US Border Crisis

Media has been attacking "The Great Replacement" conspiracy theory in a negative light to shut down the discussion. And the sheep will believe whatever the media says - i.e., "The Great Replacement" is not real.
Btw just me thinking. If a normie was told about “great replacement” but then the media told them it wasn’t real, wouldn’t that mean they’re aware of what “great replacement” is? Because 9/11 conspiracies are known by normies but then the media told them it was false and then normies didn’t believe but normies are still aware of their existence.
Btw just me thinking. If a normie was told about “great replacement” but then the media told them it wasn’t real, wouldn’t that mean they’re aware of what “great replacement” is? Because 9/11 conspiracies are known by normies but then the media told them it was false and then normies didn’t believe but normies are still aware of their existence.

Not sll conspiracy theories are equal. There's been generations of hollywood propaganda depicting racists and white supremacists as evil, disgusting sub humans. It causes a visceral and emotional reaction for most people to think about an idea thats been "linked to evil klansmen like david duke" and so on.

So their emotions override their logic, even if they understand obvious truths like whites are penalized in modern hiring practices or that netflix et al force diversity in their programming. They dont see the bigger picture, and they certainly don't want to be associated with ideas that are known to be bad. Something like 9 11 doesn't have those same subconscious barriers (unless you follow it to the part about israel haha)
The Barry Stanton account blew up this week and caused a lot of discussion about Indians, their culture, them moving to the west, the reaction to it, and there within. Barry Stanton got banned by Twitter, but the fallout is only spreading. This isn't the USA, this is the west in general. This is the result of "as long as they come legally" as pushed by "conservatives". Barry Stanton's account got a lot of Indians to admit their feelings toward westerners and allow westerners to understand what legal immigration will cause. When Trump says he wants to staple green cards to diplomas, when there are already not enough jobs to go around and COL is out of control, he needs to be boo'ed relentlessly.






American Citizen CONFIRMS Springfield Ohio Haitian Immigrants Eating People’s Pets

“Carving the cat up to eat. They’ve been doing this to dogs”

“These the Haitians, — some of them are literally going to parks, — They are taking ducks and cutting their heads off and taking them home to eat them”

“There was a neighbor that was missing her cat. She couldn't find her cat. One day, she came home from work. As soon as she stepped out of her car, looked towards the neighbor's house where Haitians lived and saw her cat hanging from a branch like you do like a deer when you're when you're field dressing or butchering and they were covering it carving the cat up to eat.”

They've been doing this to dogs. They've been doing it at Snyder Park with the ducks and the geese. This is this is Harrison Biden's, they flew these people in to Ohio. So if you're out in Ohio, please watch your animals.”

“If you're anywhere, really, please watch your animals because their customs are not the same as ours, obviously. And this is just so wrong. It's disgusting, but it is in fact true. So please be safe. Keep your pets inside.”

“Keep your cats inside. I see a ton of cats roaming around all the time, and then I get, like, alerts that, you know, somebody's cat's missing.”
The funniest thing about this goose story is if those same Americans went to Haiti on vacation they would search out goose meat since it’s a “local delicacy” and you have to “experience the local culture” when you’re there.

That’s what happens when you don’t believe in anything and are a retarded consumer. Things just happen and you have to take it. Oh look my town is flooded with Haitians. My elected officials don’t care enough to explain why. I can’t ask why because it’s racist to think about people’s skin color, sexual orientation and origin. Golly gee, what will we ever do now?

Why is this story framed in terms of social norms? Is the problem the cats? Would they prefer the Haitians to hunt deer? Why are they called “immigrants”?

Don’t these people feel racist making these statements? You might say that’s a stupid question to ask but I can guarantee they will still pretend they’re not. All it would take is one Haitians to demand why they’re prejudiced against his choice of cuisine. They would back down immediately.

You might say exposure is good and it’s great we’re having this conversation. We’ve been having this conversation for 50 years, it’s time to hurt people feelings and demand policy. It’s time people stopped tip toeing around issues. If you want me to respect you at least post something like “Haitians are savages, this is crazy”. Now that’s an opinion I can respect.



