US Border Crisis

Sheinbaum has folded and given in to Trump's demands, border security will be beefed up to limit migrant crossings and fentanyl smuggling. Anticipated tariffs will be halted for a month.


Both Eric Prince and Donald Trump Jr. have floated the idea of Letters of Marque/ bountyhunters to take out Cartel bigwigs

Escobar was controllable - one man, one source. When the cartels fracture into a dozen smaller unstable factions that don't respect civilians on either side of the border and cut drugs with fentanyl, that's where the problem is.

And it's about time we use the military for doing what it's best at - absolute, unbridled overmatch against a foe, this time in our own backyard.
Escobar was controllable - one man, one source. When the cartels fracture into a dozen smaller unstable factions that don't respect civilians on either side of the border and cut drugs with fentanyl, that's where the problem is.

And it's about time we use the military for doing what it's best at - absolute, unbridled overmatch against a foe, this time in our own backyard.

Everyone is controllable in 2025, with voice and facial recognition software, big data AI etc.

He said the quiet part out loud. Well we all know it of course but some naive people are unaware.

Why are you posting shit from some foreigner who's trying to shit on the progress we have going here?

From where doth this Peter puffer hail? Facts demonstrate this cockmouth to be wrong.

I listened intermittently to a couple minutes and I couldn't do it.

This guy is garbage and reposting him just erodes credibility from those who are trying to present themselves as people we should take seriously.

Do better.

What is your goal? To criticize Trump on legitimate issues? Or try and shit on things out of boredom and pull a never trumper not good enough type attitude?
^There is a good deal of theater there about the cartels. This is the real picture here:

The DEA in 2019 already concluded that fentanyl production and smuggle was part of an organized Chinese network designed to cause maximum death and destruction in the USA. Up till 66 percent of drug related deaths in the US are due to fentanyl. 90 percent of fentanyl precursors recovered in the USA are produced in China. 100+ people Americans die of fentanyl ODs everyday. Let those numbers sink in for a second as the next grug lines up with the giddy and kosher 'China just wants to be friends' BS take.

China is waging 5th generational warfare on its main geopolitical adversary and it has built up an entire production and supply chain infrastructure for this endeavor. Fentanyl precursors get produced and sourced in China. These precursors then get transported to the Chinese owned ports in Mexico using Chinese SOE enterprises - often under the guise of 'legal necessary pharmaceutical ingredient' as fentanyl precursors get used in a number of legal sedatives and painkillers. From thereon the goods get handed over to the Cartels, who evidently work hand in gloves with the Chinese. The Cartels make the fentanyl end product in their labs. Next the Cartels smuggle the dope over the border, meanwhile deeply corrupted and infiltration prone US agencies either turn a blind eye or actively cooperate.

The matter of Chinese port ownership in much of Latin America is relevant and I expect this to become a hot potato once Trump starts moving down his priority list. To flood the US with devestating cheap and hyperaddictive synthetic dope China has, using the cover of the BRI, built, acquired and infiltrated many vital infrastructural projects in the Americas. In Canada the most notable example is the Port of Vancouver. In Mexico Ensenada Port, Veracruz Port, Manzanillo Port and Lazaro Cardenas Port are some of the ports de facto owned and controlled by China. Very little oversight from the corruptable host nations in any of these ports.

Coop, as a self proclaimed China connaisseur and pro bono 50 center none of this should be news to you, so I wonder why this peace of vital information is missing from your profound analysis. China has for decades been purposely flooding the US with cheap synthetic drugs with the obvious aim of making the latter rot and eventually collapse from the inside. Trump's about to clean the mess up, so why can't you happy?

As an aside, central pillar of the earlier mentioned 5th GW is the information war doctrine. Hence all the wumao shills running around everywhere trying to deny the undeniable. Not saying you personally belong to that category but I am also not saying you don't belong to that category. Just to get things cleared up.

Cartels are going down. It's official. Run of the mill turdworldist clowns seething mad. LOL. That RC-135 Rivet Joint is an expensive intel and signal gathering asset, and it was gathering data from a large area and will be able to fix positions easily. They didn't bring it out for no reason. US was collecting info on enemy targets. I repeat: US was collecting info on enemy targets.

Trump Administration 2.0 is exceeding all expectations. Domestic drug pushers aka Big Pharma (opioid pushers like the ((Sacklers)) ) are getting the screws tightened by RFK whilst whoever is doing these moves on the Chang/Juan foreign drug pushers is solving the fentanyl problem. Once the Cartels get targeted expert the usual suspects yapping about 'muh international law' and 'muh human rights', whilst skillfully skidding over the gigantic Yellow hand in all of this.

