US College protests -Israel/Palestine

These Hamas pukes are why I have a hard time supporting either side.

I see Jews as the Greatest threat to Christianity based on their beliefs about our Lord and Savior, but I also see Muslims in the same light.

We shouldn't be dealing with ethnic conflicts on the other side of the world.
These Hamas pukes are why I have a hard time supporting either side.

I see Jews as the Greatest threat to Christianity based on their beliefs about our Lord and Savior, but I also see Muslims in the same light.

We shouldn't be dealing with ethnic conflicts on the other side of the world.

Guess who keeps pulling you into ethnic conflicts on the other side of the world.

You seem to have major cognitive dissonance regarding this subject.
I see Jews as the Greatest threat to Christianity based on their beliefs about our Lord and Savior, but I also see Muslims in the same light.

Muslims are very visible, so it's easy to hate on them, but if anyone does serious historical research they will discover Islam is probably only half as bad as Talmudism. Deserves it's own Deep Forum thread because it takes a lot of history to understand.

For example, Islam would not exist without the Talmuds. How many people are aware of this fact? And I'm not talking about how Mohammad was secretly a Jew or anything. Islam would not have become a historical powerhouse had the Talmudic Jews thrown open the gates of Jerusalem to the Persians, resulting in a catastrophic war between Christians and Zorastrians. 7th century:

The wiki article is super blue-pill but even an ounce of skepticism reveals that without this catastrophic war Islam wouldn't have been able to rise up as it did.

And this is just one example of many how Talmudic Jews acted as saboteurs to let Islam invade over countless centuries. Islam is nothing on its own. It needs smart people to direct it or else it is impotent.
These protests are the most hopeful development I have seen in a long time. Why shouldn’t these young people protest? If the current Zionist regime continues unopposed they will be forced to fight and die for Israel. Israel is determined to get the US involved in a war with Iran, which would totally destroy our economy. These young people are taking their destiny into their own hands. If this comes to my city, I will be there with them.
to watch the various enemies of Europeans see their own truly-desired reality without Whites leading a proper Christian moral basis for what it really is: a complete and utter clown-fest.
I have thought the same thing but in different words - they have no end game. Fighting a fight but without any particular pleasant or defined goal of what it will look like if they actually win it.
The jew justifies great violence of hellish levels to maintain their position at the top of the house of cards, and everyone else who falls into place in this madness is utterly clueless in that their actions are pre-programmed for the most part.
Again, I've had this same thought but in other words - it is as if they want to be king of a stinking, ugly garbage pile. There is or was something beautiful but they have a drive to destroy and undo that and replace it with something ugly, conflicted and stinking but which they can at least rule over.

As regards "clueless", Europeans are more clueless than Americans about the levels of evil machinations that goes on in the US Congress and deep state which directly impacts Europe.

Wasn't the US 32 trillion dollars in debt? So 60 billion more shall now go towards the Ukraine, there is ongoing support for Israel - if you're American and even not at these campus protests but paying tax there must surely be some annoyance at a worsening debt to fight these wars which are not really necessary for America.
I would normally say Israel is always at fault but these college kids are just acting like fools. Converting to Islam to show support for Palestine ranks down with the dumbest of the dumb
These protests are the most hopeful development I have seen in a long time. Why shouldn’t these young people protest? If the current Zionist regime continues unopposed they will be forced to fight and die for Israel. Israel is determined to get the US involved in a war with Iran, which would totally destroy our economy. These young people are taking their destiny into their own hands. If this comes to my city, I will be there with them.

Except, those aren't just some random anti-war hippies - I'm pretty sure You can find antifa/blm members out there.
And those protests are financed by Soros.
Thanks these guys:

Follow the money. Soros is funding the pro-Palestine/anti-Israel protests across college campuses.

Full text

George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests​

But even if we were to assume that all protestors are genuine, it won't change the fact that those protests were used as an excuse, and cover, to pass the latest anti-countersemitism bill.
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But even if we were to assume that all protestors are genuine, it won't change the fact that those protests were used as an excuse, and cover, to pass the latest anti-countersemitism bill.
Bingo. Everything is too organized and coordinated. There are outside forces, organizations and groups - i.e., paid agitators/protesters - hijacking the college campuses by using college students - aka "useful idiots" - as a cover to push a bunch of agendas like the recent (((antisemitism))) bill as well as this one:


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"The American Frat Boys fighting H amas on college campuses" phenomenon is just another psyop. ASU got it started (Below Left) UNC kicked it into high gear (Below Right) Their purpose is to drive Whites & conservatives back into the arms of the pro-Israel/pro-zionism cause. Don't fall for it. We can reject support for zionism & its occupation of our government without embracing the anti-White sentiments of the pro-Palestinian protesters who rightly reject zionism's occupation of our government & Israel's genocide."
Everyone just records each other hoping a cancelable offense is committed by the other. Meanwhile, nobody is truly offended by any of it. they just assume that everyone else is. It's to the point now where people are recording people who are recording each other. This is straight out of a "Black Mirror" episode, I'm glad I've taken a few steps back from all of this madness.

