Evangelicals say magisterial Christianity (Orthodox Catholic and High Protestants) are works based and not faith based. We have works yes but we’re ultimately saved by faith. Same with Islam. You need to believe in God and the last day. Judaism is unique because it is entirely works based. Jesus taught the law is written on the heart and you’re circumcised on the heart. He cares more about the point of the law and why it exists rather than doing exactly what it says word for word. Jews however think “doesn’t matter, kept them law. I can be a complete box but followed the commandments.” Maybe not all but you can have that mindset in Judaism. That was the entire point of Jesus’ ministry in Palestine. He was fed up with their works based salvation while being a den of vipers. And when they can’t debate and prove their position that God cares more about works and following his arbitrary laws than the spirit of the law and faith, they just blaspheme. I never said Moses Mimonedes or the guy who founded the Ashkenazim the is boiling in a vat of poo in hell.