The Destruction of Modern Women

Interesting point and post. Off topic regarding the women, but I had some parish drama happen to me when I was exploring Orthodoxy. I don’t know if there’s more gossip in Orthodox vs. Catholic circles because of the ethnic component. Gossip and drama are everywhere, but I was kind of put off by not just the drama but the nosiness of my priest
I'm sorry :/ forgive us. The Orthodox Church has been great at evangelizing to all ethnicities for millenia, the 20th century was not a good time for American Orthodoxy, however. Though God sent saints our way to change that, to translate, to serve services in English, and now because of that we are growing. I am a parishioner at a great community of The Orthodox Church in America, 100% of the services are in English, and liturgical (older) English at that rather than contemporary. It's a family for me, I'm literally being saved alongside them and when I feel that my biological family is broken, I'm only missing out on not getting to live full time with my close Church family.

My Church is not typically gossipy. Now of course, women struggle more with the passion of idle talk, gossip, no matter where you go. The drama that happened to me was relating to an immigrant convert, we're reconciled. He's much older than me so it's odd it happened as I'm not even 20 yet. But I assure you that the serious faithful, of which there are many won't gossip about you.

The hardline between gossip and cautionary/close nit bonding talk for me is when someone says something for the purpose of defaming them. Or, making one's friends view the gossiper higher than the one who was gossiped about. It can also become gossip if someone spreads word carelessly. If someone has bad things happen to them, my policy is that if I'm the victim, I tell those who are humble and who will console me, therefore it's not gossip, because we hasten to cast away pride and judgement even though we recognize how relational sins affect us.

It is common to say to "Say nothing bad about one's parents." I take that rule to heart, however I cannot take it to an opposite extreme where if I'm hurt I cannot say anything that is true that is negative about my parents in a humble, safe context.
This is really sad.

I agree but disagree. For me it is a matter of priorities.

Many airlines in the world still maintain policies of refusing to let men sit next to unaccompanied minors due to the “sexual predator” suspicion spiel.

Men have their lives ruined socially, professionally, financially, educationally and then often legally because of he-said-she-said sexual or physical abuse allegations, or sometimes even “he spoke to or looked at me” nothing-burger accusations.

This woman admitted to public masturbation. Thinking people were far enough away is simply not an excuse - she was in public. There was a reasonable prospect she’d be observed and she was observed, as she herself confessed to.

There are literally 10,000+ issues our society needs to solve before this woman becomes a victim in my book.
I agree but disagree. For me it is a matter of priorities.

Many airlines in the world still maintain policies of refusing to let men sit next to unaccompanied minors due to the “sexual predator” suspicion spiel.

Men have their lives ruined socially, professionally, financially, educationally and then often legally because of he-said-she-said sexual or physical abuse allegations, or sometimes even “he spoke to or looked at me” nothing-burger accusations.

This woman admitted to public masturbation. Thinking people were far enough away is simply not an excuse - she was in public. There was a reasonable prospect she’d be observed and she was observed, as she herself confessed to.

There are literally 10,000+ issues our society needs to solve before this woman becomes a victim in my book.

It’s sad that she took her own life, but I agree here. This event contributed, but more likely she had tons and tons of problems.

We now live in a world where a guy just making eye contact is be deemed as creepy. Have you guys seen those fitness influencers who just film random guys doing nothing and claim they are predators? Imagine if this was a guy, forget being handcuffed he’d get the entire book thrown at him with tons of charges even if it was totally made up.
Check out one of the leftover women at 9:00

What struck me was how completely westernized this woman was. She has vocal fry when she speaks English, has strong feminist values, and also owns a mug that has some snarky phrase on it. It's quite interesting how these Western feminist values take pretty much the same form and have the same results whatever it spreads even when it spreads in cultures that are completely the opposite of it's origin.
It’s sad that she took her own life, but I agree here. This event contributed, but more likely she had tons and tons of problems.

We now live in a world where a guy just making eye contact is be deemed as creepy. Have you guys seen those fitness influencers who just film random guys doing nothing and claim they are predators? Imagine if this was a guy, forget being handcuffed he’d get the entire book thrown at him with tons of charges even if it was totally made up.

Public Masturbation is a disgusting sin whether men or woman do it.

The outrage over this ladies suicide seems like a psy-op to me. It's heading to the point where society is gonna say "we are not allowed to criticize or prosecute woman for unhealthy behavior anymore because they might self-delete."

Just look how woman dress in Gyms today with yoga pants and whatnot. Such attire was reserved for the most deranged harlots in the 1980s & 90s. Now it's those woman dressed like harlots accusing men of being the perverts!

Nah this type of free pass just leads to men incarcerating themselves further in the secular Globalhomo prison.
Public Masturbation is a disgusting sin whether men or woman do it.

The outrage over this ladies suicide seems like a psy-op to me. It's heading to the point where society is gonna say "we are not allowed to criticize or prosecute woman for unhealthy behavior anymore because they might self-delete."

Just look how woman dress in Gyms today with yoga pants and whatnot. Such attire was reserved for the most deranged harlots in the 1980s & 90s. Now it's those woman dressed like harlots accusing men of being the perverts!

Nah this type of free pass just leads to men incarcerating themselves further in the secular Globalhomo prison.

Oh yeah, doing vile acts in public is disgusting no matter who does it. My point is mainly that treatment under the law would be totally different depending if it was a man or a woman. Just like those teachers who fornicate with students. The males always or almost always get away tougher sentences.
The outrage over this ladies suicide seems like a psy-op to me. It's heading to the point where society is gonna say "we are not allowed to criticize or prosecute woman for unhealthy behavior anymore because they might self-delete."
You’re right overall but somewhat wrong for reasons of you being too specific.