"The American Frat Boys fighting H amas on college campuses" phenomenon is just another psyop. ASU got it started (Below Left) UNC kicked it into high gear (Below Right) Their purpose is to drive Whites & conservatives back into the arms of the pro-Israel/pro-zionism cause. Don't fall for it. We can reject support for zionism & its occupation of our government without embracing the anti-White sentiments of the pro-Palestinian protesters who rightly reject zionism's occupation of our government & Israel's genocide."

I reject the notion that Israel is committing genocide. I remember wanting blood after 9/11 and Israel probably feels the same way after 10/7. Further, I reject funding Israel, Ukraine or any other foreign war at this point. They can fight it out themselves. Maybe it's not very Christian of me but I don't give a damn what happens to those people in Gaza. If you pick a fight with the biggest guy on the block and get your azz kicked then that's on you not him. The demonstrators are embarrassingly stupid. I'd give them 'till midnight to clear out their shanty town then I'd open skulls with billy clubs.
I reject the notion that Israel is committing genocide. I remember wanting blood after 9/11 and Israel probably feels the same way after 10/7. Further, I reject funding Israel, Ukraine or any other foreign war at this point. They can fight it out themselves. Maybe it's not very Christian of me but I don't give a damn what happens to those people in Gaza. If you pick a fight with the biggest guy on the block and get your azz kicked then that's on you not him. The demonstrators are embarrassingly stupid. I'd give them 'till midnight to clear out their shanty town then I'd open skulls with billy clubs.

Such an ill-informed, boomer take on the situation.

I guess decades of zionist propaganda is hard to shake off.
Evangelicals say magisterial Christianity (Orthodox Catholic and High Protestants) are works based and not faith based. We have works yes but we’re ultimately saved by faith. Same with Islam. You need to believe in God and the last day. Judaism is unique because it is entirely works based. Jesus taught the law is written on the heart and you’re circumcised on the heart. He cares more about the point of the law and why it exists rather than doing exactly what it says word for word. Jews however think “doesn’t matter, kept them law. I can be a complete box but followed the commandments.” Maybe not all but you can have that mindset in Judaism. That was the entire point of Jesus’ ministry in Palestine. He was fed up with their works based salvation while being a den of vipers. And when they can’t debate and prove their position that God cares more about works and following his arbitrary laws than the spirit of the law and faith, they just blaspheme. I never said Moses Mimonedes or the guy who founded the Ashkenazim the is boiling in a vat of poo in hell.
There's a bit more to His ministry than this, from a larger demographic and historical scope.

Talmud is less mind control and more lawyer ball for the Torah. It’s a bunch of works of various sages written from after the Bar Khobar (130s AD) revolt to the early 500s. It’s basically “ok, there’s the Torah, we’re going to tell you what to do to keep the Torah.” If someone followed the Torah there’s actually a great amount of freedom in how you do it. The Talmud also has discussions of sages navel gazing on subjects such as “how to be a fair merchant (lmao)” “what is work on the sabbath” and “what constitutes good sex.” A lot of excuses and almost goofy ways to violate the Torah without violating the Torah.
I spent some time in the Talmud because I do apologetics against evangelicals who love Jewish eggplant spread. It also gives you a better understanding for confronting religious Jews.
I've read quite a bit of it too. Despite everything you mentioned, one aspect of it stands out tremendously, just how vile and profane it is. If you do a control+f search the number of times you find excrement mentioned is well over 400, male sperm almost a thousand, and urine several hundred as well. It is completely degenerate. This gab account gives a better overall description of it in an overall summary:


Lawyer ball as you say is correct to some degree, but if it is incessantly applied to generation after generation of jews, then it becomes a very strong control matrix for their behaviors and thought-patterns, which encompasses their beliefs, and ultimately, their perception of reality even through their senses.
I don't have an exact clip, but I listen to Scott Adams sometimes when doing office work during his live streams ( 10 AM Eastern, "Coffee with Scott Adams")

He has a hypothesis: the funding source for this is our own government or someone who is aligned with the Democratic party. The reason why is because it's easy to trace money and if it was Iran or any Republican they would have announced that publicly for political gain.