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The Climate Change Delusion Thread

^ Green agenda, a lot of people are making a lot of money in ill-conceived projects like this one. These aren't uneducated people, they are smart opportunists...
The news is having a meltdown about a "dangerous heat wave" affecting the United States right now, in the Midwest and East.

Temperatures are going to be in the 90s and approaching 100 degrees!!!!! Oh no! Warm weather in late June? Say it isn't so! That's never happened before! We're all going to die!

Clearly this is completely normal weather. Every summer has spells of hot weather in this range. The current hysteria is a perfect example of clown world.
The news is having a meltdown about a "dangerous heat wave" affecting the United States right now, in the Midwest and East.

Temperatures are going to be in the 90s and approaching 100 degrees!!!!! Oh no! Warm weather in late June? Say it isn't so! That's never happened before! We're all going to die!

Clearly this is completely normal weather. Every summer has spells of hot weather in this range. The current hysteria is a perfect example of clown world.

The drastic turn from actual news to "the sky is falling fear everything please watch us" is more blatant in weather report's than anything the past few years.
The news is having a meltdown about a "dangerous heat wave" affecting the United States right now, in the Midwest and East.

Temperatures are going to be in the 90s and approaching 100 degrees!!!!! Oh no! Warm weather in late June? Say it isn't so! That's never happened before! We're all going to die!

Clearly this is completely normal weather. Every summer has spells of hot weather in this range. The current hysteria is a perfect example of clown world.

They are forced to push the global warming narrative whenever they can.

But the weather has always been a psyop and fear control tactic imo. Same cycle, it’s always the worst hurricane, tornado, snow storm or massive destruction. One thing happens and they extrapolate it to we’re all going to die everytime and people fall for it.
The news is having a meltdown about a "dangerous heat wave" affecting the United States right now, in the Midwest and East.

Temperatures are going to be in the 90s and approaching 100 degrees!!!!! Oh no! Warm weather in late June? Say it isn't so! That's never happened before! We're all going to die!

Clearly this is completely normal weather. Every summer has spells of hot weather in this range. The current hysteria is a perfect example of clown world.
The global warming scam greatly angers me because it insults my intelligence. It is the biggest, most successful, fakest extortion scam ever concocted. All for billions of dollars of interest and to give the government the excuse to regulate any industry.

It's low 70s today in the middle of June and you will still see the reddit NPCs crying about how it's so hot and believing the fake stories that "it's the hottest day on record" which the news stations say every summer.
Yes, the Met Office here has just declared the hottest spring on record...thing is, up until this week we have been walking around with jumpers and light coats throughout spring. It's been bloody cold and they're telling us it's a meltdown. As if any of these agencies had any credibility left after Covid, they're flushing what's left down the toilet.
I was listening yesterday to some sort of art podcast that my wife put on in the car. They were talking about the just stop oil people and their recent attack on stonehenge adm talking about how the 'Climate Catastrophe' forced their actions.

Again and again they were using this phrase as if it was some kind of given fact.

If you walk around with your eyes open, you can quite clearly see that nothing is burning, nothing is heating up. We just had a month of non stop rain where I live and had to put the heating back on. It's all such bollocks, I feel like I'm living in an insane asylum.
There's some quote I saw recently about propaganda. Basically said the propaganda can make you think the sky is green even though you can see that it's blue. It's really amusing to see that literally nothing has changed in the past 40 years since this fear mongering started. Venice was predicted to be basically underwater years or decades before today, but it's pretty much the exact same. It's absolutely comical.

Apparently there is a lot of polar ice melting. Okay? The Earth has always gone through changes, and it will adapt and restore balance, like it always has.

There's no doubt that CO2 and other human activity can contribute to the climate, no one can argue this. The question is to what extent. But the real counter argument is that we simply do not understand the climate enough to make predictive forecasts about anything on such a large scale. Literally any atmospheric scientist worth his salt will admit this, and plenty of them have. They gaslight us into thinking weather isn't the same thing as climate, but it's literally the same thing: studying the atmosphere to make predictions, except climate is long term averages and patterns. If we cannot predict localized weather more than 10 days out what makes us think we can predict global climate changes years or decades out? The arrogance is astounding.

I could still make an argument that even if humans were causing "global warming" that we should keep doing it, because clearly that's just what we are designed to do. To treat it as a moral problem is ridiculous, do we shame beavers for building dams or tigers for killing elk? Why shame humanity for doing what clearly was a necessary stepping stone for progress? What's funny though, is we already discovered an extremely efficient and clean, sustainble energy source decades ago: nuclear energy. But for some reason, the left just hates it. You can't help but laugh at how absurd it is and how it's so clearly an agenda.
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