"An Ohio woman..."? Seriously?


And yet not one mention of The Source of these immigration replacement policies... It's not "liberals," it's not "democrats," it's not "NGO's," it's the jews.

We are being mocked, laughed at, demoralized, humiliated, and replaced via the political policies of elite billionaire talmudic jews.

If you cannot name the problem, you cannot solve the problem.



"An Ohio woman..."? Seriously?


Posting on social media behind the safety of their homes sure is going to fix this!

There seems to be a big problem with modern white people when it comes to fighting for their country. They no longer want to get their hands dirty and take action into their own hands, instead preferring to stay on the sidelines cheering for someone else to "solve" their problems. In this case, the "benevolent government who has their best interests in mind". The majority (of those who arent brainwashed liberals) have grown extremely accustomed to their lifestyles to the point of being selfish regarding whatever happens to their countryman, thinking that their wealth will protect them from whatever comes. Unfortunately that will only work up to a certain point.

One group can only acquire so much weapons, ammo, and land to protect them. If SHTF, small, independant, operational groups all eventually run out of protective measures and land to "move" to. What then?

The main goal of elites has been to

- destroy the nuclear family (nearly successful, the biggest and strongest form of unity and community there is)

- divide european descendants on a variety of causes and cause infighting on a cultural, political, and social level which weakens their strength and makes an easier target to destroy

The mongrels coming may be typically borderline retarded but they retain many qualities whites seem to have at worst lost and at best, repressed. Even without the help of Soros and traitorous NGOs they still made significant ground in the past with these qualities.

Even though they may hate each other, kill each other, and have hardly any meaningful intelligence:

- They're unified in the fact they hate whites more than each other

-Are willing to put aside their differences temporarily to achieve their goals

-Are willing to be aggressive and violent to get their way without regard for local laws

- Often have a shoot first, ask questions later outlook on life with little regards for consequences

-Willing to take risks

-Will sacrifice living in luxury or showcasing "wealth" if it means being able to acquire as many resources as possible. Even if its temporary.

-Will help each other find housing, jobs, and share information like a communication hub

- dont fall victim to the destructive western ideologies. No lgbt, dei, racism nonsense. They know its a bunch of nonsense and are just as guilty as whites.

-Men marry women and have kids. They dont nitpick in choosing a spouse like whites.

-are irritatingly stubborn when they want their way, even if they are in the wrong

-are willing to put their pride, ego, and self esteem aside if it means they will benefit from doing so. Whether this is getting sympathy, jobs, benefits, or any sort of help they dont mind putting on an act of humility.

And probably the two most important qualities here:

- They have genuine life experience. A good portion of these people come from living situations where too many errors can cost them their lives and have molded themselves to adapt and survive. Even the ones there with some more money to their names have to follow this strategy. Social manipulation and awareness is something they have down to a science. Add this to modern whitey's refusal to see and accept a problem at face value in addition to their present day nauseating abundance of self destructive empathy and these invaders are pretty much shooting ducks in a barrel.

Compare this to today's pampered modern, college educated progressive who thinks a college degree and attending a few distorted classes on politics and history equates to now being an expert on every topic they take interest in. Classes taught by instructors with an agenda who are honestly as stupid and out of touch as their students. Being "well read" in books only helps academically but actually hinders genuine real life progression if you only rely on that without training your other skills.

- They are hungry. Like wolves pouncing on an unsuspecting, welcoming sheep. They're seeing an opportunity and are taking full advantage without remorse. And they wont be satisfied until the eradication of the host country's natives, in this case, whites.

Again, both progressives and the mongrels are too stupid to see the end game results if that happens.

Progressives fail to see that they will be wiped out or enslaved by the ones they helped.

Mongrels will just recreate the POS country they originally fled.
Posting on social media behind the safety of their homes sure is going to fix this!
Springfield is not a "Sanctuary City".

