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US Border Crisis

Here is who runs the Catholic immigration charities.

Hahahaha, nice find, wow that is really funny NGO and set of faces. All chews, the woman is so ridiculously over the top, and not even a bit Catholic. Yet they can use the Catholic name because their official title is CLINIC - Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc!

Flawless subversion, just like that chews can represent Catholics and their name without ever stepping foot near a Church. Also, I would bet that it is the Hispanic side of the Catholic Church who uses these services the most, whereas the American/English side probably has never heard of CLINIC. :ROFLMAO:
Well... as a Texan...I'm glad abott is finally taking a stand after COVID.

Let's just say I'm hesitant to be optimistic. Tyrannical governments have always permitted weak coups to take place or organize so that they can round up their enemies. Turkey did that a few years ago, not to mention our own January 6. I'd encourage Republican governors to go all out and not look back, or stand down entirely. Half measures get the full weight of the guillotine coming down on you, and your supporters.

For those on normie social media, now's the time to speak up, but leave the Jew stuff out of it for now. It needs to be as normie friendly as possible.


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Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4. Did anyone notice that 4 of them who voted yes and were all women?!?

Seriously, all this bullshit WOKE stuff is mainly supported by women and weak men. Women destroy countries and never should be allowed to be in power positions!

Women are emotional beings, while men work on logic and facts. Women should never be allowed to vote!

Let's just say I'm hesitant to be optimistic. Tyrannical governments have always permitted weak coups to take place or organize so that they can round up their enemies. Turkey did that a few years ago, not to mention our own January 6. I'd encourage Republican governors to go all out and not look back, or stand down entirely. Half measures get the full weight of the guillotine coming down on you, and your supporters.

For those on normie social media, now's the time to speak up, but leave the Jew stuff out of it for now. It needs to be as normie friendly as possible.
Meh... We shall see.

I like what I'm seeing ... And I've called him The Crippled Fascist during COVID......I'm just glad he's had the courage to Stand by Texas convictions.
Anyone here in a position to estimate how much of a dent closing the Eagle Pass crossing would put in the overall human trafficking operation? According to my information, there is a steady flow into New Mexico.

Wouldn't cause any dent, however, this is how it can be ended, with the first state taking a stand. Things can only escalate from here, and then real change can happen.
Ya know, I generally agree with this.

However, with all the Epstein crap, blackmailing, sex with kids that our elite politicians and representatives apparently engage in, I cannot rationally dismiss the idea they are compromised satanists and pedophiles that are owned by deep state ops.

At this level I don't believe it's simply emotional women thinking emotionally.

Then there's Roberts who just gives off the strong vibe of being a homo child molester who has long been caught and controlled.
While it is very interesting to watch the border situation unfold, I can't help but wonder if some of these states and governors "standing with Texas" are just doing it because they've seen the polling data from the R primaries. The economy and immigration invasion are the two top concerns of voters and these politicians can see which way the wind is blowing.
Yes, the border should be closed and it doesn't really matter to me what reason they give, just as long as the invasion is stopped. Just don't think for a second they are doing it because it's the right thing to do, rather, it is the politically expedient thing to do.

Also, it's rather ironic that Our Greatest Ally™ is busy bombing hospitals and civilians, over essentially border security, yet it's somehow controversial to secure the southern border of the US. Peak clown world.
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