US Border Crisis

The post office is interesting this week (the type with the passport service windows). I had to go to the counter to get/send certified mail twice already. Both times there were long lines of non-English speakers with all kinds of paperwork and passports in hand, rolling fingerprints, sending certified letters, etc. There were serious faces and quiet dispositions, no joviality. The bad orange man is coming, so they best get that paperwork figured out. Going to be a lot of sham marriages soon, also.
The post office is interesting this week (the type with the passport service windows). I had to go to the counter to get/send certified mail twice already. Both times there were long lines of non-English speakers with all kinds of paperwork and passports in hand, rolling fingerprints, sending certified letters, etc. There were serious faces and quiet dispositions, no joviality. The bad orange man is coming, so they best get that paperwork figured out. Going to be a lot of sham marriages soon, also.

Good point on the sham marriages. Risky in a country with unhinged divorce laws though.
Good point on the sham marriages. Risky in a country with unhinged divorce laws though.
It is but they seem to work it out somehow. Guy marries gal that doesn't have a kid, fathers her child, then they divorce after green card or US Cit status. There's lots of permutations, but that anchor baby is critical. I think it is an intra-community expectation almost - help a brother/sister out. The relations are practical matters as much as romantic for some folks.
It is but they seem to work it out somehow. Guy marries gal that doesn't have a kid, fathers her child, then they divorce after green card or US Cit status. There's lots of permutations, but that anchor baby is critical. I think it is an intra-community expectation almost - help a brother/sister out. The relations are practical matters as much as romantic for some folks.
Yeah I guess if its a type of social contact then the community might have enough pressure to reign in the divorcer. Or maybe neither person really has enough money to worry about it.
Exactly. The guy is smart and spot on. The majority of forum members are American and don’t hesitate to comment on the UK, Europe or China ect.
The only ‘problem’ is that he criticized America and you guys are reacting emotionally to that.

His video was trash. Again all he did was echo the same talking points we’ve heard over and over from blackpillers and grifters.

Biden messed things up, Trump is acting as savior, it doesn’t matter who you voted for, Trump is doing nothing, the deportations and everything is a show, over and over ad naseum. Usually from the same people who like to complain nonstop yet do nothing themselves.
Usually from the same people who like to complain nonstop yet do nothing themselves.
What would you have them do? Jump on a horse and go shoot Mexicans at the border? Gather up all their friends and go raid Mexican neighborhoods? Impose sanctions or declare war on countries that facilitate illegal immigration? Arrest officials that harbor aliens? Fire cops who obey illegal orders? Are they in a position to do any of that? If they aren’t satisfied, maybe THEY can just go and run for office, right?

You should expect tangible results from leadership. Leadership should be pushed unceasingly to get rid of these invaders by any means necessary. People should be skeptical about actions designed to generate headlines versus actual results. Permanent results. No pulled punches.

What do you think happens four years from now? Cross your fingers and hope JD Vance gets elected? If you lose what do you think is going to happen?

Taking a critical approach is not black pilling (associated with despair and hopelessness). Not being satisfied with mediocre results is a refusal to be appeased. A “Good job!” never won anyone a gold medal. What wins is “Again!” “More!” “Not Enough!” “Keep Pushing!” It’s the team that spots a flaw in every routine and will not tolerate it that will win.

This is an opportunity. Do not be satisfied with “good enough” or “nice try.” No half measures.
What would you have them do? Jump on a horse and go shoot Mexicans at the border? Gather up all their friends and go raid Mexican neighborhoods? Impose sanctions or declare war on countries that facilitate illegal immigration? Arrest officials that harbor aliens? Fire cops who obey illegal orders? Are they in a position to do any of that? If they aren’t satisfied, maybe THEY can just go and run for office, right?

You should expect tangible results from leadership. Leadership should be pushed unceasingly to get rid of these invaders by any means necessary. People should be skeptical about actions designed to generate headlines versus actual results. Permanent results. No pulled punches.

