After reading Mindset by Carol Dweck (a Jew, I know), I think a lot of women's behavior can be explained by the fixed-mindset :: growth-mindset dichotomy. In short, the fixed-mindset person believes traits are static, like intelligence, which means effort is useless to change this trait. A growth-mindset person would view intelligence as dynamic and see effort as a way to change it. For women, I think they are caught in a fixed-mindset concerning their beauty. They see themselves as the prize, meaning effort has little value in how they approach relationships.
Despite how much women talk about relationships, it seems like a skill many never develop. I believe it's because of the fixed-mindset. The man has to do all the work. Much like how the naturally intelligent person views dumb people as the ones who have to put a lot of effort into learning, so too does the beautiful woman view men as the ones who have to put in all the effort to have a relationship with them. I think this is why redpill PUAs developed concepts like "I'm the prize" and the nuclear option, among others, because they snap women out of the fixed-mindset. Women tend to be more willing to work on a relationship with a man who is more attractive than they are. The problem with many Western women is they all think they're much more beautiful than they actually are, increasing the rate of fixed-mindsets.
When women do things, like go to the gym, post their trad-wife garbage on instagram, join churches, join men's groups, most of it is to gain validating feedback that they are as beautiful as they think they are. The fixed-mindset person, according to Dweck, avoids challenges, gives up easily, and focuses on the outcome. To me, that sounds like many a woman's history of dating. As for growth-mindset people they tend to embrace challenges, persevere in the face of adversity, accept and learn from failure, focus on process rather than outcome, and see abilities as skills which are developed through effort. Does that sound like any woman's approach to a relationship that you know?
I think the fixed-mindset is almost the default way the majority of people develop, and I theorize that because it's the path that requires the least effort, it's the quick and easy path, the short-cut. I don't know how to address this at large in the dating arena, but I suspect the fixed-mindset to be a big reason for the destruction of women, because society at every level keeps validating their fixed mindset, I don't come across anything in popular culture that encourages women to work at relationships.