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What kind of sexual practices are permitted in an orthodox marriage?


Orthodox Inquirer
I was trying to find official statements on how sinful different sexual practices are in marriage between a man and woman. Seems like the consensus is that sex should be for procreation only and oral sex and especially anal sex are very verboten.
Those of you in marriage or who have talked to their priests about the subject, what is your opinion?

Some sources in these threads comments:

If you are an inquirer then this is hardly your top priority to be worrying about. You already know sodomy is bad, great. Now focus on becoming Orthodox. First become a catechumen, then you'll figure out the sexual stuff as you go along.
My priest said it in the following way:

The Orthodox Church recognizes and encourages the bond in a marriage including sex. If you're re-enacting something you saw on the internet,.. then its not salvific. But sex within marriage is blessed and prayed for during the marriage ceremony. If you have questions, better ask a priest directly.

Its really common sense, as the notion of butt sex is obviously not salvific.

As far as oral sex and any other questions.... you should see a priest.

But if you've not done anything to become an inquirer or catechumen..... you're putting the cart before the horse as this is all evident to those in The Church.
Randoms on the internet are not going to be the best source of this information. If you are married then by virtue of this you will have contact with a priest who can guide and advise the couple about what is and is not considered sinful in the bedroom.

If you're looking on reddit you'll probably find people who say that having a polyamourous relationship with a non binary midget and his pet armadillo is fine, on here you'll get the more conservative end of the spectrum. The best person to ask is your priest, but as others have pointed out, ask him about the faith and what you need to do to be baptized first.