What do you think happens four years from now? Cross your fingers and hope JD Vance gets elected? If you lose what do you think is going to happen?

Taking a critical approach is not black pilling (associated with despair and hopelessness). Not being satisfied with mediocre results is a refusal to be appeased. A “Good job!” never won anyone a gold medal. What wins is “Again!” “More!” “Not Enough!” “Keep Pushing!” It’s the team that spots a flaw in every routine and will not tolerate it that will win.

This is an opportunity. Do not be satisfied with “good enough” or “nice try.” No half measures.

What I can tell you is your proposal of building full on concentration camps for illegals and using the military in roundups in major cities is a nonstarter. I can also say unequivocally that if you or others here ever ran for political office you’d get nowhere. These ‘ideas’ or ‘solutions’ are complete nonstarters.

But I forgot everyone here is a ln accomplished multimillionaire like IIMT. A lot of you guys clearly have no idea how the system or politics works. But you don’t want it to work, you want a dictatorship because that’s the only way you can get what you want.

Guy like Cobra have run for local office and made things happen. Others were in the military. I fight within organizations to change.

The rest of you just post long winded nonstarters and complain. Nothing leadership is ever good enough, and I’ve encountered people like that in my career. They are never very successful.
Whatwould you have them do... Gather up all their friends and go raid Mexican neighborhoods?
Yes. In the 1970's my grandfather and uncles use to go off ad nauseum about the hispanics invading southern California. For as long as I can remember conservative white men have been complaining about and defining the illegal hispanic problem yet have stood by and done nothing. They just watched it happen for the last 50 years. Not only that, it was white conservative farmers in California that started this whole thing in the first place by hiring illegals to tend their fields. It's always been a weird hypocrisy with Republican men, they hated illegals but loved the money they made off of their presence here. 50 years ago white men owned almost every farm, construction, and landscaping business in America but they sold their souls to Mexicans for a quick buck.

The only way to truly rectify this situation that we created for ourselves, is to risk something and fight back. Though admittedly, I myself will not be joining the fight.
Yes. In the 1970's my grandfather and uncles use to go off ad nauseum about the hispanics invading southern California. For as long as I can remember conservative white men have been complaining about and defining the illegal hispanic problem yet have stood by and done nothing. They just watched it happen for the last 50 years. Not only that, it was white conservative farmers in California that started this whole thing in the first place by hiring illegals to tend their fields. It's always been a weird hypocrisy with Republican men, they hated illegals but loved the money they made off of their presence here. 50 years ago white men owned almost every farm, construction, and landscaping business in America but they sold their souls to Mexicans for a quick buck.

The only way to truly rectify this situation that we created for ourselves, is to risk something and fight back. Though admittedly, I myself will not be joining the fight.
The love of money truly is the root of all evil. Unfortunately without harsh dictatorship and tyrannical methods this problem of hiring illegal hispanics or other foreigners will always persist. There is no way a democratic nation with multiple parties will ever come to a resolution that satisfies every party. In the case of the USA both major parties have become extremists with just too much to gain on just this one issue.

Democrats want to get rid of any semblance of old traditional, Christian, white, functioning american society and are currently housed of radicalized racists waiting in line to take over the big seats wjere they can do major damage to achieve their goals. All while thinking of themselves as the country's saviors from "evil whitey". But white replacement is just a myth, right?

Most republicans pretend to care about the common man but really only worry about making money and keeping money at the end of the day. If their fellow man isn't above a certain salary level then that person is nonexistant to them. It doesnt matter if it's a US citizen or some foreigner. But they'd give preferential employment to an illegal foreigner over a citizen just to pay them less without benefits, freely treat them like property in most cases, and stroke their own ego that they can let this person go at any time and easily replace them with another. A modern day slave master.

To entirely undo the ingrained mentality and mindset that has taken place regarding this immigration (and illegal hispanic) issue would take major cultural, social, criminal, legal, political, and financial reforms. Add to that the fact that they now are bold enough to freely publicly protest on foreign land in large groups and their numbers are exponentially growing both illegally and with anchor babies. Enough to continuously undo any change in the right direction.