Without the residents of Springfield reporting on the ground what is happening, we wouldn't know about it. The mainstream media is not going to talk about it.

Springfield mayor: Investigation into businesses, immigration continues​

Springfield officials were in the dark about the possibility of a large immigrant relocation to the area, Mayor Rob Rue said at the recent Springfield City Commission meeting, but a “network of businesses knew what was coming.”

Investigation by the city’s Immigrant Accountability Response Team formed in October of 2023 has revealed the possibility “there were companies that knew they were going to make an effort to bring in individuals who were crossing the border based on federal regulations that they could do that,” Rue said. “I’m upset at the fact we didn’t get a chance to have an infrastructure in place if there were going to be 20,000 more people from 2020 to 2025. We didn’t get to do that.”

“Springfield is now saturated,” Rue said during the meeting when talk turned to Haitian immigration.

Asked by a city resident how many more immigrants might be coming to the area and about city interactions “with the people who have planned this,” Rue responded, “We’re not interacting with them, we’re investigating.”

Rue later added the city investigations are ongoing, but he indicated a report will be forthcoming once they are assured that they can do so without compromising any potential legal action.

“We want to make sure that the investigation is complete and we don’t ruin the investigation of anything before we’re able to speak to it,” he said, adding state and federal agencies also are involved in investigations.

The city formed the Immigrant Accountability Response Team in response to community outrage following a fatal accident involving a Northwestern school bus hit by a minivan driven by an unlicensed Haitian driver. The man crossed in front of the bus that then overturned, resulting in the death of an 11-year old boy and injuries to about two dozen children.

The driver is currently appealing involuntary manslaughter and fourth-degree felony vehicular homicide convictions.

Thousands of Haitians are in Springfield on Temporary Protected Status.
Rue again clarified Springfield is not a sanctuary city in response to another inquiry.
Rue criticized the federal government for permitting expanded immigration while providing no support to the communities absorbing thousands of new residents.
Springfield is not a "Sanctuary City".

Without the residents of Springfield reporting on the ground what is happening, we wouldn't know about it. The mainstream media is not going to talk about it.

Springfield mayor: Investigation into businesses, immigration continues​

What does being a santuary city have to do with anything? The only difference between a santuary city and a regular city is that a santuary city bends over backwards even more for invaders over prioritizing current citizens while proudly admitting so.

The overall problem with the USA is that they're trying to tackle an extreme situation involving blatant criminals and leeches within legal parameters that only works when you have a civilized, somewhat law abiding society. That no longer applies to these invaders and the traitors in government offices, NGOs, law enforcement and corporations facilitating entry into the country who then protect and rationalize the actions of these people at all costs. These types aren't swayed by emotion or pussyfooting. The only thing they understand and fear is excessive force and a might is right philosophy.

It goes back to what I mentioned before about people believing big daddy govt will take care of everything and to just leave it to them to "resolve" the issues. Its been quite obvious for at least 20 years now that many elected officials and law makers are either active infiltrators working against USA interests in favor of foreign countries, are compromised, or simply have mentally destructive ideologies while also being out of touch. The few good ones, if they get elected, are quickly given the tap on the shoulder when they start to get out of line with the puppet masters' interests.

Current laws dont protect law abiding citizens nor their right to defend themselves which also extends to defending their houses and communities. Investigations only buy time to plan the next course of action as well as manipulate the data discovered. People know there's a problem, there's enough witnesses, there's also likely enough documentation already of heinous acts commited by these migrants and outside forces that led them here. Now this isnt just applicable to Springfield but nearly every present day city in the USA. The atmosphere, demographics, and way of life is changing before people's eyes day by day. What more do people need to see?

Imagine if the thirteen colonies had decided to wait and rely on the current law enforcement and government in place at that time to take action against the British. We'd probably be wearing powdered wigs while having exclusively muslim and hispanic neighbors.

It's a sad state of affairs but only We the People can make any positive meaningful change now.