Are you paying college for three kids? If not, just wait for that surprise bill. You should look into how much college costs these days.I live in a part of the country that's way more expensive than the Midwest. Don't want to get too specific about my salary but it's quite a bit above average yet quite a bit less than 150k. I have several kids (again, don't want to be specific but above average) and my wife is a stay at home mom. We aren't wealthy by American standards but we're very comfortable. One reliable, practical Japanese car, a house that's big enough if a little cramped, and we can even afford to have hobbies and eat out once in a while.
Which is to say that yes, the idea that someone can't get by on 150k in the Midwest is ridiculous. On par with working 7 days a week for decades without a break and still not being able to afford to start a family. If either of those apply to you, that's on you, not America.