The Vivek Ramaswamy Thread

Care to name some that are concretely fleshed out?

He's doing good things to be useful in pointing out to the republican party that the base still wants the agenda Trump spouts. I enjoy listening and watching him take people down.... but that's the only purpose he serves. To bring the party apparatus back to accept Trump's agenda which is defined by American Populism.
Yea, the man who was most in charge of Trump, Jared Kushner, is a business partner with George Soros and they were bailed out by our tax dollars. There is a start. Trump's $250 million fake "stop the steal" grift, where he probably pocketed all the money, because the fight to stop the steal was as low budget as it can get. There is another. And this is without me even searching Google.

As for Chump, I haven't seen him talk as hardcore as Vivek since before the 2016 election. The last I knew Chump was running on...

- Record levels of legal immigration
- Being the most pro-Israel president in the history of our nation
- Handing Blacks and Hispanics a trillion dollars, free and clear, of our tax money, when they already get preferential treatment and govt. jobs.
- Bailing out Blackrock while our small businesses and communities crumbled.

That isn't populism, that is what you used to call a "RINO" but it isn't a "RINO" this is where 99% of the GOP elected officials are. To the left of Obama in 2009. Does Chump talk about anything but "poor me, the election was stolen"? If so, I haven't heard it.
Sorry, when I see Vivek (and to some extent Haley), all I see are these Indian leaders:

  • Sunak - PM of UK
  • Varadkar - PM of Ireland

I just see planned white genocide.


England and Wales:


And where this is considered hate speech in Ireland:
View attachment 3311

The UK and Ireland are just testing grounds for White genocide to be further implemented in the US.
The UK and Ireland are far behind the USA in these measures. The difference is, White Americans are more well versed and aware of it, due to decades of being attacked and destroyed by something that is still relevantly new in the UK and Ireland.
Yea, the man who was most in charge of Trump, Jared Kushner, is a business partner with George Soros and they were bailed out by our tax dollars. There is a start. Trump's $250 million fake "stop the steal" grift, where he probably pocketed all the money, because the fight to stop the steal was as low budget as it can get. There is another. And this is without me even searching Google.

As for Chump, I haven't seen him talk as hardcore as Vivek since before the 2016 election. The last I knew Chump was running on...

- Record levels of legal immigration
- Being the most pro-Israel president in the history of our nation
- Handing Blacks and Hispanics a trillion dollars, free and clear, of our tax money, when they already get preferential treatment and govt. jobs.
- Bailing out Blackrock while our small businesses and communities crumbled.

That isn't populism, that is what you used to call a "RINO" but it isn't a "RINO" this is where 99% of the GOP elected officials are. To the left of Obama in 2009. Does Chump talk about anything but "poor me, the election was stolen"? If so, I haven't heard it.
We can address all these in the Trump thread. I'm talking about specific business ventures that are shady. Not government policies (or characterizations there of)
We can address all these in the Trump thread. I'm talking about specific business ventures that are shady. Not government policies (or characterizations there of)
I would say both are beyond shady, they are extremely evil. And they were both business ventures as well. There was no govt. policy for him to start a phony campaign to "stop the steal" this was just a shady business deal where he bilked pensioners and social security fixed income poverty folks for their money in exchange for nothing.

I just don’t buy it. His public statements read like someone did a massive online search for “Things Republican/Trump voters wish Trump would say or do.” aggregated the data into a report and told him to start saying it out loud. It just seems all so contrived.

You guys really think a guy who went to Yale AND Harvard is going to be a man of the people? :LOL:

If he ever did become president, forget day 1 executive orders, day 1 is going to be all his Yale and Harvard calling for favors which he will grant.
I just don’t buy it. His public statements read like someone did a massive online search for “Things Republican/Trump voters wish Trump would say or do.” aggregated the data into a report and told him to start saying it out loud. It just seems all so contrived.

You guys really think a guy who went to Yale AND Harvard is going to be a man of the people? :LOL:

If he ever did become president, forget day 1 executive orders, day 1 is going to be all his Yale and Harvard calling for favors which he will grant.
No one, allowed to run in the GOP, will be a "man of the people". If you want to fix this country, you are going to have to start a third party.

I am just glad someone, and even Chump isn't doing this any more, is speaking some harsh truths out there. Chump is too busy whining about "how unfair it is" as if he wasn't in on it all.
I would say both are beyond shady, they are extremely evil. And they were both business ventures as well. There was no govt. policy for him to start a phony campaign to "stop the steal" this was just a shady business deal where he bilked pensioners and social security fixed income poverty folks for their money in exchange for nothing.
Don't forget if you donated to him via his Web site, there was some dark web design patterns that made it so you were doing a reoccurring donation--WEEKLY. So people thought they were sending maybe $500 as a one-time donation and then they racked up tons of charges.

Trump University was also a scam.

If you want to go government policy, "I'm going to build a wall."

Wake up. Trump isn't going to save you or the country.
Don't forget if you donated to him via his Web site, there was some dark web design patterns that made it so you were doing a reoccurring donation--WEEKLY. So people thought they were sending maybe $500 as a one-time donation and then they racked up tons of charges.

Trump University was also a scam.

If you want to go government policy, "I'm going to build a wall."

Wake up. Trump isn't going to save you or the country.
Chump's job is to put you back to sleep. To keep you from becoming the man God wants you to be. To not build a parallel economy, to not achieve financial freedom, to not eat right and work out and prepare for battle. Chump's job is to get you to stay lazy, watching TV, and living a life of gluttony and other sins.

We are so blessed that our enemies are so evil and yet so powerful. God set the bar high, because God knows we can work hard to clear it. But Chump is the guy who comes along and says "you don't have to clear that bar, I'll do it for you" while doing nothing at all but sell your chlidren's futures out for a few measly bucks.
If he doesn't jail people, or others don't due to his watch or after, of course everyone will be majorly disappointed. If they are jailed, it will at least be entertaining. It's not like even the wise supporters of him ever really believed that he would stop America's decline, big picture. The .gov is too big and the debt is too. It couldn't and never was going to, last.
Chump's job is to put you back to sleep. To keep you from becoming the man God wants you to be. To not build a parallel economy, to not achieve financial freedom, to not eat right and work out and prepare for battle. Chump's job is to get you to stay lazy, watching TV, and living a life of gluttony and other sins.

We are so blessed that our enemies are so evil and yet so powerful. God set the bar high, because God knows we can work hard to clear it. But Chump is the guy who comes along and says "you don't have to clear that bar, I'll do it for you" while doing nothing at all but sell your chlidren's futures out for a few measly bucks.
Tons of projection here dude.

Trump's economy was night and day different from this one... Especially pre-Covid.

There is no elected officials that is going to change people's actions regarding their vices and complacency.

He's done more to make people aware of the neoliberals and neocons we've suffered under since Clinton.... So how does that square with this assertion that he's trying to lull you to sleep?

The Overton window has shifted right and populist because of him. The dude is a monkey wrench thrown into the wheel of NWO plans for the US of forever wars. Hence why the COVID scheme was enacted.

That said... If everything is theater like you say... Then there is zero point participating in our elections. I refuse to accept that assertion based off of what I've seen.
Tons of projection here dude.

Trump's economy was night and day different from this one... Especially pre-Covid.

There is no elected officials that is going to change people's actions regarding their vices and complacency.

He's done more to make people aware of the neoliberals and neocons we've suffered under since Clinton.... So how does that square with this assertion that he's trying to lull you to sleep?

The Overton window has shifted right and populist because of him. The dude is a monkey wrench thrown into the wheel of NWO plans for the US of forever wars. Hence why the COVID scheme was enacted.

That said... If everything is theater like you say... Then there is zero point participating in our elections. I refuse to accept that assertion based off of what I've seen.
Trump's "economy" was the same as Obama and Bush, all built on out of controlled borrowing. He made Obama's spending look reasonable. It was very out of control and wasteful.

He lulls you to sleep by saying "I will take down these bad guys for you" then exactly as Dave Chappell said, "he goes right back in the house and keeps playing the game" aka, he does nothing.

The overton window has shifted despite him, he wants to reign it back into the GOP, and I pray it is too late for them to pull that off.

I agree, there is no point in participating in our elections. You must not be aware, but plenty of good men, men who actually believe what Trump claims to believe have tried to run in the GOP. And the GOP kicks them to the curb. Voting is fake, it will change nothing, it is time to get serious about the situation we face.
The UK and Ireland are far behind the USA in these measures. The difference is, White Americans are more well versed and aware of it, due to decades of being attacked and destroyed by something that is still relevantly new in the UK and Ireland.

(GB and Ireland is the correct term as part of Ireland is in the UK and part of the UK is in Ireland. This was the original name of the Ryder Cup team v the USA before it became Europe.)

GB and Ireland is behind the US' and the British Commonwealth because it has lesser racial awareness than their kin who have lived on and colonised the frontiers. The British public was not shocked about the geopolitical implications of American servicemen occupying the UK during WW2 (and thereafter) but it was shocked about the American segregated pubs that the US Army procured. However those who served in the British Army or in the imperial civil service in the empire or those who had relatives in the empire or USA understood the segregation. These were in the minority.
That said... If everything is theater like you say... Then there is zero point participating in our elections. I refuse to accept that assertion based off of what I've seen.
There's no way you are in your 40s or 50s.

It simply does not matter who is president in any way tangible to your life, and hasn't for decades.

Voting for school board, local elections, that stuff matters, and if we could get people to run without the two-party machine behind them that would be better. I've personally witnessed the GOP machine firsthand, where local candidates who don't toe the line get no support from those entrenched higher in the state gment.