It’s not so much suicide as whichever excuse fits the particular circumstances.

There’s a whole academic and NGO (and even government-based, often enough) industry designed to limit or eliminate entirely the number of women in prison “because sexism”.

Forget already proven disparate sentencing favoring women, apparently all women get a pass for criminal behavior because Meghan says her stepfather raped her after she walked out of Best Buy and Walmart five separate times with a cumulative $22,400 in stolen merchandise.

Or Sally gets no prison time for trying to burn down her ex-boyfriend’s house because she says he “hit” (no evidence required) and tried to “control” her (“control” probably means here his disapproval about her butt cheeks being out in front of other men).

1. Women's ultimate strategy is total sexual freedom with the top 20% men (the top 5% on dating apps) with the responsibility of bringing up any bastards who are not thrown into the Tophets given over to the tax payer (it takes a village to bring up children and men are net contributors to the western welfare states);
2. This strategy requires that there is a surplus of men in the sexual marketplace. Passport bros reduce this reserve army of labour.
2. This strategy requires that there is a surplus of men in the sexual marketplace. Passport bros reduce this reserve army of labour
I've been talking about M:F ratio for a long time, and have explained in detail why it's so important (hint, no one cares about men biologically as they are expendable, so the only time they get anything good is when there is some selection pressure on women). Why do we see what we see? Oh yeah, M:F ratios in the west in particular, are awful.

If you don't have an androcentric culture, everyone suffers.
I believe it was Heartiste who said the inner-city black ghetto culture was the endgame of where things are currently going and I believe whites are transitioning steadily to that point, especially as the economy continues to collapse.
This is very insightful as you can see the transition throughout our lives and we already know what happened to them ...
Check out one of the leftover women at 9:00

What struck me was how completely westernized this woman was. She has vocal fry when she speaks English, has strong feminist values, and also owns a mug that has some snarky phrase on it. It's quite interesting how these Western feminist values take pretty much the same form and have the same results whatever it spreads even when it spreads in cultures that are completely the opposite of it's origin.

Her grandpa told her she was getting old and that she doesn't need to set the bar too high because she's not good enough. Lol. Based grandpa. I'm sure she jovially disregarded it.

The creator of the video, I'm assuming the woman speaking with her, was zooming in on the stuffed animals as if to say "look how young she is, only 26! Just a baby!" LOL. Neoteny.

The vocal fry is interesting. I read that it can be a learned social habit (Analagous to how gay men acquire the feminine gay voice virus amongst each other) and that it's caused by not enough breath being pushed through the vocal chords.

My theory is that they are literally trying to catch their breath from all the hysterically cheerful chatter, coping, and crying amongst one another. Lol.
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Wow, you can really see how she is unable to pair bond. The guy made the right move.

I believe it was Heartiste who said the inner-city black ghetto culture was the endgame of where things are currently going and I believe whites are transitioning steadily to that point, especially as the economy continues to collapse.

Return of Kings is gone now but there was an excellent article by RVF member Athlone McGinnis / Excelsior that covered that very topic - How Black America Has Predicted Our Future.

I found a mirror of the article at


Much has been made in the manosphere of the ongoing rise of negative social indicators in the United States and the general societal decline that they seem to be predicting, particularly as they relate to gender relations. Many guys are worried sick about this, and rightfully so.

In the midst of this concern, however, I would like to present some information that could shed some more light on what may come of all this: we have actually been here before. In fact, there exists within our society a model for the outcome of all the ongoing negative trends we are seeing, a culture that has already felt the impact of those trends and suffered their consequences.

That model or prototype for our future is Black America.

The manosphere is a predominantly white corner of the net, but many of the problems discussed there are quite familiar to the relatively few blacks who frequent it. Almost every social problem guys in the manosphere cite as a growing concern within the general population has already played itself out within the Black American community.


He goes on to list many of the dysfunctional behaviors that men in the wider culture have been grappling with when it comes to women that have been present in the black community for decades - obesity, out of wedlock birth, hypergamy, bad-boy worship, the effect of single-mother households on a generation of men, etc.


4. What happens when men in a certain culture are marginalized and their households become largely matriarchal?

Long Answer: Men will have high unemployment and incarceration rates, and young boys will be prone to violence, academic reticence, and poor performance in school. Nearly 70% of undergraduate and graduate degrees will be earned by females, while their men practically disappear from the higher echelons of the professional world and leave those women without suitable mates. These women will then proceed to ponder where all the good black men went.


The article showed how black America was the canary in the coal mine for what was coming down the pike for the rest of men in this country. Well worth reading.
Nearly 70% of undergraduate and graduate degrees will be earned by females, while their men practically disappear from the higher echelons of the professional world and leave those women without suitable mates. These women will then proceed to ponder where all the good black men went.

Many men are working dead end jobs. I think another issue is that women delay marriage til late 20’s or 30’s and the men who make good money want a lot younger than that.
You give women any kind of voice in positions of power, and insist on men having to listen to it you get all the LGBT nonsense that we see today. Everyone has to watch what they do or say in case they make a sodomite cry. It's insane. You cannot look at the world and say that it works to put women in positions of leadership.

It works if you put a woman in a room full of kids. They can stop a child being picked on, make them feel included in things etc.

This was back in 2003, girls were twice as likely to support gay marriage than boys.

Further proves this article I posted in the other thread: