US Border Crisis

Well if it's the Chews Ultimately Spearheading the Invasion against Us and the Average White Man Christian can't see that Forest for the Trees.

And his Brainwashed noggin is knee jerkin some Conservative Pundit's spiel, (once again controlled opposition) by the Chews...saying things like, "well at least they wanna work, etc."

Just like the Meme of and American WW2 Vet, aka "Charlie" sitting with his mixed race Grandchildren and he is apologizing to a Dead German soldier....that he didn't know and he was sorry. The next pic shows Hans with a skull face I believe, telling Charlie it's Alright..

Really sad and foretelling if you think about it.

I believe Grace above Race Ultimately, but while we are Here we stick generally with our kind to have an Ordered Civil Society, and help others in need when possible. Especially when you have a Group on this planet who Thrives on Subversive and Insidious Behavior to Fight You and Destroy and Over take your Civilization or Nation.

The Red Pilling on Chews is Definitely more omnipresent, but still has a long ways to go.
And I really don't know if younger Generations have the Physical or Mental Fortitude to Counter this Group before it's too late? If it isn't already!
Remember, the commandment Christ taught that would prohibit illegal immigration is “Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under foot and turn to attack you."

Is your family, home, and nation supposed to be a holy place? You can bet your bottom dollar it is.

It's not like they are doing Christian immigration, they are emptying the prisons of South America into North America, some of these guys may profess Christ in name but overwhelmingly they do not follow Him and instead live a life of extreme sin and crime.

Darker peoples who are Christian would not be a problem to America, nothing on the scale we have now. It would still lower wages and inflate housing prices, but no violence would occur nor would there be cheating in elections.

Just remember the chews aren't interested in sending more Christians to America. They aren't sending the best ones here, no Ethiopian Orthodox, always Muslims or criminals.
Oh I know they Hate Us...

I always tell people, even though i was some what red-pilled about them over 20 years ago, from what I've learned about them the last maybe 10 years is, it was like living with a family member, brother none-the-less who has been slowly poisoning you. Total Red Pill while Covid went down.

Still though, even though lots of POC are very decent and Christian, I'd prefer European Christians and Non Practcing Europeans over a Hodge Podge of Christian POC. Mainly for ease of Civil Living...and you can always pray and act upon those who are not Living For the Lord.

Whole different game when a Group is Highly Organized and Subversive compared to bad appleng among you who share a common blood.
They aren't sending the best ones here, no Ethiopian Orthodox, always Muslims or criminals.

And Christians in their own land are unlikely to emigrate anyway because they are far less interested in pursuing 'a better life' and all the other things of the secular West, particularly more attractive women who they can freely fornicate with. So even with legal migrants to Europe, their motives are not Christian. Sure it says in the OT that for immigrants to be justified, they must adopt the language, faith and customs of the land, and many that come to Europe just mumble their second language at best, never mind adopting the other two.

Its terrible that happened..... But.....I have the solution for this issue....

Now imagine keeping 1 in your house, and a couple out side on your property either on a chain or out in a fenced area.

Problem solved. You're welcome millionaires!

But for real, we had a cable guy come over to fix the internet the other day. My son let the dogs in to put them in their kennel from the back yard and the guy walked in with out knocking after about 30 mins working on the side of the house.... My older male and the 9 month puppy were on that door like white on rice.

Poor AT&T guy ran out the front door quicker than you could say "Animal Control"... as soon as my old lady said "Enough" they stopped and sat down in their kennel/spots, but boy howdy, if she hand't have heeled them.... they'd have gone through that door.

Bark is great, usually biggest deterrent.... but 2 100-150 lb bull dogs will absolutely fix your masked South American problem.

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A real thief would spray pepper spray on the dog and finish looting the house
That ain't a bet I'd be willing to take... I've seen these dogs do some crazy stuff when they get switched on...they are called bulldogs for a reason ya know ;)

One you might get... 2 though, you ain't getting it before one of em rips your arm out of socket and crushed your radius and ulna like a tooth pick.

That said, I don't think they have many dogs like that in South America.

The Dogo Argentino and the Fila Braziliero are the only 2 I know of... And pretty rare period.

Most thiefs just don't want to get your attention. So dog altering is sufficient deterrent.
Not any more

Just hours after the Supreme Court allowed a Texas law to take effect that gave state law enforcement the authority to arrest people they suspect of entering the country illegally, a federal appeals court issued an order that puts it on hold.
honk honk.gif
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How do we, as Christians, draw the line here without breaching our beliefs and bringing judgement upon ourselves? It's the same problem here in the UK and the average Christian welcomes them, the liberal ones with bleeding hearts help them and pray for them, calling them God's children, whilst the cynical ones at least question their status. I just can't help having an adverse reaction to the advancing newcomers who arrive completely at random in this parochial part of the world and who will clearly not fit in with the culture, never mind the cold, damp weather.

When you look at the bigger picture, I suppose they are lost and being used, so should at least be preached to, but to the best of my knowledge, receptivity to The Gospel is relatively low.
We're just asking to be treated the same as every other nation. Nobody expects Japanese to flood their country with muslims. Nobody expects China to import hundreds of millions of Africans. And certainly nobody expects African countries to accept millions and millions of White immigrants. Meanwhile in the only country that would give me citizenship, I am at the bottom of the list for job applications especially within my government, and other races are given priority in college applications and aid. There is literally a "diversity visa" people use to come here.

Being blind to a migrant invasion primarily comprised of people of a foreign faith or no faith at all is not being a good Christian. That is antipathy towards your children and your extended family, who now is a second or third class of citizen in the only country that will accept them.

Mexicans can go to Mexico. That is an option. Muslims can return to their countries. That is an option. There is no place that would accept me or any White American who has been here for generations on the basis of their heritage.

Statement of purpose from the lowlife savages:

"We demand to come into your country and take whatever we want and receive money and housing from your corrupt and traitorous government. And on top of that, we demand to be loved and accepted by the people who we aim to replace and possibly murder in the future. Furthermore, we'd like to send a special shoutout to Johnny Greenblechhhhhhhh and all our friends from Organized International Jewry for putting the wheels in place for this unholy invasion over the last 100 years."

It's all so insane and frankly hard to fathom.

How is this not an invasion?
It is an invasion. The Democrats will just say being invaded is a good thing because these people are more American and righteous than American citizen. The GOP will say "we can't do anything about it" and then say "yes we can, we can send them even further into the country into blue cities" to which they are then bussed to the red areas of the country to turn them blue.