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The Destruction of Modern Women

Yes, this is leftist/emotional thinking instead of the reality of the world and practical thinking, which accounts for 99% of examples.

"Hey look, I can point out this one exception!"

As we know, these prove the rule, not the other way around.
Yes this is a very feminine way of arguing. Women will always go to an example of that one hyper specific case that proves you wrong when you're arguing with them whilst completely ignoring the wider issue.

If you say to a woman that women are not generally capable of leadership they will be like: "well actually my friend's sister leads a book club and she's actually very good at it, so you're wrong..."

It's a sorry state of affairs when men are so feminized that they also argue like women.
Women don't have convictions. They barely have opinions. It's like talking to a child.
Like when a women says "I'm hungry," and you reply "What would you like to eat?" and she says, "I don't know... what do you want?" And then you reply "I'm not hungry," and then she says, "Oh never mind, I'll just wait until later."

Also, I once asked my girlfriend how she was feeling because she seemed depressed, and she replied, "I don't know... most of the time I'm not really sure how I'm feeling?" To which I responded, "I'll tell you how you're feeling, you feel like sh*t because you've been making a series of bad decisions." She then started to cry.
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Like when a women says "I'm hungry," and you reply "What would you like to eat?" and she says, "I don't know... what do you want?" And then you reply "I'm not hungry," and then she says, "Oh never mind, I'll just wait until later."

Also, I once asked my girlfriend how she was feeling because she seemed depressed, and she replied, "I don't know... most of the time I'm not really sure how I'm feeling?" To which I responded, "I'll tell you how you're feeling, you feel like sh*t because you've been making a series of bad decisions." She then started to cry.

Professional woman of sport from the USA
download (14).jpg

Professional woman of sport from Poland
What happened to women like this in the 1950s? I know there weren't as many with weight issues, but did they just marriage average dudes? The kind that now they think are scum?

Beyond women not understanding men (face or smile don't mean much if you're obese), the messaging is just totally stupid. It makes you wonder if people just don't realize they are actually fat. Or is that ego or protectionism so long lasting and developed that it's a surprise?

This is actually a true chasm between men and women that reminds me of that thread where the feminist thinker guy was claiming that men and women were similarly capable in thinking and agency. If they are so objective, capable and logical, you'd think that "standards" wouldn't only apply to women. Notice how men never have "standards"? It's hard to have them when no one actually asks you about them. What's funny is that men are the ones with the standards, which is why fatties are old and single - men decide marriage.

[by the way, did someone answer that question and tell her the truth?]
What happened to women like this in the 1950s? I know there weren't as many with weight issues, but did they just marriage average dudes? The kind that now they think are scum?

Beyond women not understanding men (face or smile don't mean much if you're obese), the messaging is just totally stupid. It makes you wonder if people just don't realize they are actually fat. Or is that ego or protectionism so long lasting and developed that it's a surprise?

This is actually a true chasm between men and women that reminds me of that thread where the feminist thinker guy was claiming that men and women were similarly capable in thinking and agency. If they are so objective, capable and logical, you'd think that "standards" wouldn't only apply to women. Notice how men never have "standards"? It's hard to have them when no one actually asks you about them. What's funny is that men are the ones with the standards, which is why fatties are old and single - men decide marriage.

[by the way, did someone answer that question and tell her the truth?]



What happened to women like this in the 1950s? I know there weren't as many with weight issues, but did they just marriage average dudes? The kind that now they think are scum?
They were super, super, super sweet and fun and joyful and excellent cooks and went above and beyond for their man, treated him like a king because they realized how hard he would be to replace. It's possible to find a guy that will go for that combo.

I knew a super sweet funny outgoing Christian girl like that who was very in to me, and I enjoyed being around her. Just couldn't go beyond that, but her company was very pleasant.

There are so many fat women out there, some surely in relationships, that I could see that woman being genuinely unsure of what she's doing wrong. Plus she will never get the truth from other women, who never help each other, and men won't dare speak the truth publicly on any number of topics for fear of being "offensive."
I have limited experience in this area, but anecdotally I often get hit on by obese women, including black ones (I'm white). While they've all been very nice and friendly, I am not interested. I am a normal body weight mid-50s male who is is great physical shape. Why should I deal with this? Some of these women come right out and get angry when I don't flirt with them, telling me "I know I'm a great catch, I know I'm gorgeous, tons of men want me". It's just coocoo for Coco Puffs bananas. Not just no self-awarenes, but it's total denial and the wholesale swallowing of the "fat is beautiful" mainstream narrative. I think part of the problem is that there ARE a lot of men who will go for ANY woman who is available, and that amplifies this clown world show.
They were super, super, super sweet and fun and joyful and excellent cooks and went above and beyond for their man, treated him like a king because they realized how hard he would be to replace. It's possible to find a guy that will go for that combo.
There were some women like this in my church growing up, and they were super sweet and loving. I remember one in particular who was obese, but man, she could COOK, and she had a heart of gold! Her husband was a very high ranking military officer, in good shape, and she raised wonderful children (who ended up obese like here, sadly). So yes, there is a market for this. Two things she had that I don't see in women today: humility and a gentle spirit. Therein lies the problem.


Probably she also passes on all the guys who would give her a look. It seems to me like women have zero concept of how things work. If she doesn't want to put the effort in to lose weight then she cannot expect to find a guy who does.

Also being sweet and feminine goes a long way. I actually do find an average looking woman who is feminine and sweet far more endearing and attractive than a 10 who's a whore. If these women picked up on this they might stand a chance.

Lose weight or get real would be my advice. There's probably some balding fat guy who would cherish her.