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Is it just me, or do Talmuds really have the pickle market cornered?

It's very difficult to find pickles that are NOT kosher.
I was curious if pickles can be non kosher, and here's what I found:

Yes, pickles can be non-kosher. Kosher pickles are typically pickled in brine and flavored with garlic and dill, while non-kosher pickles are usually pickled in vinegar and flavored with sugar and pickling spices. Kosher pickles also meet other requirements, such as using kosher salt, following strict kosher guidelines during production, and avoiding non-kosher additives.
I was curious if pickles can be non kosher, and here's what I found:

Yes, pickles can be non-kosher. Kosher pickles are typically pickled in brine and flavored with garlic and dill, while non-kosher pickles are usually pickled in vinegar and flavored with sugar and pickling spices. Kosher pickles also meet other requirements, such as using kosher salt, following strict kosher guidelines during production, and avoiding non-kosher additives.
I bought dill pickles today, and sure enough they are kosher. I looked this up some more. I am finding that kosher dills are all made with garlic as one of the ingredients. This isn't even a jewish dietary restriction, it is just traditional.

I'm pretty sure I remember eating dill pickles made with vinegar (non-kosher) without garlic. I think when my mom used to make homemade pickles, she made them with garlic. I'm going to search around the internet a little, and see if there are any specialty pickle brands that have non-garlic, vinegar based dill pickles.

If anyone else knows of brand of pickles like this, please post!

Edit: Now I'm not sure the use of vinegar is a distinguishing factor. I thought it was brine vs vinegar, but now I'm not sure. I don't care about jewish priests blessing the pickle factory machinery. I'm interested in the recipe.
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The latest boomertard obsession is hystrionically defending Boeing in the online comments.
Go to any story about a plane malfunction and you will find loads of boomers bending over backwards to defend Boeing "If this was an AIRBUS plane they wouldnt even TELL YOU who built it!" "The ENGINE wasn't made by BOEING. How is this their fault!"

I don't really get this, as boomers are obsessed with "WOKE and DEI are DESTROYING the GREATEST NATION in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD" and Boeing is all on board the wokeness, and also laying off smart white engineers. Who knows. Nothing makes sense anymore.

I think it's just typical boomer out of touch American Exceptionalism nonsense of "I categorically believe x is the best y in the world and no fact you can present to me can ever change my mind."
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