Tucker Carlson Thread

I will start by saying I'm not mad at you about this. You are entitled to your opinion as anyone else. With that said, i doubt I'm the only person who sees some things this way.
You must understand that women, especially young women, hold the balance of power in the west, and if there is every going to be a change in perspective on this war, it's going to run through young women.
Young women are not relevant to the larger picture of how this war affects the west. They don't hold political power in the West, they are being led to think they do by the Chews who have the real power. Putin has no obligation to appear pleasant to them.

Tucker also gave Putin multiple opportunities to try and connect with the dissident right in the west and failed miserably.
Putin has no obligation to appeal to the Western dissident right. He's not our savior, he's the Russian Federation's president.

Furthermore, the West has repeatedly shown Russia much disrespect. I don't expect Putin to show us his best manners, but he was actually calm and collected here. I don't mind your disagreement, I simply doubt I'm the only one here who thinks this way.
This is going to be a deeply unpopular post here, but I have to speak my mind, so if you don't want to be angry, I would recommend skipping my post.

You have been warned.

What an absolute disaster of an interview for both Putin and Tucker.

What’s your impression of Putin from western media sources? Likely, he’s a cold, calculating psychopath who only cares about his own power and wealth. How did Putin come across in the interview? As a cold, calculating psychopath who only cares about himself. You must understand that women, especially young women, hold the balance of power in the west, and if there is every going to be a change in perspective on this war, it's going to run through young women. Guess what young women hate? They hate short, cold, mean, old, autists who spend 30 minutes droning on and on about history. No young woman in the world will watch this interview and if they do, they will immediately hate Putin.

Tucker also gave Putin multiple opportunities to try and connect with the dissident right in the west and failed miserably. When asked about Christianity, he started talking about the multi-cult and Islam. When he was asked about whether God is guiding his war, he said no, it’s pragmatic. Ok, so he’s an opportunist who leverages Orthodox for its political and social advantage.

Putin also came across as mean and vindictive and tried to belittle Tucker even though, clearly, Tucker is the one of the few Western journalists who is sympathetic to Russia. What’s the point of flexing his power against Tucker in Russia? Putin has all of the power, so why push it? Putin is a KGB bully that enjoys making other people feel small, which fits perfectly within the western narrative.

Tucker put his career, his safety, and his family’s safety on the line to extend an olive branch to Putin, and Putin spit in his face. Great. Expect the deep state to dust off some old statue that finds Tucker violated some 1930 law and spend the next 9 months trying to send him to jail, like they did with Roger Stone and Peter Navarro. All the while the meat grinder will continue in Ukraine unopposed.
Putin made it clear in the interview that he doesn’t care anymore what the lunatics in the West think of Russia. Russia is setting its own path. And he also made it clear that Russia’s relationship with China is rock solid.
Buying into Staddlelateen’s philosophy and pandering to women gets you Justin Trudeau. Trudeau was handed a solid foundation from the cold calculating leader Stephen Harper (who women also didn’t like) and has spent the last eight or so years methodically running it into the dirt. We now have the fastest declining standard of living of all first world countries ( I learned that from Tucker too) while he stifles the resource industry (Canada’s past catalyst for prosperity), floods the country with low IQ immigrants, and initiates a sweeping tax on the air.
That is what pandering to women gets you.
What I saw is that this time is coming to an end. It doesn't matter to appeal to women or certain sensitive segments anymore. There is nothing left to win. Those segments will continue to hobble on for a time but things as they are now are coming to a close. Most in our modern culture are literally suiciding themselves. There is a definite shift currently going on. MSM will soon be irrelevant and tech platforms like X will move to the top (if they haven't already). I found myself wondering if what we were watching was something closer to a head of state in Tucker. What happens this election will certainly be telling.
This is going to be a deeply unpopular post here, but I have to speak my mind, so if you don't want to be angry, I would recommend skipping my post.

You have been warned.

What an absolute disaster of an interview for both Putin and Tucker.

What’s your impression of Putin from western media sources? Likely, he’s a cold, calculating psychopath who only cares about his own power and wealth. How did Putin come across in the interview? As a cold, calculating psychopath who only cares about himself. You must understand that women, especially young women, hold the balance of power in the west, and if there is every going to be a change in perspective on this war, it's going to run through young women. Guess what young women hate? They hate short, cold, mean, old, autists who spend 30 minutes droning on and on about history. No young woman in the world will watch this interview and if they do, they will immediately hate Putin.

Tucker also gave Putin multiple opportunities to try and connect with the dissident right in the west and failed miserably. When asked about Christianity, he started talking about the multi-cult and Islam. When he was asked about whether God is guiding his war, he said no, it’s pragmatic. Ok, so he’s an opportunist who leverages Orthodox for its political and social advantage.