Bless Zion Don. Even if he only reaches 50 percent of the Bukele benchmark it will be a massive W. I am stoked.

Why are you posting shit from some foreigner who's trying to shit on the progress we have going here?

From where doth this Peter puffer hail? Facts demonstrate this cockmouth to be wrong.

I listened intermittently to a couple minutes and I couldn't do it.
You clearly never got to the main point, so your post is on something you’re not even fully aware of.
This guy is garbage and reposting him just erodes credibility from those who are trying to present themselves as people we should take seriously.

Do better.

What is your goal? To criticize Trump on legitimate issues? Or try and shit on things out of boredom and pull a never trumper not good enough type attitude?
The “quiet part out loud” that he pointed out, (which you didn’t get to, nor do I suspect others got to) is that this part about “it’s bad because it’s illegal” is bullshit. If the refugees were from Europe it wouldn’t be nearly as much of a problem, it’s a problem because the foreigners are dark skinned (and thus more savage.) People just are too afraid to say it. If we bring in HB1 Indians who are “legal” we might end up like Canada, although time will tell in regards to that.

ICE posts arrest figures daily on X, but it does not disclose how many of those arrested are released, remain in detention or have been deported.

In a statement to NBC News, an ICE spokesperson acknowledged federal court cases limit ICE from detaining people indefinitely if their countries refuse to take them back, which can lead ICE to release them.

“The agency’s federal law enforcement officers do everything they can to keep our communities safe,” the spokesperson said. “In some cases, ICE is required to release certain arrested aliens from custody

I wasn’t kidding when I said any serious effort to remedy the problem would require building numerous and massive prison camps along the border to be used as staging areas for these people to be hauled over and dumped across the border like refuse. Camps with greater capacities than pro football stadiums, and dedicated rail lines that go to and fro between the camps with specialized depots across the border.

It would require dumping off tens of thousands of them a day, in a continuous, 24-hour operation fed by day in, day out raids across the nation for years. The sight of tractor trailers full of little brown hands poking out from between metal slats would become as common as seeing an Amazon truck rolling around the city. The Trail of Tacos.

And sealing the border means killing anyone who crosses without permission, not chasing them around and arresting them like some Looney Toons cartoon. Start killing them with drones and snipers and they won’t come back. This would of course also require a political will at the highest executive levels to treat domestic enemies as what they are.

If this sounds like fantasy, but you think this problem is going to get resolved in some softer, more harmonious way, you’re the one who is dreaming.
Coop, as a self proclaimed China connaisseur and pro bono 50 center none of this should be news to you, so I wonder why this peace of vital information is missing from your profound analysis.

Because he is a Wu-mao. A 50 cent-er. :LOL:

But I must say, LaAquilaNegra, your post is incredibly well-written. 🆒(y)
You clearly never got to the main point, so your post is on something you’re not even fully aware of.

The “quiet part out loud” that he pointed out, (which you didn’t get to, nor do I suspect others got to) is that this part about “it’s bad because it’s illegal” is bullshit. If the refugees were from Europe it wouldn’t be nearly as much of a problem, it’s a problem because the foreigners are dark skinned (and thus more savage.) People just are too afraid to say it. If we bring in HB1 Indians who are “legal” we might end up like Canada, although time will tell in regards to that.

People have addressed this point dozens of times.

Around 95% of America's (and Europe's) immigration comes from illegals. The 5% legal immigration is also being cracked down on by the Trump admin, to focused on admitting only talented individuals. This naturally precludes most of the darker skinned variants of humanity, however, I'm sure there will be thousands who do qualify, but as higher IQ people they won't cause crime or harm the country.

You think you've discovered the "quiet" part, in reality, both you and the video you posted are ignorant, these points have been addressed ad nauseum, and it is tiring to see the same old nonsense posted over and over again.

At this point, I'm convinced it is a psyop run by the Talmuds on right-wing circles to try and trick low-info right-wingers into not supporting Trump. That guy in the vid you posted is probably some kind of government agent paid to recite these points.
You think you've discovered the "quiet" part
No, this is not some discovery by me, I’m not claiming it is at all.
At this point, I'm convinced it is a psyop run by the Talmuds
The dude speaks against Jews plenty, on top of that he never claims Democrats or left wingers are a better choice. He’s probably of the “modern right wing is lesser of two evils” mindset.
Everyone is controllable in 2025, with voice and facial recognition software, big data AI etc.
The Mexican cartel apparently consists of 175 000 people. That renders them difficult to control. The military still has to decode all their communication, find out about of all the supply chains etc. It's not easy to pull off.

To me the question isn't whether it can done, but rather what can they do to minimize casualties of their own? Rely primarily on drone strikes?