Gaming Technology (In A Positive Light)

    Personally I stopped at ACIII since utterly despised that game, but the first 4 were incredible for the reasons you outlined. AC II was the peak of the series imo. Definitely made me want to visit Florence and Venice, and AC:R made me want to visit Istanbul. I may have to try some of the later...
  7. Batman

    Video Games and Gaming Technology (In A Positive Light)

    Flexing here to show all the emulated games that I am planning on playing. Emulation has come really far and it's even more reason to opt for PC gaming. If anyone wants help setting particular games up let me know. It's becoming a big passion of mine to build libraries of these games and I've...
  8. Batman

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

  9. Batman


    Read the bulleted points of my opening post lol Beyond that, for me the one thing that consistently works better than anything else is keeping your home very cold, I'm talking below 65f, like 58-62. Wear warm socks to stay warm, google "socks with sleep" to see what I mean.
  10. Batman

    Video Gaming Critical Discussion

    Fire Emblem on the GBA was hugely popular when it came out. I remember being in middle school and it was easily the most popular handheld game since Pokemon. I remember a classmate always wanting to watch me play it on bus trips, and him begging me to promote Raven so he could see what a Hero...
  11. Batman

    Video Gaming Critical Discussion

    I haven't played them due to not owning a 3DS and since I really hate the 3DS as a platform. Nintendo insisted on making all their games fully 3D which would have been fine if the hardware wasn't a joke (unlike the PSP, which still holds up), so pretty much every game on the platform looked like...
  12. Batman

    Video Gaming Critical Discussion

    I remember seeing the trailer for Three Houses years ago and thinking it looked horrible and being disappointed. Then I saw all the excitement and praise for the game and realized there's a huge divide between the old and the new fans of the series, which is quite odd. One reason for this trend...
  13. Batman

    Video Gaming Critical Discussion

    Interesting analogy with arcade games. Though a trend seen in games from the 80s and 90s was making games absurdly difficult to artifically increase the length, which is equally annoying, though not all games did this. Also I noticed your comment about "anime mobile games" and I definitely...
  14. Batman

    Video Gaming Critical Discussion

    What you've described about ER definitely resonates with me, and is something I am starting to hate with modern games, the fact they they're so damn long and don't seem to respect your time. It's even worse when they have endless cutscences and exposition like Starfield, it's almost arrogant for...
  15. Batman

    Video Gaming Critical Discussion

    Recently, I removed all PVP games (not including coop) from my accounts. When I say removed, I don't mean uninstalled, I mean removed. On Steam, you can go to your product support page and have games permanenetly removed from your account without submitting a ticket or anything. I also had a few...
  16. Batman


    I actually despise the car sales industry too, because it prevents car manufacturers directly selling to customers, requiring a middleman in the form of obnoxious car dealerships, which increases costs for the consumers well beyond the MSRP. Commission is different though. An analogy would be...
  17. Batman


    Rhetorical question that I'm pointing out because of it's implications. Obviously they don't do it because the industry is broken which for some reason isn't being acknowledged. The fact that restaurants get tax-free charity contributions from customers and save on labor costs, while sourcing...
  18. Batman


    Pension plans and health care are regulated by the government, this is an issue with the free market, and is in fact is just as much a cultural issue brought on by decades of gaslighting from restaurant owners . If the legal loophole that lets "tipped" employees get paid below minimum wage, was...
  19. Batman


    Exactly, and I'd be perfectly happy with that, and so would most Americans. However, two points on this: 1) Why don't any restaurants do this? Why can't they have the same restaurant business model as the rest of the world? 2) If it was federally mandated that all wait staff at restaurants be...
  20. Batman


    Yes, I've worked as one a few times. None of the business models were designed around guilt tripping customers to contributing to a charity fund, however.