Putin also came across as mean and vindictive and tried to belittle Tucker even though, clearly, Tucker is the one of the few Western journalists who is sympathetic to Russia. What’s the point of flexing his power against Tucker in Russia? Putin has all of the power, so why push it? Putin is a KGB bully that enjoys making other people feel small, which fits perfectly within the western narrative.

Tucker put his career, his safety, and his family’s safety on the line to extend an olive branch to Putin, and Putin spit in his face. Great. Expect the deep state to dust off some old statue that finds Tucker violated some 1930 law and spend the next 9 months trying to send him to jail, like they did with Roger Stone and Peter Navarro. All the while the meat grinder will continue in Ukraine unopposed.
This doesn't make me angry in the least.

But it did make me laugh that this is your reading on the events.
No, nothing is "obvious" about this "interview" except that jews were not discussed. Not the jews of the Bolshevik Revolution, not the jews of international banking, not the jews of freemasonry the Talmud and the occult, and not the jews of the American "elite." The only answer to this glaring omission is that Putin is being "handled" by the JQ mafia.
Russia seems to be in 2024 a lot less under the thumb of the JQ mafia than the west. I have only briefly ever visited but from what you hear and read it sounds like they have a lot less degeneracy. Anti-gay laws to stop that degeneracy. There was just a story in Russia Today about a sex party being shut down. No forced multi-culturalism, and one might imagine, no, or less white guilt, no woke rubbish and check your privilege. They tend to put degenerates in jail.

Anyone who has lived there and knows more about it do chime in..

They also probably don't have majority jewish ownership of media or a huge presence in politics like in the US. Would also doubt they have an enormous well funded lobby group like the ADL to pervert everything.

But there probably is high jewish ownership of some businesses apart from media and if Putin had a go at them in the interview it would probably be bad for his own business interests. They are doing a genocide in the middle east but Russia is really focused on its own interests not necessarily wanting to get involved if it can avoid it.

So he's not handled by the JQ mafia the country is just not so affected by it and he doesn't want to stir up tensions which make business harder.
No way Putin thought to himself hey how am I going to come across to young women in this interview? It’s a ridiculous statement and view. Sorry man, but that’s one of the dumbest things I’ve seen written in here, no offense. Let’s say he appeased to young women? That’s going to stop the war or change people’s view?

In the US people are coached forever for these type of things, look at the presidential debates and what do we get? After all that coaching everyone knows they are mostly lying through their teeth.

Putin’s thinking seems much more primal and based on power dynamics. Russia has nukes and he highlighted the hypersonic mission capability. They can do what they want. Anyone who messes with them seriously has Armageddon in their hands.
Thought the interview was great. Tucker let him talk mostly instead of interrupting like in previous interviews. Of course his style is not like the American style of saying useless fluff and never really saying much or a bombastic marketing style. I prefer Putin’s style.

Putin stated himself that nobody can beat the US in propaganda do you think he cares about the criticisms?

Reading some of them responses in this thread is laughable. He stated Russia as a state has allowed people of every religion to live there. Yeah what a monstrous assertion.

My only criticism is about 30 minutes from the end he did dodge Tuckers question about being a Christian leader. I didn’t watch the end so maybe he addressed it.

At least he admitted Russia being an Orthodox Christian nation. That in itself is huge. He also successfully showed that he's not a "crazy tyrant" but a very thoughtful man with an agenda that is strongly rooted in Russian history (identity).

I like Putin even more now I had time to take everything in that he said.

Edit: I also have to give Tucker credit for letting him just speak instead of talking over him like some western puppet.
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A lot of the guys in this thread who are giving negative takes about the speech seem to just assume that the people of the west are the intended audience. I would argue that they are the secondary or bonus audience.

It doesn't seem like Putin is courting his haters, seeking to change their minds. Rather it looks like him establishing the frame of Russia as a reliable country that keeps it's word. Seems like the main goal was to explain (again) in a very public manner, the surface level motivations for the war and why Russia is a reliable ally. The contrast between the reality of working with a nation run that doesn't keep its promises vs one run based on logic and necessity.
The world is not so black and white, but rather many shades of grey. Any anonymous user on here can pontificate until the cows come home, but what Putin says or doesn't say can/will have direct and even immediate consequences. Regardless of whether or not you agree with him and his decisions over the last 2 years of the SMO, the simple fact is that he is in a much stronger position now than before, so he really has no reason to pander to the west.
Here's a pretty good synopsis of the interview by Anglin. Apparently Tucker is wearing a Kabbalah bracelet as shown in one of the photos. You have absolutely got to be kidding me! Unbelievable.

