Why are you not deleting her number dude?
You don't seem to be listening
Chopper, these statements are forceful to the addict - even though you are completely correct in stating them. Telling them to listen, and to obey, is a bad move that only serves to make the addict defensive.
Being correct is not enough to save the addict. Being gentle, patient, and understanding, as they work through their addiction over years, even decades, is the only way. You must expect them to fail, and be ready to catch them when they do so. It takes true Love to save the addict.
It's not easy, and I'm not criticizing you in particular. I always figured Recovery would have a low odds of success, as is the case in most addictions.
But this thread was not about Recovery, believe it or not. It's about the men on this forum.
If saving the whore only had a 1% chance of success, then saving Recovery was only at 10%. However, I understood these things and instead let the thread continue to save
the men on this forum, because now you guys will understand what it takes to love someone in the most difficult of circumstances.
What you guys did with Recovery failed. Doesn't matter if your advice was "right." A fail is a fail, a soul lost for Christ is a soul gained for Satan. That is the only measurement that matters.
But because you've had practice here, you'll be able to take this knowledge forward, both here and in the real world, and be much more effective. And by doing right by God, and loving the least of God's children - even those who do not deserve it, such as the addicts on the street - you will be directly loving God.
For truly, none of us deserved God's mercy and grace, and yet it gave it to us anyways. Likewise, the faithful Christian is called to do the same, if we are to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.