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Search results

  1. Острог

    Julian Assange

    Or like John McAfee, killed.
  2. Острог

    What foods are prohibited to eat in Orthodox Christianity

    Simply don't eat it, just because your father said it's ok doesn't mean you have to, surely you can survive without it.
  3. Острог

    EURO 2024 Championship

    Vulgar in the old meaning of the word - common.
  4. Острог

    EURO 2024 Championship

    I see no virtue in this particular sport, it's glorifying the vulgar, besides being conscious of what is certainly coming is not doom scrolling but being present. Watching football on the other hand makes you forget the challenges ahead. Memento mori.
  5. Острог

    What kind of sexual practices are permitted in an orthodox marriage?

    I do. Just download the audio and play from your phone while doing some mundane task.
  6. Острог

    EURO 2024 Championship

    I want to also add that I would not be surprised if a new 'virus' emerges after this tournament for the coming plandemic (planned this fall). That would be perfect timing.
  7. Острог

    EURO 2024 Championship

    I just want to say that I'm vehemently against football. It's opium for the masses to direct their attention from important things. You watch this meaningless sport while the banksters steal your land from under you. Just stop. Watching this is equal to masturbation and should be considered no...
  8. Острог

    Abbot Tryphon Thread

    What is this about?
  9. Острог

    Donald Trump

    You think that no Church Father ever called anyone a wretched pig or a whore? If my memory serves me well Fr. Peter Heers gave this example.
  10. Острог

    Donald Trump

    https://dailystormer.in/dont-vote-for-the-child-murderer-donald-trump-dont-vote-for-anyone/ At the last judgement the world will be surprised that it's Andrew Anglin who will sit at the side of The Father.
  11. Острог

    Weird Things You've Noticed Recently

    I think the mod should make this account and lock it out of existence.
  12. Острог

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    The fact that this corrupt man is even discussed at all is the folly of anyone involved. Forget about this piped piper before the cliff.
  13. Острог

    Jay Dyer Thread

    Tim is controlled op anyway. And the hat. This guy thinks it's winter in July. His brain is clearly overheating. This is ridiculous and stupid. Don't know what's happening with Jay, he seems to be aiming for the Jay Mews look.
  14. Острог

    How come nobody speaks on Corona/Covid19 anymore?

  15. Острог

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

  16. Острог

    Volodymyr Zelensky Thread

    Anyone who states to believe in God without specifically professing the name of Jesus Christ is a covert satan worshiper.
  17. Острог


    You are so full of crap and I am from western Europe. I get it now, you're a LARPing albanian.
  18. Острог


    If anything I find Balkan food to be better than northern/central Europe and completely don't get what he's on about. Fruits are better, vegetables are better, cheeses are better, bread is much better, honey is off the scale, there is more variety thanks to Mediterranean climate, worthwhile...
  19. Острог


    Sometimes it's not entirely clear which regions you are talking about.