Of course he does and did but when I pointed this out on RVF I got a warning (thanks Roosh, very magnanimous of you). Just because he interviewed Trenham doesn't mean he's not a Kabbalist. It's one of the ways to hook people on to your controlled op - make lip service to your most based enemy.
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If you watched the over 4 hour long, 4 part series of Oliver Stone's many interviews with Putin, from the year 2017 you will realise that Putin is speaking and answering questions the same way he always has for the past 20 years.

I'm not sure if Tucker watched them or not, and knew Putin's style of answering giving interviews .
Perhaps Tucker is well informed, and is just playing dumb.
Either way, there is nothing new here, and I doubt ANY interviewer will ever be able to get the type of direct short answers from one of the most astute and cunning ex KGB agents in the world.

The most important thing from Tucker's interview that many (not all) here is missed is Putin repeatedly alluding to power of the US deep state.
Putin repeatedly says how all past and present american presidents and their administrations are often overruled by the US intelligence agencies AFTER negotiations and positive progress with Russia has been made. Therefore Putin says, it's very difficult to ever arrive at a peaceful solution with the west, because Russia is unable to directly negotiate with the real shadow people (deep state) controlling the USA.

This is not the first time Putin has said openly who really controls the USA, but the fact that he said it again and again in this interview should leave no doubt in anyone's mind.
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To me Putin came across as intelligent and competent as a leader, but also a few things he said led me to believe he is not as uber mega based as some would have you believe.

He answered a question about Orthodoxy specifically with a vague thing about all religions. And he said that he does not see God's hand in world affairs. I don't know the state of his soul or his personal relationship with God, but I can't imagine Tsar Saint Nicholai would have answered the same questions in the same way.

They also probably don't have majority jewish ownership of media or a huge presence in politics like in the US.

Russian media and banking is dominated by Jews. My best handle on the situation suggests that the Jewish oligarchs of Russia are just trying to protect their wealth, and if the Russian state turning on Israel, and that protects their wealth - so be it.

The US is dominated by left wing Jews vs. Jewish supremacists. The oligarchs in Russia are another faction, who the ones in the US want to coup.
There is nothing new here.

I doubt ANY interviewer will ever be able to get the type of direct short answers from one of the most astute and cunning ex KGB agents in the world.
Facts. And why is that? Because Putin is not an honest Christian man. He is a liar, a thief, an atheist (self-admitted), and a cold blooded killer who knows where the bodies are. You can see it in his tone and eyes, this is not a man to be messed with. Compare Putin's face to that of Bro Nat''s and you will see the difference between a demon and an angel.

The most important thing from Tucker's interview that many (not all) here is missed is Putin repeatedly alluding to power of the US deep state.
You mean the jews? Putin is high IQ but he is not very smart. It''s called The Intelligence Trap. He could talk his way out of any situation but he couldn't think of a better idea or thing to do with his life than get into a quagmire in Ukraine? Unbelievable that people actually believe anything that comes out of this gama-man's mouth. He's a complete fraud and a con-man.

This is not the first time Putin has said openly who really controls the USA,.
Who did he "openly" say "really" controls the USA? What are their names and locations? For such a big, bad, intelligent wolf who is well versed in history, seemingly scared of no one, and is a hyper-intelligent know it all KGB agent who can get to anyone, anytime, anywhere, he sure seems ignorant of the jewish role in the Bolshevik Revolution and for some reason does not want to pin the tail on the jew in any way except as a victim. Why is that? It is because Putin is a shallow materialist (atheist) who is scared that the jews (who also control Russia and pursuaded him to invade Ukraine) will remove him from power and take away all his toys and his cute little "fun" and exciting historical-revenge war.

Facts. And why is that? Because Putin is not an honest Christian man. He is a liar, a thief, an atheist (self-admitted), and a cold blooded killer who knows where the bodies are. You can see it in his tone and eyes, this is not a man to be messed with. Compare Putin's face to that of Bro Nat''s and you will see the difference between a demon and an angel.

You mean the jews? Putin is high IQ but he is not very smart. It''s called The Intelligence Trap. He could talk his way out of any situation but he couldn't think of a better idea or thing to do with his life than get into a quagmire in Ukraine? Unbelievable that people actually believe anything that comes out of this gama-man's mouth. He's a complete fraud and a con-man.

Who did he "openly" say "really" controls the USA? What are their names and locations? For such a big, bad, intelligent wolf who is well versed in history, seemingly scared of no one, and is a hyper-intelligent know it all KGB agent who can get to anyone, anytime, anywhere, he sure seems ignorant of the jewish role in the Bolshevik Revolution and for some reason does not want to pin the tail on the jew in any way except as a victim. Why is that? It is because Putin is a shallow materialist (atheist) who is scared that the jews (who also control Russia and pursuaded him to invade Ukraine) will remove him from power and take away all his toys and his cute little "fun" and exciting historical-revenge war.

@cognitive dissonance 73 is that you ?
