The Destruction of Modern Women

This is just not an option for most men. Most men do not have the option of working remote, so they'd have to uproot their entire life and hope that they can continue it in another country, making significantly less money and now lacking a support network.

If I leave my country, that means leaving behind everyone I know and love. My parents and grandparents are old, I could not ask them to come with me, and 4 years is not a small amount of time, they could die without me being there in their final moments. All for what? The mere chance of getting with some woman? The idea of going that far for a woman makes me sick to my core.
Yes, your profession is a huge factor in this decision. But if your job can be done fully remote, moving to a cheaper country with low taxes would actually be a positive in becoming a freelance entrepreneur. It's hard to do in the US because the cost of living is high and at first you may not make as much money as a full time employee.

That being said, I have roots and citizenship in another country and if I was just your average Anglo-American, I would probably be much more hesitant about the move. Finding a wife is important, but not as important as the family you already have. The main thing stopping me is a serious illness in my family.
That being said, I have roots and citizenship in another country and if I was just your average Anglo-American, I would probably be much more hesitant about the move. Finding a wife is important, but not as important as the family you already have. The main thing stopping me is a serious illness in my family.
Yes, that's why this kind of thing is case by case. As things get crazier in the world, it'll make it both easier and harder for some to "venture out".

American woman showing the world her appreciation for the sanctity of life.

As an aside, most of these news websites are so littered with ads and pop ups they are completely unreadable. The page just resets when you get a few sentences into an article, after clicking out of multiple ads that’s just pop right back up.

American woman showing the world her appreciation for the sanctity of life.

As an aside, most of these news websites are so littered with ads and pop ups they are completely unreadable. The page just resets when you get a few sentences into an article, after clicking out of multiple ads that’s just pop right back up.
Try using or

American woman showing the world her appreciation for the sanctity of life.

As an aside, most of these news websites are so littered with ads and pop ups they are completely unreadable. The page just resets when you get a few sentences into an article, after clicking out of multiple ads that’s just pop right back up.
Obviously this woman is mentally ill. One of the many reasons men should avoid impregnating mentally ill women.
Obviously this woman is mentally ill. One of the many reasons men should avoid impregnating mentally ill women.
They’re not mentally ill they’re spiritually ill. Any woman who would get an abortion fits this category, which is basically all of them. There isn’t any difference between allowing some butcher to kill a child inside of you than just throwing it off of a balcony after going through childbirth. In fact, this isn’t as bad because at least the kid had a chance. It was viable and there was a possibility it could have survived the abuse - it was alive at the time they took it to the hospital. An embryo is completely dependent on the mother, no chance of survival outside the womb.

We used to call these women what they are: witches. Witches get burned.
Generally, women are far more transactional than men are. If you've ever been pressed for time, you'll notice how curt you can be with others. Women have a greater awareness of this than men do. They feel the pressure of time and it causes them to become much more transactional in how they deal with men. In this day, they are being presented with two options, the promiscuous lifestyle while young and the married lifestyle while old. Naturally, they do not want to choose one or the other, but they want to have their cake and eat it too. This means even less time and thus, more curt behavior. Many are so far gone that they do not even want to be married and just remain promiscuous for as long as possible. Filter them out immediately. There are few things worse than a woman in her 40's who still thinks she's in her 20's.

It is unexcusable but men are not so different. Both men and women simply want too much and are not realistic about their expectations.
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I disagree. Women these days expect too much while men expect too little. If men had standards like they did 50 years ago women would not be so horrible.
Yes, I think the thing is that men still have to compete and make it in the world, and there is a very low supply of what they consider "worth it" when you consider that modernity has taken women out of the young age range for marriage and family formation. Taking that early connection out also lends to weaker relationships, which are also sabotaged by the ease of withdrawal, or worse, even the "benefits" of ending said relationship.

People don't like to hear it, and fathers who raise daughters in particular fall into this trap a lot, but you can't give women lots of options for the most important things in life (helpmate, having children) go away. It's a redpill reality that is literally set forth in the way this current world works (by God) that absolutely seems black pill or unpalatable to most moderns. The paradox is that you have to get women to older ages in general for them to appreciate the trade, because they either don't see, can't fathom, or just want to deny that they lose most of their value past 30-40, essentially vanishing into nothingness socially unless they have children and families.
The paradox is that you have to get women to older ages in general for them to appreciate the trade, because they either don't see, can't fathom, or just want to deny that they lose most of their value past 30-40, essentially vanishing into nothingness socially unless they have children and families.
It doesn't help the situation that we have so many simps marrying women from 35 all the way to aged 50+

So here we have the wife of a pastor and mother of five children who murdered her husband while on a missionary trip to Africa. She was having “an affair” with her husband’s (black) security guard and then hired the guard to murder him.

So here we have the wife of a pastor and mother of five children who murdered her husband while on a missionary trip to Africa. She was having “an affair” with her husband’s (black) security guard and then hired the guard to murder him.
I wonder if she will still think it's worth it after rotting for a few decades in a sweltering Angolan prison cell crawling with tuberculosis.

Refusal of sex is considered grounds for divorce in the Orthodox Church.

In accordance with Church Canon Law, an Ecclesiastical Divorce is granted only under certain circumstances In accordance with the 21 November 1973 encyclical of His Eminence, Archbishop Iakovos, a divorce is given and considered valid, when a marriage is entered into by force, blackmail or false reasons.

  1. one or both parties is guilty of adultery.
  2. one party is proven to be mad, insane or suffers from a social disease which was not disclosed to the spouse prior to the marriage.
  3. one party has conspired against the life of the spouse.
  4. one party is imprisoned for more than seven years.
  5. one party abandons the other for more than three years without approval.
  6. one partner should be absent from home without the other's approval, except in in stances when the latter is assured that such absence is due to psycho-neurotic illness.
  7. one partner forces the other to engage in illicit affairs with others.
  8. one partner does not fulfill the responsibilities of marriage, or when it is medically proven that one party is physically impotent or as the result of a social venereal disease.
  9. one partner is an addict, thereby creating undue economic hardship.

It may not be explicitly adultery, but it is in the same spirit as adultery, so it is considered divorce worthy. Catholics on the other hand say you must stay attached to a cold wife who hates you.