The Destruction of Modern Women

I can't recall a single sermon addressing women. If pastors and clergymen cannot address half their congregation about their sins then who is keeping Christian women accountable (I have no hope for secular women). It's like if a guy can find a low-fat woman who loves him, keeps him from fornicating or adultery and can competently raise kids and run a household she's a unicorn. I think male clergy are often too weak to address women or people feel like they don't want to be mansplained. Isn't it up to the elder females in households to hold women accountable and teach them? All it took was for the Silents and the Boomers to become feminists and then you have the problem we have where wise women counselors have disappeared and will probably be gone for generations.
I can't recall a single sermon addressing women. If pastors and clergymen cannot address half their congregation about their sins then who is keeping Christian women accountable (I have no hope for secular women). It's like if a guy can find a low-fat woman who loves him, keeps him from fornicating or adultery and can competently raise kids and run a household she's a unicorn. I think male clergy are often too weak to address women or people feel like they don't want to be mansplained. Isn't it up to the elder females in households to hold women accountable and teach them? All it took was for the Silents and the Boomers to become feminists and then you have the problem we have where wise women counselors have disappeared and will probably be gone for generations.
You have distilled my point from the prior post well.

The problem is deeper, since their unwillingness to address the real issue (hint hint, it's not men or young men) will of course mean that their daughters on average will not have offspring, or will have issues with spouses that they aren't all that into (since they are now older) and also have fertility problems. Since this is the case, it will as a result effect young men and even middle aged men as a result.

By and large, what's really going on is the priority of numbers over quality. Since people in general aren't all that interested in hearing a message that contradicts the [current] culture greatly, they will not attend as much and the emotional part of things will come out (Shouldn't we be open? Shouldn't we try to get more people to come?). From what I've seen, this doesn't work anyway. A large portion of people come to church, even Orthodox, emphasizing how important the sermon is. It's quite clear that the implicit suggestion is that they are there for feel good, self help, or other things that they can "get something out of" instead of worshipping God because that is proper. It's a very American thing that most people are clueless as to how hooked into it as they might be, mostly because they don't have anyone actually teach them the faith or do research of it on their own/scripture reading/readings from the Holy Fathers, etc.
What is the bloodless eucharist of the infertility cult doing to the water supply, men, not to mention to gay frogs?
Some call me callous but I'm not really worried about it. If above average dudes can barely find suitable wives that result in a family in the modern day, as I've stated many times, the average to below average guys never had a chance.
Some call me callous but I'm not really worried about it. If above average dudes can barely find suitable wives that result in a family in the modern day, as I've stated many times, the average to below average guys never had a chance.

I wish I saved this chart when I saw it. It showed a normal distribution curve reflecting that men rate the average woman as a 5. This was compared with a bell curve showing that women rate the average man as a 2.5.
I wish I saved this chart when I saw it. It showed a normal distribution curve reflecting that men rate the average woman as a 5. This was compared with a bell curve showing that women rate the average man as a 2.5.
It's funny to me that people therefore find it odd that a group that is unrealistic and irrational (again, not an accusation, a population level reality) is restricted to some degree. Or that some people are, or behave, better under particular circumstances. Yes, we have to live in clown world, alas.
Do you guys think or have you thought this about the headache of marriage? It's funny that it's a harbinger, and quite clear.
I have declined the majority of wedding invitations I have received.

I think many or most people have overly inflated views of their “friendships”. This seems to afflict women particularly, as they act like besties together in a context where contact is required (school, college, work etc.), then move to a sporadic/non-existent contact until they randomly invite each other to a large event, like a wedding.

My own experience with weddings (attending them or not attending them) is that they are nowadays formulaic expressions of a desire to be liked and celebrated, rather than an expression of the union of a couple. Even when I was obviously invited for a good reason, all sorts of others were invited who really had no place there, save for social expectation/ego of the bride and/or groom and their families.

