Yes, your profession is a huge factor in this decision. But if your job can be done fully remote, moving to a cheaper country with low taxes would actually be a positive in becoming a freelance entrepreneur. It's hard to do in the US because the cost of living is high and at first you may not make as much money as a full time employee.This is just not an option for most men. Most men do not have the option of working remote, so they'd have to uproot their entire life and hope that they can continue it in another country, making significantly less money and now lacking a support network.
If I leave my country, that means leaving behind everyone I know and love. My parents and grandparents are old, I could not ask them to come with me, and 4 years is not a small amount of time, they could die without me being there in their final moments. All for what? The mere chance of getting with some woman? The idea of going that far for a woman makes me sick to my core.
That being said, I have roots and citizenship in another country and if I was just your average Anglo-American, I would probably be much more hesitant about the move. Finding a wife is important, but not as important as the family you already have. The main thing stopping me is a serious illness in my family.