The real people in charge didn't like how unpredictable Trump was. He was an outsider to politics and he was trying to fit in. He didn't understand how things really worked. So while the system doesn't want him back as President, it has nothing to do at all with him representing the people.

The choice for president has been crap sandwich vs crap taco for my entire life. It may make you feel like you're making a difference when you choose, but that is an absolute illusion and it's better to ignore it completely and focus on people you can actually talk to and influence.
"It's all theater" posters are always acting like the contrary position is "VOTE FOR TRUMP HE WILL SAVE US ALL AND LEAD US INTO GLORIOUS CONSERVATIVE UTOPIA!!!!"

I haven't seen a single poster here assert such a viewpoint, only that voting for a candidate has a nonzero chance of making an impact and therefore it's worthwhile to do so considering there is no opportunity cost than an hour out of your day or what have you. And then the "it's all theater" people will come out and say "NO YOU HAVE TO BE AS BLACKPILLED AS ME AND AGREE THAT THERE IS LITERALLY NO WAY IT COULD EVER POSSIBLY HELP AND INSTEAD OF VOTING YOU SHOULD BE DOING [XYZ]." As if we can't possibly do anything else other than vote and shill for Trump if we refused to accept their position.

There's nothing that complicated about agreeing that the political system of America is corrupt and broken and rigged and that Trump isn't a savior but still voting for him because there's some chance that his leadership will **** up the country less than the alternative.
There's no way you are in your 40s or 50s.

It simply does not matter who is president in any way tangible to your life, and hasn't for decades.

Voting for school board, local elections, that stuff matters, and if we could get people to run without the two-party machine behind them that would be better. I've personally witnessed the GOP machine firsthand, where local candidates who don't toe the line get no support from those entrenched higher in the state gment.

The real people in charge didn't like how unpredictable Trump was. He was an outsider to politics and he was trying to fit in. He didn't understand how things really worked. So while the system doesn't want him back as President, it has nothing to do at all with him representing the people.

The choice for president has been crap sandwich vs crap taco for my entire life. It may make you feel like you're making a difference when you choose, but that is an absolute illusion and it's better to ignore it completely and focus on people you can actually talk to and influence.
I'm in my mid 30s.

I agree that you have greater impact in local elections and that all politics originated locally.

I disagree on your central premise however, as I do
"It's all theater" posters are always acting like the contrary position is "VOTE FOR TRUMP HE WILL SAVE US ALL AND LEAD US INTO GLORIOUS CONSERVATIVE UTOPIA!!!!"

I haven't seen a single poster here assert such a viewpoint, only that voting for a candidate has a nonzero chance of making an impact and therefore it's worthwhile to do so considering there is no opportunity cost than an hour out of your day or what have you. And then the "it's all theater" people will come out and say "NO YOU HAVE TO BE AS BLACKPILLED AS ME AND AGREE THAT THERE IS LITERALLY NO WAY IT COULD EVER POSSIBLY HELP AND INSTEAD OF VOTING YOU SHOULD BE DOING [XYZ]." As if we can't possibly do anything else other than vote and shill for Trump if we refused to accept their position.

There's nothing that complicated about agreeing that the political system of America is corrupt and broken and rigged and that Trump isn't a savior but still voting for him because there's some chance that his leadership will **** up the country less than the alternative.
Or we could collectively admit that "our democracy" has failed, seriously figure out why, and then collectively come up with solutions that might actually work.

Except that any meaningful threat to the current system is censored, not allowed to meet in person, etc.

Look at it this way: we're on a sinking ship voting for which captain may keep us afloat for an extra hour. In the end, the ship is still sinking and fixing the steering wheel isn't going to matter.

Instead of putting hopes into yet another "most important election in our lifetimes," we could simply start making our own lifeboats. It's not the hour or so to go cast your vote that will make you drown, it's following all this nonsense and the news cycle and the debates and "I can't believe Vivek said this and Trump said that" and you will likely drown while some of your smarter neighbors were trying to figure out how to float with each other.
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Or we could collectively admit that "our democracy" has failed, seriously figure out why, and then collectively come up with solutions that might actually work.

Except that any meaningful threat to the current system is censored, not allowed to meet in person, etc.

Look at it this way: we're on a sinking ship voting for which captain may keep us afloat for an extra hour. In the end, the ship is still sinking and fixing the steering wheel isn't going to matter.

Instead of putting hopes into yet another "most important election in our lifetimes," we could simply start making our own lifeboats. It's not the hour or so to go cast your vote that will make you drown, it's following all this nonsense and the news cycle and the debates and I can't believe Vivek said this and Trump said that" and you will likely drown while some of your smarter neighbors were trying to figure out how to float with each other.
Maybe... But I'm still of the opinion that you participate and engage. It's part of your civic duty and there's a possibility it will have a positive effect.

Id rather give myself a decade more opportunity for my kids than thrust them into a shit storm.

If it's all doomed and you are aware of that... The it's not really some huge let down when it all crumbles.