Realistically, the only “extra”, superfluous people who should be invited to weddings are the partners of people who should have been invited and certain categories of children, whose parent/parents deserved to be invited.
Realistically, the only “extra”, superfluous people who should be invited to weddings are the partners of people who should have been invited and certain categories of children, whose parent/parents deserved to be invited.
Yes, as it has gotten away from an important religious ceremony and serious part of life, beginning a journey with the head of the family under God, we have seen greater and greater "industrialization" of weddings. You picked up on what I was putting down, which I didn't do as clearly as I should have, so thanks. It isn't that the marriage is a headache, it's that the formality around the celebration and the nonsense size and pomp/circumstance is off putting - especially for a man who just wants a solid, meaningful (and not so costly) experience that is doing its best to be rightly guided and holy. As people have pointed out, it's no wonder that there has been a "big" correlation between wedding size and how long lasting the marriage is (inverse relationship, yet again).
It isn't that the marriage is a headache, it's that the formality around the celebration and the nonsense size and pomp/circumstance is off putting - especially for a man who just wants a solid, meaningful (and not so costly) experience that is doing its best to be rightly guided and holy. As people have pointed out, it's no wonder that there has been a "big" correlation between wedding size and how long lasting the marriage is (inverse relationship, yet again).
There’s also a significant question mark about the value brought to the wedding/marriage by both parties.

Nietzsche’s quote about measuring things by what they cost you comes to mind. Men are paying (higher) costs for a ceremony and then marriage, both financially and figuratively/socially, than what they are getting in return.

Women are regularly choosing the elements of the old “patriarchy” that suit them (men paying always or disproportionately for dates/gifts, an expensive ring) and discarding other elements (sexual purity or thereabouts prior to marriage, or at least prior to meeting the groom) that displease or inconvenience them.
Nietzsche’s quote about measuring things by what they cost you comes to mind. Men are paying (higher) costs for a ceremony and then marriage, both financially and figuratively/socially, than what they are getting in return.
The ROI isn't low, it's obscene. When you can make the argument (Pearl does) that men don't really get all that much out of marriage in general, you really see how low we've gone. As I always point out, there used to be things called dowries for a reason. Imagine that ... you got literally money AND all of the historical things you include in your post (purity, making the home, conveniences, etc) that modern men don't. The real tragedy is that no one will even talk about a small % of this, let alone the full picture.
I wish I saved this chart when I saw it. It showed a normal distribution curve reflecting that men rate the average woman as a 5. This was compared with a bell curve showing that women rate the average man as a 2.5.
I remember it well.

Yes it was although I have seen others.

It seems that men consider the average women not as a 5 but as a 5.5 and that Chad is only a 7.5.

Yet misogyny is frequently used whereas misandry seems to have recently become an archaic term.

I am not sure if this chart describes online attractiveness or whether it is an absolute scale so the average man with a fiat rating of 2.5 may find himself enjoying life as a 1.25 on a smart phone app.
I had this thought the other day while walking through Wal-Mart. I saw so many young women who were morbidly obese, even the smaller ones were overweight and then I saw a noticeably beautiful younger woman with a symmetrical face. She too was borderline overweight but it didn't seem to matter, she was so feminine and beautiful I still felt an instant natural attraction toward her. As for the rest of the women I felt absolutely nothing.

This brings me to my thought, the only way I could ever find an obese or overweight woman attractive would be if they could fulfill some unnatural porn-intensified kink. Basically, artificially induced attraction that requires the man to be pornsick to a degree. She is so unsightly and repellant that objectifying her with some fantasy is the only way to have any attraction. I also noticed I tend to completely disrespect, or I should say, have no respect for people who have let their bodies get so fat. I'm not consciously doing this, it seems to come naturally, like how I tend to naturally respect people who are in great shape. By being obese, women tempt men to despise them and have apathy, which is the opposite of love. If it is true that we can cause others to sin then a woman being nothing more than obese is automatically causing great harm to the men around her.

I think this is one of the attack vectors that has been the most successful on modern women; making them so fat. First of all, it makes the not-so-fat women extremely prideful and arrogant because they are rare and prized. Second, it attacks men by destroying what they love the most, beautiful women, the one thing God made specifically for man. It causes endless trouble for a man to be with an obese woman. She has more health problems, she's more likely to encourage him to gain weight and suffer health problems, she's going to be slothful due to the difficulty of moving her weight around, her kids will be unhealthy, she'll die early, her man will never be satisfied in bed, he may even be embarrassed by her in public or become internally enraged whenever he comes across a couple where the wife is attractive. On and on it goes.