If the USA wants to win this issue they need to employ the same tactics as the home countries these people fled from. Lawlessness, extreme violence, little democracy, and local iron fists.
Yes. In the 1970's my grandfather and uncles use to go off ad nauseum about the hispanics invading southern California. For as long as I can remember conservative white men have been complaining about and defining the illegal hispanic problem yet have stood by and done nothing. They just watched it happen for the last 50 years. Not only that, it was white conservative farmers in California that started this whole thing in the first place by hiring illegals to tend their fields. It's always been a weird hypocrisy with Republican men, they hated illegals but loved the money they made off of their presence here. 50 years ago white men owned almost every farm, construction, and landscaping business in America but they sold their souls to Mexicans for a quick buck.

The only way to truly rectify this situation that we created for ourselves, is to risk something and fight back. Though admittedly, I myself will not be joining the fight.
That’s the kind of thing that used to occur prior to the 1960s, when the right ostensibly still held institutional power. That requires a level of community organization (yes, the left understood the importance of that) that no longer exists as the left successfully stripped their political enemies of the right of peaceable assembly while retaining, promoting (and under those terms) and strengthening theirs. There are plenty of people who would do this, but they are now isolated by design and therefore not in a position to act.

What you would need is leadership in positions of power that does the reverse. This ultimately means law enforcement either actively supports the citizenry in action or tacitly supports them by turning a blind eye to what it does. Existing law enforcement does this for your enemies. So what I’m promoting is that existing leadership address that factor.
Dude nobody runs on these kinds of ideas. You run as a moderate and just do them when you get elected. That’s how a democracy works.

Ok let’s say you do that. You run as a moderate and then after decide to implement martial law, have the military patrol the cities, round up every illegal in the country and put them in detention centers for a quick deportation. Sounds like the most effective plan, in theory.

The question is how to do it practically on the ground. First, the media is not on our side. We don’t have the ability to silence them like Putin or whoever else. That means there will be videos and pics dropped nonstop. It will turn into a global propaganda war about the brutality of the US government.

Second, certain local and state governments will simply not comply. What happens then? Do you use the military to take over their local
PDs and force them to go after illegals?

Third, members of your own party will defect and call for it stop. Even guys like Rand Paul, who are as conservative as they come, have publicly stated that using the military is a terrible idea.

Fourth, you will give the liberals so much ammunition and play right into their narrative.

Here’s a parallel…

From 1965 to 2010 or so did anyone really think the Dems would turn into a trans story hour radical DEI party? If you ask most people they didn’t. They seemed reasonable in the Clinton years.

But what were they doing in the meantime? Were they on TV stating they wanted to chop off kids genitalia and replace the white population? No, what they were doing was gaining institutional power so they could implement their agenda. They slowly boiled the frog and nobody noticed. Once the takeover of institutions was complete, then they came out with the real radical stuff.

Same concept. The real agenda is project 2025. Look at what they say about immigration. They want to deport the illegals, but they need to do it without having it backfire. They also need to remake the federal government and retake the institutions. They slowly boil frog, and make the changes they want.
The way things are going on the border it's making me want to live in America. I love NZ deeply but we are still busy arguing about race here and are incredibly woke.

Where would I live near the coast or ocean (my only condition) that isn't California?
Florida, Louisiana (loved my time there) .....or does Texas have a coastal vibe?
The way things are going on the border it's making me want to live in America. I love NZ deeply but we are still busy arguing about race here and are incredibly woke.

Where would I live near the coast or ocean (my only condition) that isn't California?
Florida, Louisiana (loved my time there) .....or does Texas have a coastal vibe?
Florida is great.
Florida is great.

I've only every stayed in Tampa visiting a friend which was interesting but also kinda sucked, seemed quite boring.... but there seems to be some cool places in Florida that I didn't explore. Possibly the further down you go.

Apologies if this is probably the wrong thread. Not my intention to derail it.